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Ok... i feel bad...


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And what`s the funny part dude?Cuz i didn`t saw anything funny in this..


Killing ....


If you think that`s is funny then something wrong with you..



the funny part start's from "one guy throwing a lemon to one cat's head"

imagine this lame situation.

I wont go to church cause the 99,9% here know that I am an atheist... anyways let us not open a conversation like that now...


I will search for it tomorrow... if i find it a live.. i'll probably adopt it and take care of it :/


i believe on god and  he help's me

in some bad/sad situation's if you are an atheist then

i dont know..

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Yeaa..and imagine that maybe the cat is not homeless?How the people who take care about the cat will feel?


If was you won`t be funny so much right?




God doesn`t exist...we all beleive in something that gave us hope...that`s why we beleive in him..

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Yeaa..and imagine that maybe the cat is not homeless?How the people who take care about the cat will feel?


If was you won`t be funny so much right?




God doesn`t exist...we all beleive in something that gave us hope...that`s why we beleive in him..


Damn now i think of that too... what if the cat wasn't homeless and it had an owner and the owner finds it out in that condition... holly shit i feel x2 worse now... can someone lock the topic?I just want to forget about this... i'll try do something tomorrow...


The part that bothered me the most it was when my friends where like "Good job man!"

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Come on... stop spam if want spam go to spam section (joking ^^)





lol,... now serious maybe he is retard, stupid, coward, headshoter, emo... but there are pure evil and pure angel hearts! :D

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Yeaa..and imagine that maybe the cat is not homeless?How the people who take care about the cat will feel?


If was you won`t be funny so much right?




God doesn`t exist...we all beleive in something that gave us hope...that`s why we beleive in him..



Still, i find this situation funny do you wanna to improve me something?

what's the problem?

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Lock the topic b4 Flame Wars begin..


i dont want to start a flame war lol,anyhow

someone to lock the topic.


PS:Raigon imagine the situation and you will see

my point if the cat didnt die at all.

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The problem is that you laughing on killing?


Get real dude maybe the situation is funny,but after that?


What war you talking about?


I can`t just imagine there is people who laughing on killing..

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Raigon iknow you are a girl, and have a diferent thinking of this subject. Anyway i agree with you bloody, ITS FUNNY no1 hits a lemon to a cat lol only a ®(E)(T)(A)®(D)(!)

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The problem is that you laughing on killing?


Get real dude maybe the situation is funny,but after that?


the only funny part is untill the headshot

after this part the situation went bad.


Raigon iknow you are a girl, and have a diferent thinking of this subject. Anyway i agree with you bloody, ITS FUNNY no1 hits a lemon to a cat lol only a ®(E)(T)(A)®(D)(!)

+1  ;D

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u jsut get a reason to spamm about , if all ppl who knock out a cat and then fell bad post about it  .... this forum was close till now! relax


Reason to spam?


If i want to spam i will do it.I`m registered a long time ago.I have only (200) posts...


I`m relaxing...


Nope dude i`m not girl...why i must be a girl to think like that?Anyway i`m happy that you are agree with me..

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