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interlude [L2OFF] ~ L2Dust


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nexti time u will have -1.Why don't u tell us why does it suck?

Beause all all gm there are corrupt.Rofl The admin of server have to kick all staff member beause they are really corrupt ........

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Beause all all gm there are corrupt.Rofl The admin of server have to kick all staff member beause they are really corrupt ........


Now Pyro recruit new GM's they dont have acces to do smth ... They're at training MOD  xD ...

I hope they're not corrupted but anyway yes srv suck ... xD as i saw mage 2-3 hits pff ;P

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LOL pyro is corrupt LOl

roflmao who told u that? pyromaker was never corrupted !











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ROFL just cuz the old gms were corrupted that doesnt mean the whole server suck. The ppl are corrupted not the game itself.

Every server is corrupted at least this one kinda cared about the community and kicked em trying to save whats left.


About pyro being corrupted, hes the owner of that server just cuz hes spending some fun on the server that means hes corrupted? lol, he owns it he do w/e he wants,even if u dont like it.


Just admin u would have done the same stuff if u were admin of a succesful server and stop blaming other ppls work.


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serwer got 10 new gms:D online 400pl 40% bots:D the same was in l2 vendetta:D

P>S pyro was corupted he love just  money money money :D more moneyyyy;p


[PL] Kurwa ale idiota ... only money ... o kurwa co za idiota ... jakby był corrupted to by dawno rozpierdolił server i wziął kasę (albo sprzedał...)

I bez powodu niewybierał nowych GM tylko dla kasy ... kurwa żal mi ciebie jakiś niedojebany bo nieumiesz/niemasz swojego srv-a który by miał taką liczbę graczy+    kase ... idiota

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serwer got 10 new gms:D online 400pl 40% bots:D the same was in l2 vendetta:D

P>S pyro was corupted he love just  money money money :D more moneyyyy;p


So if some1 offered u 100$ for a virtual item u can spawn in 1 sec u wouldnt accept? get real.

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Right now there is a bunch of stuff going on in L2Dusk about the "Corruption" Pyro banned someone for posting screenshots of him selling +16 weapons/armors and jewls


Here, ill just let you read about it, I just started in this server sO I don't know much, but im keeping myself up to date.




      ( 22:03:13 ) ( Insignia ) How can you be so ignorant as to think people will actually continue playing your server when the head admin apparently thought it was o.k to give his alt that gear


      ( 22:03:37 ) ( Insignia ) Everyone and their mother knows that it wasnt and once the screenshots that I recovered are leaked -again- you will have to answer to them


      ( 22:09:50 ) ( PyroMaker ) woah


      ( 22:09:55 ) ( PyroMaker ) you say it like its the end of the world


      ( 22:10:11 ) ( PyroMaker ) get real - giving alt chars gear is not a big deal at all


      ( 22:10:14 ) ( PyroMaker ) you think im a bad person?


      ( 22:10:24 ) ( PyroMaker ) or a bad leader, server owner, GM, w.e


      ( 22:10:36 ) ( PyroMaker ) well fyi I have given out massive gear to my alt chars in previous servers not once not twice


      ( 22:10:47 ) ( PyroMaker ) the best gear donators could get


      ( 22:10:54 ) ( PyroMaker ) including RB jewels


      ( 22:10:59 ) ( PyroMaker ) and everyone knew my chars


      ( 22:11:10 ) ( PyroMaker ) nobody complained, until one or two frustrated guys talked shit so I quit


      ( 22:11:24 ) ( PyroMaker ) its not a big deal at all, he did it sure, I told him not to anymore and he didnt/wont


      ( 22:11:28 ) ( PyroMaker ) so why make a fucking big deal out of it


      ( 22:11:32 ) ( PyroMaker ) you're the one being childish


      ( 22:12:16 ) ( Insignia ) You can keep lieing and saying that he doesnt do it anymore but go ahead and check GoodKnight


      ( 22:12:30 ) ( Insignia ) Thats his new alt, or I can make it easy and get Thinlan to check the logs for RB jewels summoned in the past week.


      ( 22:12:35 ) ( Insignia ) You're just making this harder on yourself


      ( 22:14:22 ) ( Insignia ) Oh and I find it very ironic that you had the balls on the forums to say that -he- did more work than I did on the server. Heres what he did : Relay information you gave to him to players with his broken english, couldnt hold a decent pvp event since his brain was mangled with the thoughts of a moron, has never helped a player in his entire 'sentence' of being HGM. Uhm. What?


      ( 22:14:56 ) ( Insignia ) Heres what I did in a month : Gave the players hope and -lied- to cover your ass, held fairly good setup pvp events, took player support?


      ( 22:15:41 ) ( PyroMaker ) woah, you still think you did more than what he did? then you're completely self-centered and arrogant lol


      ( 22:15:57 ) ( PyroMaker ) he was here for far longer than you have, since the first GMs


      ( 22:16:00 ) ( PyroMaker ) and the first problems


      ( 22:16:06 ) ( Insignia ) How do you figure? I'm not even trying to get my GM status back because I havent wanted it in a while but i'm trying to get it through to your head that he is by far noone important


      ( 22:16:09 ) ( PyroMaker ) when the server started he was a GM already as a matter of fact


      ( 22:16:12 ) ( PyroMaker ) he was one of the owners actually


      ( 22:16:13 ) ( PyroMaker ) fyi


      ( 22:16:41 ) ( PyroMaker ) well im sure you're by far no one important


      ( 22:16:57 ) ( PyroMaker ) tbh someone who lives their life trying to fuck someone else is just sad


      ( 22:17:04 ) ( PyroMaker ) and over a game...


      ( 22:17:12 ) ( Insignia ) He's nothing, even Thinlan said it. What purpose does he serve on a server where all he does is play on alt characters and do nothing as a HGM?


      ( 22:17:13 ) ( PyroMaker ) makes it even more stupid


      ( 22:17:38 ) ( PyroMaker ) k well I think our discussion is over, and coming from thinlan that's a lot cause thinlan sure is super active


      ( 22:17:45 ) ( PyroMaker ) and you were super active aswell


      ( 22:17:49 ) ( Insignia ) Might aswell move him into a completely seperate category in itself. "Player with -special- priveliges"


      ( 22:17:51 ) ( PyroMaker ) rofl just pathetic


      ( 22:17:52 ) ( PyroMaker ) night


      ( 22:17:57 ) ( Insignia ) Read the last 4 words in the quotations.


      ( 22:18:01 ) ( Insignia ) Get it through your head mate.


      ( 22:18:10 ) ( PyroMaker ) you say it like im trying to benefit him, like he's my friend or whatsoever


      ( 22:18:17 ) ( PyroMaker ) you want me to remove him cause you dont like him for whatever reason


      ( 22:18:20 ) ( Insignia ) He obviously is or any sensible owner would have removed him.


      ( 22:18:32 ) ( PyroMaker ) well you fucked up far more than he did, and he helped far more than you did


      ( 22:18:37 ) ( PyroMaker ) its called common sense you moron


      ( 22:18:40 ) ( Insignia ) Name two thing he's done.


      ( 22:18:43 ) ( Insignia ) I might believe you


      ( 22:19:17 ) ( Insignia ) Why would I like him? I jailed his alt and he began trash talking, I DC'd his GM char from game over 50 times the one day to prevent further corruption and set that out as my goal and then he said you would remove me


      ( 22:19:23 ) ( Insignia ) So ask yourself, hmm.. why do I hate him?


      ( 22:19:25 ) ( Insignia ) You have your answer.


      ( 22:19:27 ) ( Insignia ) He's an idiot


      ( 22:21:19 ) ( PyroMaker ) not like I have to prove anything to you, but sure, he helped us rebuild the forum from scratch when a crazy GM wiped everything, he helped me build posts and to calm down the communities in many bad situations like when ray left and kettle's/jaggerjack's corruption, he has helped us many times with NPC/skill fixes, which he out of his good will asked to help with and he's probably not doing more cause everytime he asks me for help or to pro


      ( 22:21:56 ) ( Insignia ) Oh NPC/Skill fixes? Which ones were those? Thinlan could have done that in 30 seconds.


      ( 22:21:59 ) ( Insignia ) Not rocket science there


      ( 22:22:03 ) ( PyroMaker ) I have nothing else to say, I know the HGM I have and I know he fits his role very well, you on the other hand worked well for maybe a few weeks and then disappeared, came back and fucked everything up


      ( 22:22:05 ) ( Insignia ) Rebuilding a forum is also -not- rocket science


      ( 22:22:22 ) ( PyroMaker ) who gives a shit, I'm a script expert, I could have done it in "30 secs" too


      ( 22:22:27 ) ( PyroMaker ) and who the fuck is saying this is rocket science


      ( 22:22:29 ) ( Insignia ) I fucked nothing up, I just got sick of the bullshit. Seeing his alt characters in town running with full gear


      ( 22:22:33 ) ( PyroMaker ) take a look at what he's done and what you've done


      ( 22:22:34 ) ( Insignia ) Nothing that you would do nothing about it


      ( 22:22:37 ) ( Insignia ) Just delete his gear


      ( 22:22:37 ) ( PyroMaker ) you're just a stupid moronic child


      ( 22:22:47 ) ( Insignia ) Knowing*


      ( 22:22:49 ) ( PyroMaker ) and you can cry as much as you want


      ( 22:22:51 ) ( PyroMaker ) he's staying here


      ( 22:22:53 ) ( PyroMaker ) you can go fuck yourself


      ( 22:23:03 ) ( PyroMaker ) "thinlan could do that"


      ( 22:23:06 ) ( PyroMaker ) "thats not rocket science"


      ( 22:23:09 ) ( PyroMaker ) "thats also not rocket science"


      ( 22:23:14 ) ( PyroMaker ) yeah, stick a fucking dildo up your ass


      ( 22:23:17 ) ( PyroMaker ) thats not rocket science either


      ( 22:23:21 ) ( PyroMaker ) you dipshit


      ( 22:23:24 ) ( Insignia ) Uhh, Thinlan while he gave you the log parser could have fixed every goddamn skill on this server.


      ( 22:23:32 ) ( Insignia ) So uhm, no need for a half-retarded german kid to fix it.


      ( 22:23:55 ) ( PyroMaker ) log parser is to check out things in logs like who spawned what and so on to catch corrupt GMs


      ( 22:23:58 ) ( Insignia ) I mean shit, Nettles brain is so fried he can't even setup a pvp event.


      ( 22:24:00 ) ( PyroMaker ) not to check out wrong skills


      ( 22:24:02 ) ( PyroMaker ) you idiot


      ( 22:24:04 ) ( PyroMaker ) you dont even know what it is for


      ( 22:24:05 ) ( Insignia ) The commands are impossible for him to get through his head


      ( 22:24:08 ) ( PyroMaker ) dont talk shit about stuff you dont know


      ( 22:24:21 ) ( Insignia ) Right.


      ( 22:24:24 ) ( PyroMaker ) yeah and you're such a fucking genius you dont know what a log parser is for


      ( 22:24:31 ) ( Insignia ) Did I say I didn't?


      ( 22:24:32 ) ( PyroMaker ) do the world a favor, kill yourself


      ( 22:24:33 ) ( Insignia ) When I did I say that


      ( 22:24:36 ) ( Insignia ) Quote me please


      ( 22:24:42 ) ( PyroMaker ) you're the dumbest motherfucking creature I've ever come across


      ( 22:24:51 ) ( PyroMaker ) BRs are fucking geniuses compared to you


      ( 22:24:56 ) ( Insignia ) Still waiting on you to quote where I said I -don't- know what a log parser is.


      ( 22:25:18 ) ( PyroMaker ) you don't know what a log parser is, you just told me with a log parser I could fix all the skill issues


      ( 22:25:23 ) ( PyroMaker ) I bet you don't even know how a script looks like


      ( 22:25:28 ) ( PyroMaker ) so why dont you just stfu


      ( 22:25:35 ) ( Insignia ) I didn't say that, I said while he created/gave it to you you could have asked him that same night to fix any skills you needed fixed.


      ( 22:25:39 ) ( Insignia ) I'm sure he wouldn't have cared.


      ( 22:25:45 ) ( Insignia ) I said quote me not fabricate bullshit.


      ( 22:26:23 ) ( PyroMaker ) you're still an idiot, I don't need thinlan to fix my skills, I don't need to ask anyone to fix my skills, the point here is that nettle does it out of good will because it's minimalistic stuff that takes time, and time is something I don't have


      ( 22:26:23 ) ( Insignia ) See, you put it into your own words. Quoting is saying something in quotations that someone said for example. "you don't know what a log parser is, you just told me with a log parser I could fix all the skill issues"


      ( 22:26:32 ) ( Insignia ) Those were not my words.


      ( 22:27:00 ) ( Insignia ) If you don't have time then you should seriously consider shutting down this server


      ( 22:27:08 ) ( Insignia ) Because it's the players that suffer.


      ( 22:27:17 ) ( Insignia ) But I guess you just care about ruining your reputation further.


      ( 22:27:45 ) ( PyroMaker ) speaking of time that I don't have, I don't know why im sitting here arguing with a child like yourself, the peak point of your life is coming in my server and try to ruin things, because other than that you gotta live knowing that you're a nobody, so you gotta try and make feel people like you feel everyday, all day long, like the worm you are. Now if you excuse me I gotta take a shit 'cause that's far more interesting than talking to you


      ( 22:28:00 ) ( PyroMaker ) you reserve the right to go fuck yourself


      ( 22:28:06 ) ( PyroMaker ) have a great fucking night


      ( 22:28:06 ) ( PyroMaker ) peace out


      ( 22:28:12 ) ( Insignia ) What did I -try- to ruin? I DC'd a couple of players.


      ( 22:28:17 ) ( Insignia ) .*Clap clap*


      ( 22:28:19 ) ( Insignia ) Get real.


      ( 22:28:38 ) ( Insignia ) Infact, their was nothing there in the first place to ruin. The server has had the same basic idea since the beginning


      ( 22:28:43 ) ( Insignia ) Nothing has been added or modified.


      ( 22:41:42 ) ( Insignia ) Night.


Thats Pyro and a old GM talking back and forth, as you can see they are both mad :P (Its only ok for Pyro to insult you, Cause if you insult him back he gets mad he insulted me and I insulted him back and he was MAD)


Here is some screenshots of the head GMs character (He is still ACTIVE for being a GM) AKA he is still the head GM NOW the head GM's alt charcter in these screen-shots is IPOWELPYS












Like I said I just joined so I don't know much, but what I know for a fACT is the HEAD GM gave himself WEAPONS ITEMS ARMORS SKILLS GMPRIVS and he is still on the GM team....



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about L2Vendetta when pyro had alt char yeah it is true that nobody cared about that. I don't see the problem here...he don't use items over the max enchant... it's like you are fighting with a lucky guy or donator. I'm not saying that he is not guilty but it's not a big deal too..

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