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interlude [Interlude L2J]Lineage2Necropolis (No donations-Live)


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Let me reask,cuz it seems revenger didnt see it at all :


5)Donations won't be ready for this server ultin.. ever?


hmmmm...then SUGGESTION: why dont you remove the donation page ?

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revenger ... come on top developer , gold member and man with 20 ppl in your server..

eternalfight is mine :) and if you dont believe me come in game or go in site , forum and check so your grandman is homo sexual

right now we are 50 online ... i dunno if ur server reach 30..
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revenger ... come on top developer , gold member and man with 20 ppl in your server..

eternalfight is mine :) and if you dont believe me come in game or go in site , forum and check so your grandman is homo sexual

Ok man plss Stop... before you get a ban.....

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revenger ... come on top developer , gold member and man with 20 ppl in your server..

eternalfight is mine :) and if you dont believe me come in game or go in site , forum and check so your grandman is homo sexual

keep out of this topic. its a server topic not a flame topic. stay out or use pmes. kktnxbb
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Ok i like getting +1 post count so until our gold member decide to answer i am going to post it again and again.


5)Donations won't be ready for this server ultin.. ever?


hmmmm...then SUGGESTION: why dont you remove the donation page ?

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man lol... you dont know why? site isnt from him... he got it ready , he dont know how to remove it be sure for that i am saying!

somome dekarma him or dunno what. he is spaming this topic for no reason. he started flame those ppl.
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revenger ... come on top developer , gold member and man with 20 ppl in your server..

eternalfight is mine :) and if you dont believe me come in game or go in site , forum and check so your grandman is homo sexual


server has 50 people ;)

but whatever.






stalone , okay u got a server with 1k people and another one with 100 okay.

u are good. we are not. we got 50 people and our server is a fail. but what to do? that's life


man lol... you dont know why? site isnt from him... he got it ready , he dont know how to remove it be sure for that i am saying!


try now..


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Stalone Post Banned For 2 Days


Next Time Stop Spamming Without Reason.


@paokole , sec mate. i just have to clean this topic up.


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server is crussing every half an hour and you want heroes?every an hour or something,everyone is loosing his points.dunno dude.server needs a lot of work.

heros! not oly... lol almost all class have ppl and enough matchs i mean put the heros now so it will be balance next round!

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server is crussing every half an hour and you want heroes?every an hour or something,everyone is loosing his points.dunno dude.server needs a lot of work.

you seems to don't know a shit of developing.



1)When server crashes for every reason , we have to restart and if the olympiad period hadn't ended the points are not saved in database

2)As you know there are 2 boys who doing bullshits , can't down the server but make it laggy , we have to restart , and then you loose olympiad , we are sorry for that

3)Yes server isn't LIVE more than 1 week and we are fixing everything

4)Flooding Gameserver doesn't work i think theres a bug with multisell

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