MrAderson Posted July 1, 2007 Posted July 1, 2007 Installnig and configuiring your server: 1) Download WDDG Platinum from one of the links on this page, 2) SETTING UP UR IP CONFIGURATION: Single-Player on Same Computer IP-Configuration: Server Name must be short, less than 19 characters. Remember it for next step. Click on all Computer icons beside IP Address fields Click on radio buttons for IP Address for all three Change ports to be 8080, 3724, 8085 from top to bottom Change timeout to be 250 Check Save text ppoints Click Save changes Click Exit WDDG-Settings: Server name MUST be the same as in IP-Configuration Server address is Port must be 8085 Click Update Account Creator: Click Create Account Make an account name (NO SPACES) Make an account password (NO SPACES) Check the GM Account box Click OK Close Account Creator Extract the maps by pressing yes the first time (y) then no the second time (n) Run the server On your client, modify the file in the root of your installation to say set realmlist and save it. Run your W*W client and log in with the account you just created. ---------- LAN play (No Internet players) Find the IP Address of the server by Start... Run... CMD... ipconfig /all Write it down. You will need it later. IP-Configuration: Server Name must be short, less than 19 characters. Remember it for next step. Enter your server IP Address into the three fields for it Click on radio buttons for IP Address for all three Change ports to be 8080, 3724, 8085 from top to bottom Change timeout to be 250 Check Save text ppoints Click Save changes Click Exit WDDG-Settings: Server name MUST be the same as in IP-Configuration Server address the IP Address of your server Port must be 8085 Click Update Account Creator: Click Create Account Make an account name (NO SPACES) Make an account password (NO SPACES) Check the GM Account box Click OK Close Account Creator Extract the maps as per the instructions included Run the server On your client, modify the file in the root of your installation to say set realmlist <IP Address of your server> and save it. Run your W*W client and log in with the account you just created. ---------- LAN plus Internet play First go and register a dynamic DNS name. You can go to the following places for easy setup: Register anything you like, but remember it and remember how to update it if your IP Address changes. Make sure that the entire length of the dynamic dns name is less than 25 characters (including dots and extensions). In the settings below, when you are configuring your own server, replace <your dynamic dns name> with your real dynamic dns name. IP-Configuration: Server Name must be short, less than 19 characters. Remember it for next step. Enter <your dynamic dns name> into the hostname for all three fields Click on radio buttons for hostname for all three Change ports to be 8080, 3724, 8085 from top to bottom Change timeout to be 250 Check Save text ppoints Click Save changes Click Exit WDDG-Settings: Server name MUST be the same as in IP-Configuration Server address is <your dynamic dns name> Port must be 8085 Click Update Account Creator: Click Create Account Make an account name (NO SPACES) Make an account password (NO SPACES) Check the GM Account box Click OK NOTE: If you are going to create accounts for your users/friends, do so now by repeating the above instructions. Or see the setup below for allowing people to create their own accounts. Be careful with this, though, as anyone who gets there can make an account and start playing on your server if they find our your address. Close Account Creator Extract the maps as per the instructions included Router setup: Most LANs now have routers that allow all computers to connect to the internet through a single DSL or Cable account. You will need to pass through the ports 3724, 8080, and 8085 directly to your server computer's LAN IP address in order for others to connect to your server. Check your router manual for NAT (Network Address Translation) or Port Forwarding on how to do this with your specific router. If you will be creating the accounts manually, you can ignore this forwarding for port 8080 (as it's just the account creation website). In fact, if you are only running this for a few friends, just ignore the next part (Internet Account Registration). Internet Account Registration: NOTE: If you leave this enabled, anyone who finds out your server address (<your dynamic dns name>) can make an account and play on your server. If you know everyone who will be using your server, then you should create accounts for them manually as described above in the Account Creator: section. In your server installation, go into the www folder Go into the v14_beebop_modified folder Select all files and folders Go up one level to the www folder again Paste Overwrite any files that it asks about (probably just one, if any) People can go to http://<your dynamic dns name>:8080 to create their own accounts and see who is online. Run the server On all clients, LAN and Internet, modify the file in the root of your installation to say set realmlist <your dynamic dns name> and save it. Run your W*W client and log in with the account you just created. Common problems and fixes Bat Handlers don't talk? - Open creatures.scp and change npcflags=10 to npcflags=8 List of flags - CODE 01 - Gossip 02 - Questgiver 04 - Vendor 08 - Taxi/Gryphon 010 - Trainer 020 - Spirithealer (for Alliance?) 040 - Spirit healer 2 (for horde ?) 080 - Bindpoint 0100 - Banker 0400 - Tabardvendor 0600 - Guilmaster 0800 - Battlemaster 01000 - Auctioner 04000 - Repair items NPC's respawning too fast - Open and replace spawntime=10 10 with something higher, its done in seconds so 60 would be 1 minute. Realmlist Loops - You messed up in the IP-Config or the WDDG Settings file, something doesn't match or you need to change from IP to a DNS name. Damage Reduction is f(*ked up - I got bored and decided to figure out how to fix it, open startup.tcl and go down to CODE if { $ldiff >= 1 } { # To set DR-modifier for (playerlevel > moblevel) Change 0.06 next line (0.06 = + 6%) : set damage_reduction [expr { $damage_reduction + ($ldiff * 0.06) }] } if { $ldiff <= -1 } { # To set DR-modifier for (playerlevel < moblevel) Change 0.07 next line (0.07 = - 7%) : set damage_reduction [expr { $damage_reduction + ($ldiff * 0.07) }] } Then where it says CODE set damage_reduction [expr { $damage_reduction + ($ldiff * 0.07) put a # infront of it to disable it. Then change the if {$ldiff to a higher number, this is level difference. What it does is measure how far below your level the npc has to be to miss you every hit, change it to a higher number because if you don't a level 59 NPC can't hit a 60, I recommend atleast 30. This is mine - CODE if { $ldiff >= 41 } { # To set DR-modifier for (playerlevel > moblevel) Change 0.06 next line (0.06 = + 6%) : set damage_reduction [expr { $damage_reduction + ($ldiff * 0.06) }] } if { $ldiff <= -41 } { # To set DR-modifier for (playerlevel < moblevel) Change 0.07 next line (0.07 = - 7%) : #set damage_reduction [expr { $damage_reduction + ($ldiff * 0.07) }] } Merchants don't repair items - Open creatures.scp again and change npcflags=4 and npcflags=5 to npcflags=04000 so they repair. Map Exploration doesn't work - You didn't run bat creator Npc's are where they aren't suppose to be - target the npc and type .targetlink then do .del, if it says it can't find it you gotta find the spawn point manually by going to it and typing .info, if it matches up with the NPC delete it. How to change some stuff or create it To create items this is how - CODE [item 432525] <--- item number name=ToXiN Shoulder (Created) <--- Name obviously tongue.gif description=Made by ToXiN <--- description of the item stackable=1 <--- how many of this item you want to be able to be stacked class=4 <--- type of item, 0-consumable 1-container, 2-weapon,3-armor,4-reagant,5-projectile like ammo,6-trade goods,7-generic,8-book,9-quiver,10-quest,11-key, 12-permanent,13-junk subclass=2 <--- specifies the type of class, 0-axe, book, junk, 1-cloth, bolt, 2-bow, leather, arrow, 3-gun, mail, bullet, 4-mace, plate, , 5-buckler, ,6-shield, 7-sword, 10-staff, 15-dagger, 16-thrown, 17-spear, 18-crossbow, 19-wand model=27664 <--- model the you want the item to look like classes=07FFF <--- classes that can use it, this is for all races=01FF <--- races that can use it, this is for all quality=1 <--- quality of the item, 1-normal, 2-good (green), 3-superior (blue) 4-epic(purple),5-legendary or artifact(orange) buyprice=25 <-- how much you want it to be bought for sellprice=25 <--- how much you want it to be sold for inventorytype=3 <--- type of item, 0-none, 1-head, 2-neck, 3 shoulder, 4-body, 5-chest, 6-waist, 7-legs, 8-feet, 9-wrist, 10-hand, 11-finger, 12-trinket, 13-weapon, 14-shield, 15-ranged, 16-cloak, 17-2handed weapon, 18-bag, 19-tabard, 20-robe, 21-mainhand, 22-offhand, 23-holdable, 24-ammo, 25-thrown, 26-ranged rh reqlevel=1 <--- required level to use the item material=1 <-- material its made of durability=75 <--- durability of the item bonus=1 1000 <--- health bonus bonus=3 1000 <--- agility bonus bonus=4 1000 <--- strength bonus bonus=5 1000 <--- intelligence bonus bonus=6 1000 <--- spirit bonus bonus=7 1000 <--- stamina bonus bonding=2 <--- whether it binds to you or not, 0 for no 1 for when its looted i think - not sure, and 2 for permanent binding resistance1=10000 <--- armor class resistance2=1000 <--- fire resistance3=1000 <--- holy resistance4=1000 <--- nature resistance5=1000 <--- frost resistance6=1000 <--- shadow resistance7=50 <--- arcane I think its gotta stay below 100 to work, not sure and heres a weapon [item 356365] name=ToXiN Dagger (Created) stackable=1 class=2 subclass=15 model=31283 classes=07FFF races=01FF quality=1 buyprice=25 sellprice=25 inventorytype=13 reqlevel=1 material=1 durability=75 bonus=1 1000 bonus=3 1000 bonus=4 1000 bonus=5 1000 bonus=6 1000 bonus=7 1000 bonding=0 delay=1000 <--- delay in miliseconds I believe damage=250 1500 0 <--- damage, <min> <max> <type> 0 -normal, 1-holy damge, 2-fire, 3-nature, 4-frost, 5-shadow, 6-arcane resistance1=10000 resistance2=1000 resistance3=1000 resistance4=1000 resistance5=1000 resistance6=1000 resistance7=1000 And heres a program you can use but you need to fix the space after material= and add a number after the damage on weapons. Changing the player limit on the server - Open emu.conf and look for maxplayers= and change it to whatever, not sure if it works though Changing the realmlist - Open in your W*W folder and change it to whatever, or add -console on the end of your W*W shortcut so it looks like this CODE "C:\Program Files\w@rld @f W@rcr@aft\W*W.exe" -console then just press ~ when ingame and it'll bring up the console, then just type set realmlist 345.345.345.345 or whatever the realmlist is. How to get a players account information - Target the player and type .info and it gives you the IP (but backwards) and account name How to ban someone if banning doesn't work - Set up your account page on web hosting software, then delete the persons account and ban their IP through the software, then they can't create a new account. If they have a dynamic IP ban the range... like 345.345.*.* or whatever. Trainer doesn't train the spell - Check the trainer in creatures.scp then look for the number he trains in spellcost.scp, if its not the right one change it to the right one in the trainers file. Languages - CODE spell=668 skill=98 300 300 // Language: Common spell=671 skill=113 300 300 // Language: Darnassian spell=672 skill=111 300 300 // Language: Dwarven spell=7340 skill=313 300 300 // Language: Gnomish spell=17737 skill=673 300 300 // Language: Gutterspeak spell=669 skill=109 300 300 // Language: Orcish spell=7341 skill=315 300 300 // Language: Trollish spell=670 skill=115 300 300 // Language: Taurane You can just add this to classes.scp and have all the characters learn all the languages (doesn't work for undead though, they can't learn Common) Learning skills and stuff - learn the spell first then the skill. Changing the EXP rate - In startup.tcl look for CODE } # XP-RATE: - Change 0.75 next line set xp [expr { (0.75 * $xp) }] if {$xp <= 0 || $lvldiff == -11 } { return 1 Change the .75 in (0.75 * $xp) to whatever, like 1.50 would be 2x but, its really 4x because the Emu by default has rest state enabled. The lvldiff == is how far below you the NPC can be for you to still get exp, like if you wanted a 60 to get xp for a 45 you'd have to change it from -11 to -16, heres my exp and lvldiff, its 15 levels and the xp is 5x but 10x with rest state. CODE } # XP-RATE: - Change 0.75 next line set xp [expr { (3.75 * $xp) }] if {$xp <= 0 || $lvldiff == -16 } { return 1 Changing the drop rate - You need to open loottemplates.scp and edit each one manually or use World-Lint - Heres a reply I made in another topic CODE For the item drop look up the creatures number in the creatures.scp file, then check for loottemplate= and search that loot template number in loottemplates.scp and it shows what they drop and the % chance, like 4533=0.1395 it'd have a .1395% chance of dropping the item number 4533, while 4533=57.753 would be a 57.753% chance. If you put it to 100% though it won't drop, you gotta put something lower than 100 Changing Gold Drop Rate - You need to add money= to every creature in creatures.scp and edit it, its done in gold. I'm sure theres a program out there that can do this, if anyone knows of one I wouldn't mind knowing it Editing the server MOTD - Open Frontend and open server info, ONLY SERVER INFO, it messes everything else up if you use this to configure your server. Change the welcome message to whatever, and make the IP and server name the same as you did in WDDG Settings and IP-Config Emulator Bugs Here is whats posted in the FAQ CODE Q: Druid-Specific Issues. A: Bear Form (Rage): Broken. Aquatic Form: Broken. Travel Form: Broken Q: Aggro/Attack Distance. A: Aggro/Attack Distance is broken. Q: Warrior-Specific Issues. A: Battle Stance: User gets stuck in a "squatting position". Rage: You only build Rage when hit by an enemy. Q: Tradeskill-Specific Issues. A: Enchanting: Broken. Fishing: Broken. Q: Hunter-Specific Issues. A: Bows: "Auto-shoot" is broken. Quivers: Can't be placed in "Bag" slot. Speed % Broken. Tame: Broken. Q: Skill-Specific Issues. A: Auto-Shot: Broken. Dual-Wield: Broken. Q: Paladin-Specific Issues. A: Auras: (Most) Broken. Exorcism: Damages all, not just Undead. Seals: (Most) Broken. Q: Mage-Specific Issues. A: Q: Priest-Specific Issues. A: Shadow Talents: Broken. Q: Rogue-Specific Issues. A: Q: Shaman-Specific Issues. A: Re-incarnation: Broken. Totems: (Most) Broken. Q: Warlock-Specific Issues. A: Fear: Broken. Curse of Agony: Only lasting a couple of seconds. Q: Mount-Specific Issues. A: Exiting while mounted will break "unmount". (Must die or have a GM .unmount you in order to fix.) Q: Rouge Specific issues A: Stealth doesnt work, nor do ablitles that require it, Energy regen is too fast, and hp gain per level is too much Q: Pet control bar and icon A: Have to logout in order to get the pet bar after summoning a pet (not sure if it's emu issue or client issue, anyone confirm please) Q: Q: Mount-Specific Issues. A: A: Exiting while mounted will break "unmount". (Must die or have a GM .unmount you in order to fix.) level 0 GM (that means usual player) has the right to use .dismount, so they don't need a GM and they don't have to die to get off the damn mount By Aligator21 Quote
chris18 Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 MrAnderson,you forgot to write those :D GM Commands and How-To CODE :: 0123456 :: = PLEVEL That you need to use this command. 0-Player 1-Councelor 2-Seer 3-Moderator 4-Game Master 5-Administrator 6-Developer :: 0123456 :: .help - List available commands :: ****456 :: .addgo - Add gameobject in your coordinates :: ****456 :: .addnpc - Add paralysed npc in the world :: ****456 :: .add - Add item into your bag (Parameter: <item_ number>) :: ****456 :: .del - Delete targeted npc or gameobject :: ****456 :: .setlevel - Set level for pc or npc :: ****456 :: .setmodel - Set model number to pc or npc *Be carefull!* :: *1****6 :: .save - Save world to file :: ******6 :: .rehash - Rehash objects :: ******6 :: .flag1 - Set debug flags :: ******6 :: .ppon - Turn on PP system :: 0123456 :: .ppoff - Turn off PP system :: ****456 :: .broadcast - Yell message for all players :: ****456 :: .turn - Turn npc facing to you :: ****456 :: .come - Npc will come to your position :: **23456 :: .go - Go to world coordinates :: **23456 :: .gotrigger - Go to world area trigger location (Parameter: <trigger_number>) :: **23456 :: .kill - Kill selected pc or npc :: **23456 :: .killallnpc - Kill all npcs in visual range :: ******6 :: .setkillable - For Debug :: ******6 :: .delallcorp - Remove all corpses in the world :: ******6 :: .cleanup - Remove all bad objects :: **23456 :: .resurrect - Resurrect selected pc *For resurrecting yourself use this command in the guild chat* :: ****456 :: .setsize - Set size for npc :: ****456 :: .setspeed - Set speed for pc or npc :: ****456 :: .setflags - Set flags bitmask for pc or gameobject (Parameters: <ftype> <flags>) :: ****456 :: .addspawn - Add spawnpoint to your position (Parameters: [<npc entry>] [<npcs number>]) :: ****456 :: .setspawnnpc - Add entry and number of spawned npcs to spawnpoint :: ****456 :: .setspawngo - Set entry for spawn gameobject to spawnpoint :: ****456 :: .setspawndist - Set min and max distance for spawn :: ****456 :: .setspawntime - Set min and max respawntime :: ****456 :: .setxp - Set xp for pc :: *****56 :: .setcp - Set cp for pc :: *****56 :: .sethp - Set hp for pc :: ****456 :: .paralyse - Paralyse and unparalyse pc or npc :: **23456 :: .setaura - Set aura by number :: ****456 :: .exploration - Opens your map locations (Parameter: <zoneid mask>) :: 0123456 :: .dismount - Dismount you :: **23456 :: .listsp - List your spells :: ****456 :: .learn - Learn spell by number (Parameter: <spell_id>) :: ****456 :: .unlearn - Unlearn one spell (Parameter: <spell_id>) :: **23456 :: .listsk - List your skills :: ****456 :: .learnsk - Learn on skill (Parameter: <skill_id>) :: ****456 :: .unlearnsk - Unlearn one skill (Parameter: <skill_id) :: **23456 :: .info - Give you info about selected pc, npc, gameobject or spawnpoint :: **23456 :: .online - Show numbers of players online :: **23456 :: .setreststate - Set new rest state for testing (Parameter: new_state(1...5)) :: ******6 :: .exportchar - Export character *with inventory* to external file (Parameters: <char_name> <file_name>) :: ******6 :: .importchar - Import objects from external file (Parameter: <file_name>) :: **23456 :: .goname - Teleport to char name (Parameter: <char_name>) :: **23456 :: .namego - Teleport char name to me (Parameter: <char_name>) :: **23456 :: .goguid - Teleport to guid, pc or npc (Parameter: <guid>) :: ****456 :: .tartgetgo - Trying to target nearest gameobject :: ****456 :: .targetlink - Trying to target link of selected object :: ****456 :: .move - Move object :: 0123456 :: .where - Displays where you are in the world in world coordinates :: ****456 :: .rotate - Rotate gameobject :: ******6 :: .retcl - Reload TCL scripts :: ******6 :: .rescp - Reload SCP scripts :: **23456 :: .clearqflags - Clear quest flags from me :: ******6 :: .exportspawns - Export spawnpoints to external file (Parameter: <file_name>) :: ******6 :: .exportspawnsxy - Export spawnpoints to external file (Parameters: <map> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <file_name>) :: ******6 :: .importspawns - Import spawnpoints from external file (Parameter: <file_name>) :: ******6 :: .delspawns - Remove spawnpoints in this zone :: ******6 :: .delspawnsxy - Remove spawnpoints in rectangle (Parameters: <map> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>) :: ******6 :: .bytes - For debug :: **23456 :: .pingmm - Make point on your minimap :: ******6 :: .adddyn - Just for testing :: **23456 :: .starttimer - Start timer visuals (Parameters: timerid(0..2)value maxvalue scale type spell :: **23456 :: .stoptimer - Stop timer visuals (Parameters: timerid(0..2) :: ******6 :: .test - For Debug :: ******6 :: .test2 - For Debug :: ******6 :: .movelog - For Debug :: **23456 :: .faction - Show faction info for pc or npc :: ****456 :: .setfaction - Set faction for npc :: ****456 :: .setnpcflags - Show npcflags for npc :: ****456 :: .clearrep - Clear reputation for target pc :: ******6 :: .shutdown - Shutdown the server :: ****456 :: .gflags - Set gflags for selected gameobject :: ****456 :: .gtype - Set gtype for selected gameobject For adding items do .add # - The number is in items.scp, so [item 7] would be .add 7 For adding skills they are in classes.scp - Like daggers are .learnsk 173 300 300, the first 300 is the current skill, second 300 is the max skill For spell they are in spellcost.scp - [spell 1474] would be .learn 1474 and it'd go to your spell book For going places its in areatriggers - [areatrigger 40] would be .gotrigger 40 For going to people its .goname name, .goname toxin would take you to me For taking people to you its .namego, .namego toxin would take me to you For setting levels its just .setlevel #, .setlevel 60 would make you 60 same for xp, .setxp 825854 would give you that much exp and the level that uses that much Adding NPCs is in creatures.scp and wddg_specific.scp, .addnpc just creates them and doesn't let them attack and they regen fast, .addspawn adds them like a normal spawn, [creature 7324] would be .addspawn 7324 or .addnpc 7324 .del deletes the npc, if you delete the spawn it deletes the npc too. The spawns are the WDDG spawn point midgets *Note Addnpc only adds the npc there and it wont attack or fight back and regens hps fast, addspawn adds the npc as if it were a real spawn *Note To delete objects get close to it and type .targetgo then if its the right one just do .del *Note If a player crashes when logging in, have then login so they crash, when they crash do .namego name where name is the players name that is stuck *Note Do not teleport players or go to cities as it causes errors and the 0 ping bug *Note You may not be able to use all the commands *Note If you can't get a skill for an item like a mount use the spell, heres an example. [item 999903] bonding=3 buyprice=15000 class=15 classes=07FFF flags=80 level=32 material=-1 model=13108 name=Palomino quality=1 races=019F reqlevel=32 sellprice=6900 skill=148 skillrank=1 stackable=1 spell=471 0 0 0 330 3000 <----- notice this So you'd do .learn 471 and that would give you the spell, with no restrictions. To change the spawn distance or time you'd target the spawn point and type .setspawndist 1 1 for a 1-1 yard spawn distance and for spawn time it'd be .setspawntime 60 120 for a 1-2 minute spawn time. To change the faction of an npc do .setfaction and a number, heres a list from the FAQ. CODE 1 "PLAYER, Human" 2 "PLAYER, Orc" 3 "PLAYER, Dwarf" 4 "PLAYER, Night Elf" 5 "PLAYER, Undead" 6 "PLAYER, Tauren" 7 "Creature" 8 "PLAYER, Gnome" 9 "PLAYER, Troll" 14 "Monster" 15 "Defias Brotherhood" 16 "Gnoll, Riverpaw" 17 "Gnoll, Redridge" 18 "Gnoll, Shadowhide" 19 "Murloc" 20 "Undead, Scourge" 21 "Booty Bay" 22 "Beast, Spider" 23 "Beast, Boar" 24 "Worgen" 25 "Kobold" 26 "Troll, Bloodscalp" 27 "Troll, Skullsplitter" 28 "Prey" 29 "Beast, Wolf" 30 "Defias Brotherhood Traitor" 31 "Friendly" 32 "Trogg" 33 "Troll, Frostmane" 34 "Orc, Blackrock" 35 "Villian" 36 "Victim" 37 "Beast, Bear" 38 "Ogre" 39 "Kurzen's Mercenaries" 40 "Escortee" 41 "Venture Company" 42 "Beast, Raptor" 43 "Beast, Basilisk" 44 "Dragonflight, Green" 45 "Lost Ones" 46 "Blacksmithing - Armorsmithing" 47 "Ironforge" 48 "Dwarf, Dark Iron" 49 "Human, Night Watch" 50 "Dragonflight, Red" 51 "Gnoll, Mosshide" 52 "Orc, Dragonmaw" 53 "Gnome, Leper" 54 "Gnomeregan Exiles" 55 "Leopard" 56 "Scarlet Crusade" 57 "Gnoll, Rothide" 58 "Beast, Gorilla" 59 "Beast, Vulture" 60 "Naga" 61 "Dalaran" 62 "Forlorn Spirit" 63 "Darkhowl" 64 "Grell" 65 "Furbolg" 66 "Horde Generic" 67 "Horde" 68 "Undercity" 69 "Darnassus" 70 "Syndicate" 71 "Hillsbrad Militia" 72 "Stormwind" 73 "Demon" 74 "Elemental" 75 "Spirit" 76 "Orgrimmar" 77 "Treasure" 78 "Gnoll, Mudsnout" 79 "HIllsbrad, Southshore Mayor" 80 "Dragonflight, Black" 81 "Thunder Bluff" 82 "Troll, Witherbark" 83 "Leatherworking - Elemental" 84 "Quilboar, Razormane" 85 "Quilboar, Bristleback" 86 "Leatherworking - Dragonscale" 87 "Bloodsail Buccaneers" 88 "Blackfathom" 89 "Makrura" 90 "Centaur, Kolkar" 91 "Centaur, Galak" 92 "Centaur, Gelkis" 93 "Centaur, Magram" 94 "Maraudine" 108 "Human, Theramore" 109 "Quilboar, Razorfen" 110 "Quilboar, Razormane 2" 111 "Quilboar, Deathshead" 128 "Enemy" 148 "Ambient" 168 "Nethergarde Caravan" 169 "Steamwheedle Cartel" 189 "Alliance Generic" 209 "Nethergarde" 229 "Wailing Caverns" 249 "Silithid" 269 "Alliance Red Team" 270 "Alliance Blue Team" 289 "Blacksmithing - Weaponsmithing" 309 "Scorpid" 310 "Beast, Bat" 311 "Titan" 329 "Taskmaster Fizzule" 349 "Ravenholdt" 369 "Gadgetzan" 389 "Gnomeregan Bug" 409 "Harpy" 429 "Burning Blade" 449 "Shadowsilk Poacher" 450 "Beast, Spider, Searing" 469 "Alliance" 470 "Ratchet" 471 "Dwarf, Wildhammer" 489 "Goblin, Dark Iron Bar Patron" 509 "Horde Red Team" 510 "Horde Blue Team" 511 "Giant" 529 "Argent Dawn" 530 "Darkspear Trolls" 531 "Dragonflight, Bronze" 532 "Dragonflight, Blue" 549 "Leatherworking - Tribal" 550 "Engineering - Goblin" 551 "Engineering - Gnome" 569 "Blacksmithing - Hammersmithing" 570 "Blacksmithing - Axesmithing" 571 "Blacksmithing - Swordsmithing" 572 "Troll, Vilebranch" 573 "Southsea Freebooters" 574 "Caer Darrow" 575 "Furbolg, Uncorrupted" 576 "Timbermaw Furbolgs" 577 "Everlook" 589 "Wintersaber Trainers" 609 "Cenarion Circle" 629 "Shatterspear Trolls" 630 "Ravasaur Trainers" How to create a no-ip address 1) firstly go on create an account there and log on with it 2) Then on the left under hosts/redirectors click on Add 3) It will then take you to a page where you create your ip 4) Where it says "hostname", you type in the name you wish to use, then for the box underneath it just choose any address you want i just left it as in "Host type" select "Dns Host (A). in the "IP address" box you type in your ip address (if you look up at the top left you will see your "current ip", use that ip in the box. Then in "Assign to group" leave it blank. In "Allow wildcards" leave it unchecked. Then in "MX Record" leave all the boxes blank, but in "MX Priority" make sure you have these numbers going downwards: 5 10 15 20 25 then clcik on create host and voila Note: Remember that everytime you disconnect from ur internet and reconnect you will have to modify your no-ip to the new IP address you get. To do this you simply click on manage, next to ur no-ip address click on modify, then change the ip address in the "ip address" box into your new IP. Emu 1.7.0 Guide Installing and configuring W0WEmu: 1.) Download the emu. Download: 2.) Extract the emu. Use a program like WinRAR to extract the emu, if it is possible to [C:/W0WEmu] 3.) Edit Hostfile: Edit hosts file, the file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc Add this line: Here is an example: Παράθεση:# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # x client host localhost 4.) Extract Maps: ..Download the BatCreator (Download BatCreator: ..Put it in the maps folder of W0WEmu ..Run the bat creator ..Click find and browse to the W0W 1.7.0 Client directory and click select (must be on the same machine) ..Then click Create, ok and then extract. ..When it ask Interface, are you sure? write Y for yes ..When it ask World, are you sure? write Y for yes ..Done 5.) W0WEmu Keyfile configuration: Download the newest loader and key. (Download: ..Open W0WEmu.key in text editor (example notepad) - Change server_name (example server_name=My W0W Server) - Change ws_host (example ws_host=89.566.45.698) or (example - Save 6.) Create accounts: ..Start DButil.exe in your W0WEmu folder ..Click on Exclusive Mode ..Then Clear Accounts ..Then Edit Accounts ..In the top field write in a username, then password and plevel (gm level, highest lvl 6; regular player lvl 0) ..Click Add/Replace Public account creation is located at http://youriporhost:8080/index.html (Can't create gm account from here) 7.) Start the server Before you start the server, you should get .NET Framework 2.0 (Download: ...Use the Launcher in your W0WEmu folder, or run Loader.exe ...If you get an Error 45, just retry until it works. How to make a welcome message: 1.) Go in your W0WEmu folder, than in the scripts folder, open emu.conf with a text editor and put this in: [welcome] line=Type here what you want line=Type here what you want line=Type here what you want Example: Παράθεση:[system] server_rules=PvP http_port=8080 rs_port=3724 world_sleep_ms=500 network_sleep_ms=100 connection_timeout=120 patch_connection_timeout=900 loglevel=1 save_text_ppoints=no spawns_dupes_distance=64.0 max_players=300 mapcache_mb=400 http_acceptors=10 http_workers=8 rs_acceptors=10 rs_workers=8 ws_acceptors=10 ws_workers=8 [game] linger=10 npc_corpse_delay=120 autosave_time_minutes=60 health_growing_rate=0.94 mana_growing_rate=0.89 energy_growing_rate=15.6 delete_not_used_accounts_days=30 reputation_restore_in_hour=5 pploadoff=false ppoff=false high_item_chance=75 [welcome] line=Type here what you want line=Type here what you want line=Type here what you want [banned] //ip= [import] //dont_import_map=451 // Development Land //dont_import_loc=2918 // Champions' Hall How to ban a player: 1.) The easiest way to ban a player is: Teleport to a player with .goname xxxxxx (xxxxxx=charname from the player) Mark him and type .info. Now u can see his accountname, write it down. Go in the dbutil.exe in your W0WEmu folder, click on exclusive mode, than edit accounts, than type his accountname and search it. set then a checkmark to [banned] and [locked to last ip], then add/replace and exit. World of Warcraft Emulators: Emu 1.5.0 release: Emu 1.7.0 release: Emu 1.7.1 release: Quote
MrAderson Posted July 15, 2007 Author Posted July 15, 2007 Very nice +1 karma from me for u :D :D :D :D Quote
GeorgeFTW Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 chris fiakse ligo ta links plzzzzzzzzzzz..... :/ Quote
fdLP. Posted March 15, 2008 Posted March 15, 2008 Can some1 give me the direck link .. to WDDG Platinum that MrAderson said from here ->> Thx! Quote
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