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[PHX] Spam - The Easy Way


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Hello everyone! Damn, yes it's me one more time! ;P


Today I saw a "Spam Script" for PHX, but it sux a bit, so I decided to share with you the way I use.


Let's start!


1. Log on game with PHX injected.

2. Go to Scripts tab, create one and name it "Spam" or whatever.

3. Paste inside this some times:

 WriteS('Your Message Here');

You can change this:


and type 0 or 8 instead of 1 in order to send your message in other channel, shout, trade etc.

4. Save it.

5. "Tick" the script in order to run it.

6. Check the results in game.


Q: I won't get a chat ban if I send many messages too fast?

A: Nope! You don't get chat ban if you send messages via PHX!


Have fun!


Note: You maybe cause some lag too with this trick!


Credits to me


P.S I will hide it with 200 posts, because I don't want to see in every server guys spamming... =/

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But 200 posts is too much, this is common use of phx and many people know about it (how to spam with phx) so change it like to 50 or 100.



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But 200 posts is too much, this is common use of phx and many people know about it (how to spam with phx) so change it like to 50 or 100.



I just put 200 posts, because everyone will spam then.

That's all.

nice share but announcement protection wont block that ?

Nope. It's not based on Announcements, you don't send your messages on Announcements channel.

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