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Brings up the admin menu.



Toggle GM status



Sends a global message that only GMs can see.

Usage: //gmchat Type message here.





Register into gm list



Remove from gm list



(To enable/disable private message mode)



Save olympiad



Manual select heroes


//atmosphere <signsky> <dawn|dusk>

Sets current sky to either Dawn or Dusk, as seen by members of the winning cabal.


//atmosphere <sky> <day|night>

Sets current sky to either day or night.



Current status of diet mode "Weight Restriction" for player.


//diet on

Enables diet mode, removing your "weight" restriction.


//diet off

Disables diet mode. restoring your "weight" restriction.



Brings up sounds page.



Opens menu to edit targetted player.



Opens character list.



Opens list of online players.



Opens list of online players.



Opens the find player menu.



Saves the edits done to the targetted player.



removes karma from target player


//setkarma <value>

sets karma of target player to value



Recommnend targeted player



Set title of targeted player



Set name of targeted player



Set name color of targeted player



Full feed targeted pet



to hide your character



to hide your character



to unhide your character



to unhide your character


//known on

to unhide your character from known list


//known off

to hide your character from known list


//earthquake <Intensity> <Duration>

Creates an earthquake



Paralyzes all players}}



Unparalyze all players



Paralyze Target



Unparalyze Target



Gives target a big head



Returns targets head to normal size



character npc id



item id to poly target into id


//polyself <npc id>

Used to polymorph yourself into a mob



Returns you to the normal state


//polymorph <itemid>

Polymorphs an item


//gmspeed <value>

Usage //gmspeed value = [0...4]


//changename <new_name>

Change name of targetted player



Opens the xp sp menu of the targetted player.



Adds xp sp to targetted player.

Usage: //add_exp_sp xp_number sp_number



Remove xp sp from targetted player.

Usage: //remove_exp_sp xp_number sp_number



Current status of trading for player.


//tradeoff on

Enables trading with other players.


//tradeoff off

Disables trading with other players.



skill Reloads skill data.


//reload multisell

Reloads multisell data.


//reload teleport

Reloads teleport locations.


//reload npc

Reloads all npc.


//reload htm

Reloads htm files.


//reload item

Reloads item templates.


//reload instancemanager

Reloads instancemanager.



Opens the announce menu.



Lists the current announcements.



Reloads the announcement list.



Posts all announcements in list.



Adds an announcement.

Usage: //add_announcement Your announcement here



Deletes an announcement.

Usage: //del_announcement Your announcement here



Posts an announcement.

Usage: //announce Your announcement here



Used to kick and ban a named players account.

Usage: //ban kadar



Used to unban a named players account.

Usage: //unban kadar



Used to disconnect named player.

Usage: //kick kadar



Used to disconnect all regular players



Kill targeted player/NPC



Used to jail named player for a number of minutes.

Usage: //jail kadar 10



Used to unjail named player.

Usage: //unjail kadar



Mutes a player.

Usage: //banchat kadar



Unmutes a player.

Usage: //unbanchat kadar



Brings up comunity board



Add levels to target char.

Usage: //add_level 5



Set level of targeted char.

Usage: //set_level 50



Heal target player or players in radius.

Usage: //heal 2000



Opens help page



Turns invulnerability on/off



Used to target a Mob or player.

Usage: //target kadar



Rebuilds and reloads the HTML cache.



Reloads the HTML cache.



Reloads the HTML cache for a single file.



Reloads the HTML cache for a specified directory.



Rebuilds the cache of pledge crests.



Reloads the cache of pledge crests.



Fixes problems with incorrect displaying of pledge crests.



Changes a targetted players access level.

Usage: //changelvl Access_level_number



Opens the item creation menu.



Creates an item.

Usage: //create_item item_id



Get infos on cursed weapons



Remove specified cursed weapon.

Usage: //cw_remove 8190



Reloads cursed weapons



Used to remove a targetted NPC. NPC will not respawn.



Used to disconnect a targetted player.



opens targetted door



closes targetted door



opens all doors



closes all doors



Used to edit a NPCs stats.

Usage: //edit_npc npc_id



Saves the editted NPC info.



Teleports targetted NPC to you.



Shows the named NPCs drop list.

Usage: //show_droplist npc_id



Edits the named NPCs droplist.

Usage: //edit_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]



Adds a drop to the named NPCs droplist.

Usage: //add_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]



Deletes a drop to the named NPCs droplist.

Usage: //del_drop npc_id item_id



Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.



Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.



Adds an item to a vendors shop.

Usage: //addShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price



Deletes an item from a vendors shoplist.

Usage: //delShopItem Shop_ID item_id



Edits an item in a vendors shoplist.

Usage: //editShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price



with box targetted, shows access list


//box_access char1 char2

to add players to box

Usage: //box_access kadar !LadyPain


//box_access no char1

removes player from box access

Usage: //box_access !LadyPain no kadar




//setteam_close <team_name>

Join players in radius 400 to specified team


//setteam <team_name>

Join targetted player to specified team



Opens enchant menu


//seteh <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for head slot


//setec <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for chest slot


//seteg <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for gloves slot


//seteb <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for feet slot


//setel <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for legs slot


//setew <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for r_hand slot


//setes <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for l_hand slot


//setle <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for l_ear slot


//setre <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for r_ear slot


//setlf <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for l_finger slot


//setrf <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for r_finger slot


//seten <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for neck slot


//setun <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for under slot


//setba <enchant_level>

Set enchant level for back slot



Opens event page



Opens new event page



















Add event



List events


//event_del <event_name>























Show fight calculator



Show fight calculator



Show fight calculator



Get Geo_Z



Get Geotype



Get heading



Check line of sight



Get geo position



Add bug comment

Usage: //admin_geo_bug you coments here



Usage: //admin_geo_load <regionX> <regionY>



Usage: //admin_geo_unload <regionX> <regionY>



Usage: //geoeditor_connect <number>



Join active char





Only GM can access server



Public access server


//server_max_player <number>

Set max players value



Toggle clock displayed next to the server name



Opens login server edit window



Lists the current location (if any) of the Mammon NPCs



Lists the current respawn times (if any) of the Mammon NPCs


//list_spawns <npcId> <teleIndex>

Teleports to the player based on the given spawn index (from using //list_spawns <npcId>).


//msg <ID>

Used for testing SystemMessage IDs



Opens characters manage page



Opens mobgroup.htm



































Opens mobgrouphelp.htm



Used to start the Monster Races.



Path node info











View petitions list



View petition







clear the petition queue








//pledge <create|dismiss|setlevel><create|dismiss|setleve l>



Restores a broken player info.



Repairs a broken player info.



Resurrect player



Resurrect monster



Command used to summon and ride a wyvern.



Command to dismount and unsummon a wyvern.



Command used to summon and ride a strider.



Command to dismount and unsummon a strider.



Opens the GMShop.



Opens the GMShop.



Starts the shutdown process.

Usage: //server_shutdown Number of seconds



Starts the restart process.

Usage: //server_restart Number of seconds



Stops the server shutdown.





































Lists targetted players skills.



Removes the targetted players skills.



Opens skill menu.



Opens skill menu according to players stats.



Adds a skill to a targetted player.

Usage: //add_skill Skill_id level



Removes a skill from a targetted player.

Usage: //remove_skill Skill_id



Temporarily gives you the skills of a targetted player.



Restores your skills from before the get_skills command.






//skill_test <skill_id>

Test a skill.

Usage: //skill_test 100


//st <skill_id>

Test a skill.

Usage: //st 100



Opens spawn menu.



Spawns a Mob on current target.

Usage: //spawn npc_id



Spawns a Mob on current target.

Usage: //spawn_monster npc_id



Shows menu for monsters with respective level.

Usage: //spawn_index level



















Opens the teleport menu.



Opens the teleport menu named other.



Opens the teleport menu.



Teleports you to the named player.

Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar



Teleports you to coordinates given.



Teleports targetted player to coordinates given.



Summons a named player to you.

Usage: //recall kadar





















teleport window





These //test commands are for the universe mapping feature


//test uni flush

Save universe map


//test hash <number>


//test uni

Return universe size


//mp on

Start packet monitor


//mp off

Stop packet monitor


//mp dump

Save packet history


//known on

to unhide your character from known list


//known off

to hide your character from known list







tvt pannel



dmevent match pannel







brings a pannel to check others skills/wh/inv/Q/clan/others


//kill (range)

mass kill


//res (range)

mass res


//heal (range)

mass heal



This Guide Maked For New GM's ( don't say Good Guide For Newbies/Only For Noobs and this things


i hope like to you





~Coming With New Guides For MxC~



If i forgot something tell me to Modify...


  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

///fly  //sethero  //setnoble //setdonator //setvip ///hero and more ;)


Author is banned, so he won't add it.

  • 1 year later...

isnt there a command like //sendhome or something like this?

Depends of the pack, but yes, it "should" exist, as alt+g panel got that option. I mean that command has a right to exist, as there's a support client coded :P.


About "who" already coded that, by default on current L2J I don't think they still implemented it. On my pack, I did.


Btw nice necropost :P.


That list is the admin ingame help section (copy paste). I must add that list can be totally wrong depending of the pack you currently use. On aCis for example, I deleted around 120+ commands, and added 40+.


It really depends of the pack.


Finally, commands like ///fly (with 3 /) are clientcoded, and has nothing to go with L2J. Those are unreal technologies commands.


Depends of the pack, but yes, it "should" exist, as alt+g panel got that option. I mean that command has a right to exist, as there's a support client coded :P.


About "who" already coded that, by default on current L2J I don't think they still implemented it. On my pack, I did.


Btw nice necropost :P.


That list is the admin ingame help section (copy paste). I must add that list can be totally wrong depending of the pack you currently use. On aCis for example, I deleted around 120+ commands, and added 40+.


It really depends of the pack.


Finally, commands like ///fly (with 3 /) are clientcoded, and has nothing to go with L2J. Those are unreal technologies commands.


is there any way to add //sendhome to l2j ?




Here is an contribution, for latest L2J for that command.


You can check too my own pack, I think it's the same result (target is teleported to the nearest town). My version got too "if no target selected, port yourself to nearest town".




Here is an contribution, for latest L2J for that command.


You can check too my own pack, I think it's the same result (target is teleported to the nearest town). My version got too "if no target selected, port yourself to nearest town".


Thx my pack doesn't have this.

  • 1 month later...
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