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[Info]Russian hackers are DDoS'ing servers and ask for money!


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Ya'll are just straight up funny. DDoS is not in any way unstoppable. There are VERY many techniques in avoiding being null routed (the entire bandwith consumed).

For one if you have a website that's being ddosed, and it's going down. All you need to do is cache all the database connections. Therefore limiting the data transfer between the user and the server, This will force the DDoSer / attacker to have an enormous amount of bots to even be able to wtfpwn your websites bandwith. As when it comes to L2 Servers, to be able to stop a ddos attack you will either need a very dedicated admin with a HW firewall ( HW = Hardware ) that will be willing to monitor the attacks and IP ban all the bad packets. Or you use a cisco guard ( it's usually alot more expensive but, really does the job ). And usually the datacenter which you are using as host are able to scan and have all the bad packet sending IPs banned. However, This specific russian botnet is using an UDP version, UDP's are alot harder to stop and can do some real damage. But yet again, not unstoppable. If an admin gives up, He's just being a lazy tard and this will just strenghten the botters alleged "power", It will at very least give these kids a bigger god complex.



Its just a copy paste of a post i made in similar topic. Sorry for late-answer, i was on vacation while this topic got created :p

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Bloodyhero you're talking nonsense.


edit: I was about to explain in details why, but then again, I'm fed up with doing so over and over again. Just wikipedia it. The answers are right there.

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Dude ddos has nothing to do with "rulling". Everyone with minimal coding knowledge can make a botnet and use it for ddos attacks. -_-"


you wrong for nise DDOS need or many Bot Nets Or real cool mashines some with 4-16 Gb Ram .

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ofc ddosing isn't unstoppable, it's just not very easy. so much drama about some servers beeing attacked. if it's not you're server why care? If it is you're server then you have bigger problems on you're mind.

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