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[Poll] What is your favorite class at Aion?

What is your favorite class at Aion?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite class at Aion?

    • Gladiator
    • Templar
    • Assassin
    • Ranger
    • Sorcerer
    • Spirit Master
    • Cleric
    • Chanter

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I like assassin and templar but i vote for assassin. I like the whirlwind ~ surprise attack ~ runes ~ stun thing :D plus the Hide helps a lot at pvp and at pve. especially on pve ... plus x2 the Sprint is useful too

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  • 4 weeks later...

I play sorceror but if i had the chance to start all over again i would choose gladiator. Why?

A galdiator is able to tank in any istance and has better DPS than templar. Because of his better DPS he can solo farm easily and he dont use any mana so all you need is health pots...

Plate classes are recommended for experienced players because you have to lead in instances. Its the most important person in the grp because he leads and he must make zero mistakes! One mistake and all grp wipes.

So my vote goes for gladiator

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