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i sell at 17 heroes server :


fireflare armor set x2

fireflare bow +375

6 boss jewels sets

super tattoo for fighters


red cap of 300

and 4k euros


pm me or post to leave offers


(Im interested on items on other server or real money)


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  • 3 weeks later...

guys..on the17heroes server the custom currency is "Euro"!..are not REAL euros but just a item that seems like the real one..come on..dont say shits,next time read better;)

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if someone is intrested i sell my char too with the follow items:


FireFlare armor full +400 (the max enchant is 350 and u enchant to +400 with 10k euros each part)

Super Tattoo of fighters

FireFlare bow +400-FireFlare Dagger +351

Full rb jewel set

Red cloak of 300


Clan lvl7 with clan skills and Gludio Castle




and other things that i dont remember right now :P


add me in msn: billy-l2@hotmail.com


P.S.: in the server i am well known with my char so almost nobody will hit you if u tell them u are the real one ;)




EDIT: my bow and tattoo is +500 now :P

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  • 3 months later...

4,000E? you are high for sure..


In this server they have change the adena and they name it euro lol, it's

only a modification.

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