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[Share] L2J-DevWareZ Project ! Under Development !

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Your project is real Sux sorry for that but i say the REAL TRUE..

Yes is your opinion ? But Why ? You don't say why !


My Project is not EITHER Rdy yet ! Lol ?


i say that you sux hard too !


EDIT : Topic Locked until we finish some more things in our Project for more info : Click Forum

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all are free to work on their projects or whatever, but no need to fight for this. everyone does what they want, remember that the internet is free, and everyone does what he wants to do!

no one is the best here. everyone is ready to learn!! and.. me too

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all are free to work on their projects or whatever, but no need to fight for this. everyone does what they want, remember that the internet is free, and everyone does what he wants to do!

no one is the best here. everyone is ready to learn!! and.. me too


+1 on that m8 (Y)

P.S. Internet its not free :P u pay every month :D XD

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they are active, give assistance to all ppl and the pack go in the right direction. imo this is the best project till now and will remain.


for other devs. : if u got some free time help this project wen is need i and im sure im not the only one, want a finished L2j Interlude. 1000 projects and not one done.


off topic: archid said will launch soon a rev, again 2weeks of it and wen bugs will apear /close ?i dont say they are not good dev's but i say that in all world are at least 20 projects and no one have at least smth done, no project has 100% skills done or quest 100% done , or or or... etc. why u all dont work for 1project ? if u want u can sell it for low money and for bigger price sell ur help by developing private servers ?

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