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ti einai aftos?



                        __,----( o ))

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            (,(,---;;;;;  \ \|;;,)


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Ama ta poylisw ola paei kana 300ari...


Kai dn einai k mono... Ara3e! xD


300 euro για το DW? watafaka?


με 300 ευρώ μπορείς να αγοράσεις 4 δις στον official ;o

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lol, me 100 euro ston white-eagle ginese

k gamw + exei ton triplasio kosmo apo ton DW

Ta 300 eyrw poy lew egw pane se xontro farming omws... Kai dn milame apla gia ++!

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Έφτιαξα τα emoticon..........










Egw eimai lifer re..



Akoma dn einai etoimo... Ypomoni...

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