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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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Wannabe comes from wanttobe. In other words copying something  you like.  And here comes the post in place

what does wannabe mean for you the fact that you are a vip/donator dont make you wannabe lol but your actions....



who cares, i love blue color <3


I'm sharing your feelings


Lets ban this wannabes fail users, its gonna be epic.



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they pay 25 euros to see exploits which dont work on good servers?no.

most of vip members dont even play lineage they just spend their time on forum...


why they pick vip and not donator??

this +/- karma is...beep -.-(from vip's)



p.s Agree with Project's old sig :D

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the pay 25 euros to see exploits which dont work on good servers?no.

most of vip members dont even play lineage they just spend their time on forum...


why the pick vip and not donator??

this +/- karma is...beep -.-(from vip's)



p.s Agree with Project's old sig :D


thats not need to be true necesserly and what make you think they dont play lineage?maybe they do they just dont tell it to guys like you and the karma...no most of them dont use the karma as much as you think only a few lolgreek user :D

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they pay 25 euros to see exploits which dont work on good servers?no.

most of vip members dont even play lineage they just spend their time on forum...


why they pick vip and not donator??

this +/- karma is...beep -.-(from vip's)



p.s Agree with Project's old sig :D

i do not tottaly agree, cuz there are always new bugs and new exploits coming out, and this sometimes cannot be seen by a simple user.
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Anyway its getting late and i have to get up early tomorrow so im leavin you. Cya guys and dont forget to send me adena [if you can]

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i do not tottaly agree, cuz there are always new bugs and new exploits coming out, and this sometimes cannot be seen by a simple user.


i dont think so, anyway "good exploits are fixed in good servers", and now everyone want to play in a good server ^^


gtg gn all :D

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gn everyone..


Anyway its getting late and i have to get up early tomorrow so im leavin you. Cya guys and dont forget to send me adena [if you can]

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