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[Up-03.07.2010]How To Bypass The Anti-Phx Protection + Guides


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doesnt work for me could i have done something wrong?????????

it has been patched for over a year -.- look at the date it was posted and you think all that time from then on that hasnt been fixed...... think with your head
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I have a problem. I want to do like a second way. I downloaded clean interlude system, and FileEdit. I have question and problem. In clean system, is a other folder with name l2ini, and there is l2ini it's a normal? My problem is, i copy ip and chcange in clean system. When i start l2, it's a mistake:


2010.12.18 12:14:30
OS : Windows Vista 6.0 (Build: 6001)
CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2400 MHz with 4093MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (9713)

Can't find 'intUUIScriptexecGetServerType' in 'NWindow.dll'

History: UPackage::GetDllExport <- UFunction::Bind <- UField::PostLoad <- UStruct::PostLoad <- UFunction::PostLoad <- UObject::ConditionalPostLoad <- (Function NWindow.UIScript.GetServerType) <- PostLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::LoadPackage <- NCFrameWnd::NCFrameWnd <- XMLWindowData::Create <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindows <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindows <- NConsoleWnd::InitializeXMLUI <- NConsoleWnd::Initialize <- NConsoleWnd::Init <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine 

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