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interlude [Interlude L2J] L][una PvP + Faction Server


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Gt i think you was player now gm?


and btw up the server lol.

Am i say i was Game Master ??i dont thing so..

(**Staff Team**

Admin: Administrator

Developer: Developer

Gm: EventGM

************ )

I was friend with Administrator so i help him everywhere he need..

Before i post something new In forum he say me what i post...

I am like FM (Forum Master) if i can say it  XD

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Am i say i was Game Master ??i dont thing so..

(**Staff Team**

Admin: Administrator

Developer: Developer

Gm: EventGM

************ )

I was friend with Administrator so i help him everywhere he need..

Before i post something new In forum he say me what i post...

I am like FM (Forum Master) if i can say it  XD

That is reason why at server start he give you clan lvl8?

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That is reason why at server start he give you clan lvl8?


I have donate for This Server with Real money...

The clan lvl8 it's was one from my Rewards ...

Admin or Gm Never help and i never ask him to help me ..


damn admin is retard make 3 wipe in 1 week !! X(


The server is Fine .. they dont do more wipes.. before 08/08 the server was testing..


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