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Hi Guys  As i Can See The Community Only Grows Up But The Cheats Are The Same So

I think i could help(cuz i am in Underground Section of Some Russian Cheating Portals) a bit u but i need a little Crew-Team which would consist of:

Me, Designer(To Make The design of the programm(if)), Programmer(To make a programm like some Cheats Collection), Translator Russian=>English(To Help Me Translate Some Bugs),a person who understand Injections and just smart peolple For making NEW Bugs


So if all will be allright and u would like the idea....

I ask Maxtor or some SupeR ModeratoR To make a Password Protected Section For The Future Team


If u want Contact me at far_greece@msn.com


And yo Sess remember me (GiGaByte  ;) )



im here bantito i will make everything i can...we was speaking for this but.... nothing


Yes this can be done. The "Password Protected Section" will be made as soon as all of the crew found.

The point is who is interested? reply here.


Im interested


me and MewMew we are ---------------->ON<---------------- B1atch


Yes this can be done. The "Password Protected Section" will be made as soon as all of the crew found.

The point is who is interested? reply here.


Hmmm..Im Disponible to give a heand ;D


"and just smart peolple For making NEW Bugs" that mean : Some ppl to Test it ? ;D


Hmmm..Im Disponible to give a heand ;D


"and just smart peolple For making NEW Bugs" that mean : Some ppl to Test it ? ;D

hehehe... Guyz if you need testers i would like to take part too :P..

so so far the team is




Translator:NITROUS SYSTEM,Bantito,TOLISWR7(closed)


Explorers:evo,lostos,NITROUS SYSTEM,Bantito




If anyone else want then post!


I'm in.


You are Wecome ;D



LoL, Koyfo, your signature Isn't very cool ;D I will Make 1 for you....

Like the NITROUS SYSTEM one ?? ;D

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