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[Gracia Final L2J] L2 Abandon


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On L2Abandon you will find the following features.

XP Rate 100x SP Rate 100x Adena Rate 250x Drop Rate 4x RaidDrop Rate 4x.

Enchant +5 Safe +20 max Scroll Rates 65% Normal 75% Blessed.

Augumentation 80% On Weapons and 70% on Jewels.

All skills are working and are autolearn.

TvT event taking place from to 2 hours.

Fully reworked Grand Boss System (no more quests needed original locations kept).

Custom farms on noblesse system.

Squish your Squash event.

Craftable Vesper.

Master of enchanting event with chances to earn blessed scrolls.

Aio Npc with everything you need in it.

Aio item for tvt participation warehouse and basic teleports.

Raid Zones for Vesper recipes.

Farm zones for matz.

farm zones for economy.

Crafter for adding SA to Vesper and Upgrading Vesper Armor to Noble.

Mana drops on faenor.

Fully working Olympiad system.

Custom Noble System.

Custom Character LVLup System.

There are many more features to discover in our server this is only a basic list to find out more give it a chance and start playing today.



About Crafting



To craft a vesper armor weapon you will need a dwarf of course after you get it to a higher lvl you will have to farm to get the matz and recipes

Matz can be found in our farm zones (see gk) but you will also need noblesse to enter . Start off by farming in economy farms to get the required items

for noble after that go into (vesper) zones to get the matz. For recipes you have 3 options Custom raid zone, Grand Bosses or events.

After you craft a weapon or an armor just take it to the craft manager in giran / aden with the required items to put SA or upgrade it




Basic Economy



From lvl 1 to 76 when killing mobs you will recive an item called Gold Dragon that type of currency is used to buy the S grade sets from our gm shop

On farm zone (E conomy) you will recive mantra besides other items, use that to buy the dynasty sets and dynasty / icarus weapons



Special Zone


The special zone is for Life stones Accesory Life stones use them at our aio npc to add auguments to weapons / jewels





Enchant for master of enchanting to get special prizes some ex: from 1 to 18 hats and 18 to 20 Blessed scrolls.

Squash Event: take the nectar from mobs go to Squash npc and trade the nectar for Chrono Weps or squashes after that spawn them / beat em up, in order to recive a prize

TvT EVENT: Taking place from 2 to 2 hours. Participating at tvt will have some advantages as prizes are somtning better than adena.

One Monastery of Silence mob has the Key to splendor room in his drop. Obtain it and climb up to the highers floor on MoS to face Darion for some special drops!


SERVER SITE: http://www.abandon-network.com/

Server will open the gates from tomorow: [glow=red,2,300]13 December 2009[/glow]. :) ;) :)


We managed to finish the server today at the moment we are preparing the host and we expect the server to be ready by tomorow from 6 to 8 pm gmt +2. We hope you will enjoy playing on the new Abandon server.

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Augumentation 80% On Weapons and 70% on Jewels.

augument in jewels? oO its first time that i see it ..

ever heard of "accessories augment" ?
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