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[NobLe's Dota Contest-Dota Guide]Vol'Jin The Witch Doctor By Strike

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~The Story

Vol'Jin is a risk-taker. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with him can tell you that. As a voodoo priest, you need a certain degree of it. It's too bad he never learned the value of discretion. Vol'Jin's experiments in jungle magic yielded brilliant results- the ability to mend wounds, casks filled with paralyzing combinations of herbs that could scatter for miles, and even a curse capable of stripping the life force from a living being. Of course, no amount of power gained goes without notice. As Vol'Jin's experiments became more and more unstable and destructive, the Lich King made his move.



Damage : 51-61

Armor : 0.8

Strength : 16

Agility : 13

Intelligence : 19

  • Hero Attributes


-Each Point Increases Hit Points by 19

-Each Point Increases Hit Points Regen

Strength per level: 1.8

Hit Points Regen: 0.73 hp/sec


-Every 7 Points Increases Armor by 1

-Each Point Increases Attack speed by 1 %

Agility Per Level: 1.4


  -Primary Attribute

-Each Point Increases Damage by 1

-Each Point Increases Mana by 13

-Each Point Increases Mana Regen

Intelligence Per Level: 2.9

Mana Regen: 0.77 mana/sec



1st Skill

BTNAcidBomb.gifParalyzing Cask

Vol'jin launches a cask of paralyzing powder that bounces between foes, stunning those affected for a short period of time (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals damage per bounce to non-hero units. First impact lasts 1.5 seconds.


Level 1 - 2 bounces. 75 damage.

Level 2 - 4 bounces. 100 damage.

Level 3 - 6 bounces. 125 damage.

Level 4 - 8 bounces. 150 damage.


Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds.


Level 1: 140 mana, 20 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 140 mana, 18 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 140 mana, 16 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.


This skill is the skill witch you spam at 2, 4, 8, 9 Level (in my opinion ofc)


2nd Skill

BTNBigBadVoodooSpell.gifVoodoo Restoration

Vol'jin focuses his voodoo magic to heal nearby allied units.


Level 1 - Restores 16 hp/sec.

Level 2 - Restores 24 hp/sec.

Level 3 - Restores 32 hp/sec.

Level 4 - Restores 40 hp/sec.


Level 1: 40 mana, 0 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 65 mana, 0 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 90 mana, 0 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 115 mana, 0 sec cooldown.


The Skill that you needn't at the starting levels.


3rd Skill



Targets an area with an ancient voodoo curse. Cursed heroes will not only take damage over time, but they will be dealt bonus damage every 4 seconds based on how much hp they lost since the beginning of the curse. Lasts 12 seconds


Level 1 - Enemies lose 5 hp/sec, 10 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse.

Level 2 - Enemies lose 10 hp/sec, 20 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse.

Level 3 - Enemies lose 15 hp/sec, 30 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse.

Level 4 - Enemies lose 20 hp/sec, 40 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse.


Cooldown: 35 seconds.


Level 1: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 120 mana, 35 sec cooldown.


The Skill which OWN In Game. NEVER You got it if you cant hit easily your enemy(rarely). You Use At Starting levels 1, 3, 5, 7.

Ultimate Skill

BTNStasisTrap.gifDeath Ward


Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes.


Level 1 - 60 Chaos Damage.

Level 2 - 90 Chaos Damage.

Level 3 - 120 Chaos Damage. Bounces once.



Cooldown: 90 seconds.


Level 1: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.


The Ultimate skill. At 90% of time you need a build that you can't stop you to made it. You spam it at 6, 11, 16 Level.


-Skills Build

1 Level : Maledict

2 Level : Paralyzing Cask

3 Level : Maledict

4 Level : Paralyzing Cask

5 Level : Maledict

6 Level : Death Ward

7 Level : Maledict

8 Level : Paralyzing Cask

9 Level : Paralyzing Cask

10 Level : Voodoo Restoration

11 Level : Death Ward

12 Level : Voodoo Restoration

13 Level : Voodoo Restoration

14 Level : Voodoo Restoration

15 Level : Bonus

16 Level : Death Ward

17-25 Level : Bonus




  • Build v1






If You Dont Have Many Gold To Build Travel


If You Make Ulti And Then Press Ulti, Ultimate Skills dont stop. So enemy cant stop you skill. Ownage Build.


Combo With 3rd Skill. You give to your enemy 3rd skill some hits and then dagon. 3rd Skill depends from damage which give to your enemy and increases or decreases skill's damage.Ownage Build too.


He need this for damage and make your skill aim better.Usefull..


The famous build for Intelligence heroes. Your enemy maybe kill you and you need life. Make this you have mana reg also for 2nd skill.


If The game stand a lot of minutes and you can make it, build it. All stats +


  • Build v2




If You Dont Have Many Gold To Build Travel. Again the same thing. Doctor Need it.


Maybe you need from starting life, damage and something to dont cancel your ultimate skill.BkB is a great build.


- Armor by 6 and damage ++. 3rd Skill Own.


Give 20 armor to you. Also -6 armor by Desolator and -5 by cuirass. All -armor = 11. Ownage!


At the end if you catch make it.

Life + mana + mana reg. Usefull for 2nd skill. Maybe you dont fall.


~How To Play Witch Doctor.

Witch Doctor is a hero who, at the starting, own with 3rd skill.

So you must keep your enemy and aim the 3rd skill.that's all?


if you don't give him damage 3rd skill is failed.

so you must keep you enemy and spam 3rd skill into him.then you got him damage from dagon or Desolator (with damage and - armor)

at the balance of game you must own with ultimate.make ultimate skill and press lothars (windwalk and you attack your enemy)if he have gem you are dead!

with bkb you MUST 1st PRESS BkB and then Ultimate.

i thing the other skills is easy to make it when and in which time.


~Allies - Enemies

  • Best Allies



His stun and damages make a combo and you can rip your enemies easy.also with your build tiny have armor which is reduced from him ( at the base )


His ulti keep you enemies to good attack place.i think you have time to spam all your skills to your enemy. one of THE BEST allies.


His 2nd skill keep you enemy into chaos and you can make only skills. That's a good think.


His ulti keep your enemy too. You have stun and he has slow 99% for enemy leaves and you dont kill him.


Techies is a good ally for all heroes i think. his stun keep you enemy and you spam all your skills.good thing also you can help techies to got kill with your stun.


You have stuns and you can, with malicious' ultimate skill, enemy fall easy.


  • Worst Enemies


if you follow the 1st build gondar is the worst because he has track and you can't escape.


if he cathc to press ulti you cant escape.it owns.


maybe you escape but you dont win him.maybe if he wins you then you get kill from 3rd skill.


One smoke and he stop all your skills


one stun to infinite and you stop your ultimate.Worst Enemy.


I Think that's all.All reply are entered except replies like bad guide etc...

if you can make better reply and i make things which i can.




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one of my newly favorite chars.....it's pure ownage char...but you need to know who to play with him...a little more info at skill could help some players that are new to witch doctor!

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one of my newly favorite chars.....it's pure ownage char...but you need to know who to play with him...a little more info at skill could help some players that are new to witch doctor!

as i said again and again ask me with reply about which skilll you need to "teach" you for how to play or

when you make it.

thnx for replies guyc

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