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[Dota Contest - Guide]Huskar The Sacred Warrior

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Part Of Guide.

I)Hero Introduction - Story



VI)Item Build(explaination)

VII)Skills Build(explaination)


a) Lane Control

b) How To Gang

c) How To Solo

XI)Good Allies

XII)Bad Enemies



I) ~Hero Intoduction - Story


Huskar is unique in being the only strength hero with a regular ranged physical attack, giving him the advantages of a ranged hero and the survivability of a strength hero. Although he is a powerful force at all stages, Huskar is especially dangerous early in the game when his Burning Spears can quickly decimate any foe. Huskar can find his life quickly drained away by this ability, and must be careful to balance harassment and defense. Due to his Berserker's Blood passive, Huskar is at his most deadly when he is injured: as he gets more and more damaged, he gains damage and attack speed. Combined with his Inner Vitality healing spell, Berserker's Blood can quickly turn what may have appeared to be a losing situation into a resounding victory. His powerful Life Break ability emphasizes this suicidal fighting style, causing immense damage to both the target and Huskar himself. However, while Huskar increases in power the more damage he takes, it is unlikely that his unlucky target can say the same.


The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, are considered by many to be the most savage race of creatures to ever grace the battlefield. This reputation is well earned by their Sentinel representative Huskar, who's abilities revolve around shortening his own lifespan to spear his foes to burning pieces. Considered a blessed martyr by his people, the Sacred Warrior is not afraid of death, and will even run towards it willingly, sometimes desperately, in order to bring the Undead Scourge to an end.


II) ~Statistics

Damage : 39 - 48    Strenght : 18

Armor : 2              Agility : 20

                          Intelligence 18


III) ~Skills

Inner Vitality


Ability Type: Active

Targeting Type: Unit

Ability Hotkey: V

Magically unlocks the potential regenerative power within a target unit, healing its life force based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster.


Burning Spear


Ability Type: Active

Targeting Type: Unit

Ability Hotkey: R

Using his own life force to set them aflame, the Sacred Warrior can cause his spears to deal stackable damage over time as they impact the foe.


Berserker's Blood


Ability Type: Passive

Targeting Type: N/A

Ability Hotkey: B

Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. 7 Max bonuses. First bonus starts at full health.


~Ultimate Skill~

Life Break


Ability Type: Active

Targeting Type: Unit

Ability Hotkey: F

Huskar reaches into the well of his own life force to heavily damage an enemy. The target takes damage equal to 50% of its hp. Slows target by 50% for 5 seconds. Huskar pays a certain percentage of his hp to cast this.


VI) Items Build (Explaination)

I Always buy a courier to huskar if the mode is allrandom.


Starting Items




Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength give +3 Strength.This Means ++ Life from primary atribute.

You need for dpsing your enemy cause your burning spear need life and not mana.


To Regenerate your lost hp.


Base Items

Power Treads

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg or thumb.jpg or thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg


Armlet Of Mordiggian

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

This Item Gives(when activate) Damage, hp, att speed etc.

also it lows your hp when activated. stucks with 2nd and 3rd skill of sacred warrior.


Black King Bar

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

Huskar is a full dps character.He mustnt stop by spells,so you need bkb to make them unavailable.


Heart Of Tarasque

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

Huskar always low his hp with his skills and armlet.If someone find you to fog you are dead. You Need Regeration and your 1st skills isn't enough. Also It Gives you damage and life.


Alternative Items

When you complete the basic builds you are in a way with alternative options.

Assault Cuirass

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

Assault Cuirass Give you armor, attack speed and aoe + armor for allies and aoe - armor for enemies.

it a good supporting and self item.


Monkey King Bar

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg


Helm Of Dominator

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

You can escape for dpsing with your 2nd skill and playing huskar with alternative way.DPS with hits.

but you MUST make it satanic!



thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

It a good item when activated. Stucks with armlet and you dont low very easy your hp. Usefull to mass battles :)


Now We will laugh a lot :)


Guinsoo's Scythe Of Vyse

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

I like when i make it all flame me and when they see the result look their screen with surprise and says me pro cLv (from cL]v.Strike)



thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

Full of agility. That's means full of attack speed. I like huskar with more and more attack speed. Rearly you must make it when you need attack speed to kill your enemies.(like syllabear)

You can make it Manta style(thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg)


Aghanim's Scepter

thumb.jpg + 2 of the following thumb.jpg, thumb.jpg, thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

8 secs cooldown your ultimate. hohoho! Also the damage which you deal increased.



thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

Your enemies are dpsers?Vanguard is the solution :D


Divine Rapier

thumb.jpg + thumb.jpg = thumb.jpg

The Imba dpsing item.If you are going to create it be sure to have aegis of immortal.


BE sure...Activate armlet and press the inner vitality to yourself.Then Press BkB because if you press bkb you cant take inner vitality


VII) ~Skills Build


Level 1 : skill-1.gif

Level 2 : skill-2.gif

Level 3 : skill-1.gif

Level 4 : skill-2.gif

Level 5 : skill-1.gif

Level 6 : skill-3.gif

Level 7 : skill-1.gif

Level 8 : skill-2.gif

Level 9 : skill-2.gif

Level 10 : skill-0.gif

Level 11 : skill-3.gif

Level 12 : skill-0.gif

Level 13 : skill-0.gif

Level 14 : skill-0.gif

Level 15 : Stats

Level 16 : skill-3.gif

Level 17 : Stats

Level 18 : Stats

Level 19 : Stats

Level 20 : Stats

Level 21 : Stats

Level 22 : Stats

Level 23 : Stats

Level 24 : Stats

Level 25 : Stats

You must use always this skills building with never change something.

Explaination: You lvl up your dps skill (2nd) to attack with better damage your enemy

then you spam your 3rd skill because at starting of game usually you got damage and your life slow down.

this is good for huskar. It's something with hm...you having items for dmg, att speed and speed and the enemies havent :)


VIII) Strategy

As i said before huskar is a dps character.From 1 lvl you must attack your enemy!

a) Lane Control

find a good partner and go to botom with your partner (if you are sentinel or scourge)

When you see your enemy activate your 2nd skill and att him, dont scared by creeps because you make skills and when you attack your enemy with skills creeps dont attack you.He make but with result to lose his xp.You must always are from the back side to dont leave your enemy to come


Here i'm sentinel and i'm from back side. If my enemy come you attack him with your 2nd skill.b)How To Gang


Huskar is a gang type character too.If you dont failed from start you must gang the map to take faster the win :)

Go with 100% full hp and press ultimate to your enemy.Spam you 2nd skill having activated to escape the pressing R target then, R target then.

if your enemies come 2 spam the one then go back.Inner vitality helps you. Activate to yourself and wait until regenarate a lot.Go and kill your 2 enemies if they arent leaving.


c)How To Solo

Soloing the game is something same with lane control.You must spam your 2nd skills without leave your enemy to get experience.If you cant take first blood searc until you find haste rune.Then go and take it.


solo character take bottle if they go for soloing.Huskar is excepting character of this thing.




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XI) Good Allies

All stunners for their stuns.


Esspecially thumb.jpg

All AOE Stunners For Their Stuns.









thumb.gif Repel Supporting + Healing.thumb.gif Good Stucks Combo with seeker's ultimate.thumb.gif For Smoke.





Ultra Combo! With.......

thumb.jpg for skill-1.jpg You Can spam easy your 2nd skill without enemy making something !


XII)Bad Enemies

Late Gamers



thumb.gifNo so latethumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gifhttp://www.playdota.com/img/hero/81/thumb.gif[/imgthumb.jpgthumb.jpgthumb.gifthumb.jpg


Spells Casting.




i think is fully explained.

all comments entered for comments about more thinks about all.


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i love this guide it is pretty good.


pros n cons are missing if you could add them.


i love the items builds you have made and also the explanatory.


i think you have included everything besides pros n cons..


gj mate :)


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i love this guide it is pretty good.


pros n cons are missing if you could add them.


i love the items builds you have made and also the explanatory.


i think you have included everything besides pros n cons..


gj mate :)


something happened to my sister and i missed them

when i can i add them

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you can create too.. (best item for mages.. and when you use ulti dont lose..)


Khadgar's Pipe of Insight  khadgarspipeofinsight-fc4o


if you dont have caster enemies is rejecting item.

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No comments on skills  a strategy and yet not full strategy guide. Bad english . You didn't took this contest for real . I do not like the guide. You'll have to remake it.

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No comments on skills  a strategy and yet not full strategy guide. Bad english . You didn't took this contest for real . I do not like the guide. You'll have to remake it.

i dont think that i must explain something better.

soz for some bad english and i'm waiting for noble and theend reply

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if you dont have caster enemies is rejecting item.


it isnt item only for enemy mages.. but you know for magic skills which have the most heroes.. like tiny or snipers ulty.. there are too many..  :P

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i love this guide it is pretty good.


pros n cons are missing if you could add them.


i love the items builds you have made and also the explanatory.


i think you have included everything besides pros n cons..


gj mate :)


same ....

Hell of Domi is an ingredient.. not an Item... Never use hell of domi, better meke MoM .... Hell of Domi is only to get neutral crepps ...

I prefer in 5 lvl the passive skill


For HeX, Hex isnt only for Inteligent. u can use itas well to Str and agility...


Add Pros N Cons and I am Ok...And I like your Guide :D

Good Job Keep Up...


PS. I hate aganims on Huskar :P

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so we are 2-1

2+(xKenji and TheEnd)


waiting for noble replay


at 6.61b Huskar had a bug with Help of Dominator :)

but now is fixed

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you must not judge us like that. imagine we are one team and not every man for himself ;)

i make this sense because i never get a good mood from dream

i dont know why and i dont know if something gone bad with me and him

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