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Ekana ayto to topic gia to eksis thema.Pws sas fenontai oi moderators se ola ta section??Wriste i dikia mou gnwmi:

Pisteyw ena kai mono pragma gia tus Mod kai tus Admin.Enw tha eprepe na voithane ta members, mas grafun.Giati to lew ayto?

Exw polla themata pou me apasxolun edw mesa epidi to Forum ta spaei.Otan sta topics dn m apantane, prospathw kai kanw tus Mod Pm i tus Admin.

Na to pw me apla ellinika: ME GRAFUN.Den kserw ama to idio ginetai kai me tus ypoloipous i exw kanei kati egw kai den apantaei kaneis,alla ithela na pw tin apopsi mou.Cya.

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1. Επειδή δεν είναι σωστό να γενικέυεις καταστάσεις, πότε μου έστειλες εμένα PM και δεν σου απάντησα?

2. Πότε έκανες ένα topic στο οποίο να γνωρίζω την απάντηση και να μην στην λέω?


@Ρωτάω με ήρεμο και φιλικό τρόπο, δεν θέλω να ξεκινήσω κάτι.

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emena m steiles gia anti hack ... gia server k dn simazeyete...


An dn apantaw... simainei dn kserw... k dn eisai o monos p m stelnei...

ase p ta 3/4 pms p pernw ka8e mera einai warez requests kai alla akura!

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1. Επειδή δεν είναι σωστό να γενικέυεις καταστάσεις, πότε μου έστειλες εμένα PM και δεν σου απάντησα?

2. Πότε έκανες ένα topic στο οποίο να γνωρίζω την απάντηση και να μην στην λέω?


@Ρωτάω με ήρεμο και φιλικό τρόπο, δεν θέλω να ξεκινήσω κάτι.

Den anefera kapio sigkekrimeno name.Kai ayto to post to ekana gia enan logo.Oxi gia na pw ti pisteyw egw, alla gia na katalavun oi Mods kai oi Admins

ti kanun lathos kai den aresei sta members tu MXC wste na to diorthosun.Kai ute egw thelw na ksekinisw kati.Epidi ixa kai allo account edw

alla efaga mesa se 1 lepto ban kai kaneis den mou leei giati.Tespa.


@Karma.Karma to "ama den kserw den sou apantaw" den ine apantisi.Tha prepei na steileis ena PM ston allon kai na tu eksigiseis kai na tu peis pws den ksereis.Giati ama dn to kaneis tha ypothesune oti kai egw.Oti dn thelete na apantisete.


Den sinexizw allo ta post edw.Min faw kai allo ban giati m aresei to forum.Perimenw kai apopseis allwn memebers.

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Den anefera kapio sigkekrimeno name.Kai ayto to post to ekana gia enan logo.Oxi gia na pw ti pisteyw egw, alla gia na katalavun oi Mods kai oi Admins


Ρε φιλαράκο ΜΗΝ ΓΕΝΙΚΕΥΕΙΣ καταστάσεις και άτομα. ΕΓΩ σαν L2MOD δεν το κάνω αυτό, αν ο K4rma και ο κάθε K4rma το κάνει τότε ανέφερε μόνο εκείνον.

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@Karma.Karma to "ama den kserw den sou apantaw" den ine apantisi.Tha prepei na steileis ena PM ston allon kai na tu eksigiseis kai na tu peis pws den ksereis.Giati ama dn to kaneis tha ypothesune oti kai egw.Oti dn thelete na apantisete.

Den sinexizw allo ta post edw.Min faw kai allo ban giati m aresei to forum.Perimenw kai apopseis allwn memebers.


Esy mporei na katalaves etC... alla egw dn kserw apo ekei kai  pera POU dn kserw na apantisw na to ksereis alli fora oti apla dn 8a perneis apantisi... gt dn einai 1enas k 2 einai 10ades members ka8imerina p stelnouu pm... an k opws proeipa oligon akuroN ta pm me l2. to diko s itan sxetiko alla dn kserw na vrw luSi st provlima s gia auto k dn apantisa...



Btw st topiC tittle s exeis k leksi admins.. enas tn exoume tn admin k einai strato k einai st pigene ela.. k dn mpainei poli sixna forum.... k min perimeneis apo auton...



Twra... oti parapona exeis.. mporeis aneta na kaneis mia anafora stn admin... h an deis kapoio post pou dn armozei sosti sumperifora h kt tetio.. patas to report to moderator s ka8e post... k 8a to checkaroun oi global mods. mporeis na kaneis report akoma k mods emena h opoionDIpote!


AutO einai diko s provlima.. opote dn simainei oti exouunn oloi provlima me tous mods GIA TA PMS K TO GRAPSIMO .... alla anyway dn to kleidwnw gia na mn lete oti prospa8w na apofugw kt klp...  ainte miliste eleu8era :P


Pes mas mia  kai to accouunt sou to palio na to checkaroume


BTw ti keimeno katevasa pali ^^ fsss

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Esy mporei na katalaves etC... alla egw dn kserw apo ekei kai  pera POU dn kserw na apantisw na to ksereis alli fora oti apla dn 8a perneis apantisi... gt dn einai 1enas k 2 einai 10ades members ka8imerina p stelnouu pm... an k opws proeipa oligon akuroN ta pm me l2. to diko s itan sxetiko alla dn kserw na vrw luSi st provlima s gia auto k dn apantisa...



Btw st topiC tittle s exeis k leksi admins.. enas tn exoume tn admin k einai strato k einai st pigene ela.. k dn mpainei poli sixna forum.... k min perimeneis apo auton...



Twra... oti parapona exeis.. mporeis aneta na kaneis mia anafora stn admin... h an deis kapoio post pou dn armozei sosti sumperifora h kt tetio.. patas to report to moderator s ka8e post... k 8a to checkaroun oi global mods. mporeis na kaneis report akoma k mods emena h opoionDIpote!


AutO einai diko s provlima.. opote dn simainei oti exouunn oloi provlima me tous mods GIA TA PMS K TO GRAPSIMO .... alla anyway dn to kleidwnw gia na mn lete oti prospa8w na apofugw kt klp...  ainte miliste eleu8era


Pes mas mia  kai to accouunt sou to palio na to checkaroume


BTw ti keimeno katevasa pali ^^ fsss

Molis me ekanes na ksexasw ta provlimata mou :P.Egw prosopika eimai typos me xiumor kai m aresei otan oi alloi kanun xiomor :P.Poly megalo keimeno ^^.Den ine oti ama to kleidwseis tha pune kati gia esena.Egw epidi den ida allo tetoio post, ipa na kanw ena.Kai gia na katalavun kai ta members dn ine to thema na pune mono ta arnitika.Mporune na pune otidipote pistune gia ton Admin(soz ksexasa oti ine enas^^)kai tus Mods.Egw dn exw provlima.Alla apo tin stigmi pou dn m apantusan Mods sta PM ithela na pw tin gnwmi mou se ena post mpas kai etci m apantisun.


@Maxtor Prwti fora se vlepw on  :-\.Sou exw steilei panw apo 5 PM me diaforetika account alla tpt.To username tu acc mou tha s to steilw se PM.

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@Maxtor Prwti fora se vlepw on  :-\.Sou exw steilei panw apo 5 PM me diaforetika account alla tpt.To username tu acc mou tha s to steilw se PM.


Όπως προείπε ο K4rma, o Maxtor "μπαινοβγαίνει" στο στρατό οπότε είναι λογικό να μην λαμβάνεις απάντηση.

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Βασικά όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι πίσω από κάθε moderator υπάρχει και ένας άνθρωπος, ένας άνθρωπος που έχει μια ζωούλα (πίστεψε με μια έχει) και θέλει να την ζήσει και δεν θα κάτσει πίσω από μια οθόνη να απαντάει στο maxcheaters μια ζωή, όταν κάποιος mod δεν απαντάει (όπως είπε και ο karma) δεν σημαίνει ότι σε γραφει αλλα στα 3/4 τον περιπτώσεων δεν γνωρίζει την απαντήσει, όσο για τα topics τώρα, moderator δεν γίνεσαι εάν ξέρεις τα ΠΑΝΤΑ γύρο από Lineage, WoW, Cs ο moderator δεν είναι παντογνώστης και σβέλτος για να σου απαντήσει ότι θέλεις μέσα σε 1 λεπτό επειδή πρέπει να πας και afk μην τρελαθούμε κιόλας

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Ekana ayto to topic gia to eksis thema.Pws sas fenontai oi moderators se ola ta section??Wriste i dikia mou gnwmi:

Pisteyw ena kai mono pragma gia tus Mod kai tus Admin.Enw tha eprepe na voithane ta members, mas grafun.Giati to lew ayto?

Exw polla themata pou me apasxolun edw mesa epidi to Forum ta spaei.Otan sta topics dn m apantane, prospathw kai kanw tus Mod Pm i tus Admin.

Na to pw me apla ellinika: ME GRAFUN.Den kserw ama to idio ginetai kai me tus ypoloipous i exw kanei kati egw kai den apantaei kaneis,alla ithela na pw tin apopsi mou.Cya.

odos o mod den apadane se pms pote ktl :P tespa sta @ s.

Den anefera kapio sigkekrimeno name.Kai ayto to post to ekana gia enan logo.Oxi gia na pw ti pisteyw egw, alla gia na katalavun oi Mods kai oi Admins

ti kanun lathos kai den aresei sta members tu MXC wste na to diorthosun.Kai ute egw thelw na ksekinisw kati.Epidi ixa kai allo account edw

alla efaga mesa se 1 lepto ban kai kaneis den mou leei giati.Tespa.


Den sinexizw allo ta post edw.Min faw kai allo ban giati m aresei to forum.Perimenw kai apopseis allwn memebers.


78 selides pm k dn brhka kanenos pm. kanenos apo tous 2


oson afora ta ban ap th stigmh p kais k rixneis th sponta s kalo 8a htan na peis k to logo p s rixsame ban dld na s leei Sorry (pws se lene) you are banned from using this forum ktl ktl k apo katw leei reason...pes to mas na xseroume


koita k edw ligo na deis mhpws ---> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31767.0


epishs  egw bazw th frash (Banned by Noble) meta to logo p 8a faei kapoios ban ktl ktl h oti 8elei o ka8enas ktl ktl


oson afora th suxnothta oti dineis perneis .... kalo 8a htan na grapseis poio einai to palio s account name p efage ban k akomh kalutero na grapseis h na steileis se pm poioi se grafoun pffffff k o enas k o allos K AN OLOI OI MODS SAS GRAFOUN(opws lete) EGW KANW DELETE TO ACCOUNT M ME TH MIA GT PSILOARPAZOMAI ME OLA AUTA P BLEPW  k DN MPAINOUN OLOI OI MOD STO IDIO TSOUBALI k dn eimaste nazi gia na banaroume oti dn mas aresei


kalh sas nuxta kurioi


Esy mporei na katalaves etC... alla egw dn kserw apo ekei kai  pera POU dn kserw na apantisw na to ksereis alli fora oti apla dn 8a perneis apantisi... gt dn einai 1enas k 2 einai 10ades members ka8imerina p stelnouu pm... an k opws proeipa oligon akuroN ta pm me l2. to diko s itan sxetiko alla dn kserw na vrw luSi st provlima s gia auto k dn apantisa...



Btw st topiC tittle s exeis k leksi admins.. enas tn exoume tn admin k einai strato k einai st pigene ela.. k dn mpainei poli sixna forum.... k min perimeneis apo auton...



Twra... oti parapona exeis.. mporeis aneta na kaneis mia anafora stn admin... h an deis kapoio post pou dn armozei sosti sumperifora h kt tetio.. patas to report to moderator s ka8e post... k 8a to checkaroun oi global mods. mporeis na kaneis report akoma k mods emena h opoionDIpote!


AutO einai diko s provlima.. opote dn simainei oti exouunn oloi provlima me tous mods GIA TA PMS K TO GRAPSIMO .... alla anyway dn to kleidwnw gia na mn lete oti prospa8w na apofugw kt klp...  ainte miliste eleu8era :P


Pes mas mia  kai to accouunt sou to palio na to checkaroume


BTw ti keimeno katevasa pali ^^ fsss

x0a0xa0x0a pali katebato ekanes
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odos o mod den apadane se pms pote ktl :P tespa sta @ s.








Egw den eipa kati gia prosbalo kanenan eidi i uparxon mods exete kanei kaloi doulia.

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