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Setup your own L2 server powered by java [Guide]

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Hello there , my guide here about L2J Servers ... Some customizations... A Guide.


What are we gonna need to download?


A L2J Pack..


1st of all we have to know what project we are gonna creat . Choose Chronicle of your server , etc ... Then you can do modifications ..


Lets take for example Interlude ... Some projects are :


I Would suggest you 2 of them , maybe you have to do some fixes but thats how it works :D


We are gonna say everything here today..





DataPack TimeLine

GameServer TimeLine

Dp Svn

GameServer SVN



Lets continue



You are gonna also need :


MySql 5.1 / Navicat **For Mysql** / JavaJDK , JavaJRE


MySQL Direct Link 5.1



In order to run our server ... Dont forget to download navicat from Here


Now , if you want your server to be great , you have to download a real L2J Pack like i gave u before ... If you want now to run a server on your pc , to "play" the admin ... or you just want a simple crappy server you can download a preconfigured pack..


Basic Differences


  • In preconfigured L2J Packs you cant do compile
  • In L2J Packs you can compile


What do we mean with the word "compile" we mean we can update the pack to the latest version so we will be in a position to edit the core and do java modifications


If you want now preconf packs i will give ya 2 links..


Interlude Pack

Gracia pack


Lets continue ..


Download =>


Datapack and Server files like here: (pic aint mine)




Then extract them on C:/ and go on Server Properties


and set them like this for the server to work properly


# Default: *
ExternalHostname =   < ---- Εδώ θα βάλετε την IP σας άμα είναι Static IP ή θα δείτε παρακάτω με το NO-IP πώς να κάνετε Dynamic IP.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname.
# This can be the internal IP such as or the computer's IP such as 192.168.x.x.
# If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: *
InternalHostname = *

# Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to
# Default:
LoginHost =

# TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests
# Default: 9014
LoginPort = 9014

# Default: *
GameserverHostname = *

# Default: 7777
GameserverPort = 7777


Then install your database.. Go on C:/L2JPack/Tools/DataBase Installer and run it..


it should say sthing like this


WARNING: A full install (f) will destroy data in your
         `accounts` and `gameserver` tables.
         Choose upgrade (u) if you already have an `accounts` table but no
         `gameserver` table (ie. your server is a pre LS/GS split version.)
         Choose skip (s) to skip loginserver DB installation and go to
         gameserver DB installation/upgrade.
LOGINSERVER DB install type: (f) full or (s) skip or (q) quit?


press "F"


 WARNING: A full install (f) will destroy all existing character data.
GAMESERVER DB install type: (f) full install or (u) upgrade or (q) quit?


again press "F"


It will take 10-20 minutes , depends on your pc ***can be faster too***


Now go on L2J_SERVER/login and run <<registergameserver.bat>>

press 1

you will see a file named hexid1


Press rename and paste it on gameserver.config


Now some tips about java..


You have to download "eclipse" in order to do compile.. Download from. Here


You can do compile using This Guide or you can watch this video..




Now we have to talk about the basics in java..


Always start with IF after it (down a line) write {

at the end of your code again } after return ;


example in l2.. => IF (activeChar.isRevenger())


(if the char is revenger..)


other symbols you are gonna meet..


&& = and (tony and jimmy for example)

|| = or



a simple code is this..

// Add Hero if noble

if (activeChar.isNoble())
activeChar.sendMessage("You are hero");


which is if a character is noblesse , he is hero too..


Anyway you have to work on java to learn java...


This is the end of the guide , thanks for reading .. More to come ! CREDITS REVENGER




Photos for installing MYSQL , NAVICAT , JAVAJDK by me , i created the RAR



i was bored to take some photos so i took from other topics :D


all the rest + pack with pics are mine , have fun with your own l2j server

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this is time loose

there are 1000 guides

anyway good job

ehm the others says about preconf packs , where do you see same steps here , out of configz ofc
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really nice guide. i need to do another server (for my friends) so i will use this guide this time xD

Thanks , if you have imagination you can fix bugs , and create really good thingz ..


Keep up (posting) and (fuers trying L2J)

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K but i am kinda bored to do it , w8 for it later.

i didnt ask you if you bored/tired or w/e i just told you if you can to do it LOL

<3 yaaaa keep working mate and maybe you will be a cool developer like scott

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interlude...that guide is like think without brain...useless activity..you can learn from interlude only how to bug not things that usefull lol /fail

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