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Well recently i saw one of the best weapon pack at the moment for CT2.3 and it close for insignificant reason.Well i thought it should be reshared properly this time for no further problems. 8)



TK-Master The17Heroes Admin for creation.

Varo for sharing on MaxCheaters Forum.

l2renegade for sharing Soul Weapons By Eagle

chandy for re-sharing Soul Weapons

RealEagle for making Soul Weapons from la2base.ru


Well the following message is c/p from Varo post except credits


-Original Message Start-

Ok guys, these days i was preparing this share i joined the new Gracia Final Server and because i really liked the weapons i decided to share them for mxc community^^



Here the Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/127951219/700c69f6/The17Heroes_Weapons.html



Here some Screenshots:


~FireFlare Bow~





~FireFlare Dagger~


width=1024 height=588http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2681/shot00008owj.png[/img]


~Super Dual Dividers~


width=1024 height=588http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6614/shot00007tjw.png[/img]


~Electric Mace~


width=1024 height=588http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/4329/shot00005xid.png[/img]


~Crystal Bow~


width=1024 height=588http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9996/shot00011pwx.png[/img]


~Crystal Dagger~


width=1024 height=588http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/372/shot00010h.png[/img]


~Crystal Blade~


width=1024 height=588http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7470/shot00012oao.png[/img]


~Crystal Fists~


width=1024 height=588http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/1974/shot00013ukg.png[/img]

-Original Message End-



TK-Master The17Heroes Admin for creation.

Varo for sharing on MaxCheaters Forum.

l2renegade for sharing Soul Weapons By Eagle

chandy for re-sharing Soul Weapons

RealEagle for making Soul Weapons from la2base.ru

Me for hacking* smf to quote Varo's msg. :-*




Again i go to say...These weapons Crystal are the same Raziel weapons shared by chandy.(« on: August 09, 2009, 08:18:58 PM »)


Stop with this leecher topic please and topic reported.


1)I wrote proper credits

2)its a pack from a server so all the weapons are inside

3)the leech part u talking about its 100KByte the pack here is 7MByte

4)I didnt re-post it for the Raziel weapon or soul crystal weapons but for the other one's

5)Btw i think that raziel-crystal weapons are weapons that a serious person would use them on a good live server

6)Did u read the post or what? i said that chandy re-shared them and just to know he wasnt the 1st that shared them here 1st but l2renegade dont just post stuff around if you dont know, be sure for what u talking about.

7)Just for info Eagle shared them as Soul weapons you can check the original share here



@notfound the weapons are the same or you changed something on them?


Nope i didnt made any changes yet cause i must request it from Varo since its server weapon pack.

I just shared them properly with credits.

wow very nice aio pack man thanks a lot for usefull topic gj

Thx mate. //offtopic can u check your wings share later?


I just shared them properly with credits.


Locked then, we alredy have them shared. (do you see any reason to keep the thread open, just pm me)

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