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high five [L2J] L2Aqua


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🚀 6th October LIVE / 29tb September BETA
🔥 New PvP Server from the creators of L2Aeron and L2Devil
⚔️ PvP against the FIRST Lineage 2 AI
🎉 Join an active and growing community!



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L2aqua is the hidden gem of the server world!  With top-notch administration and files that are like pure gold in the market, it's a gaming experience you simply can't pass up. Give it a try, and you'll find yourself swimming in a sea of satisfaction  no regrets here try now 🥰 

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Greetings, dear friends.

We’ve always believed in the power of our community. We know that your passion, dedication, and unique contributions are what makes the server really work, so we really value you here! :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Today, we’re excited to announce a new initiative to show our appreciation for your exceptional efforts in bringing more players into our world.

What’s unique effort?

Unique effort means going the extra mile to promote our server. It includes actions such as:

  • Clan Leaders: Joining with all your members, and bringing new members from outside the server into your clan.
  • Content Creators (YouTube, Twitch, etc.): Creating quality content that showcases our server.
  • Forum Posts: Sharing your positive experiences and insights about our server on various external forums.
  • … and anything else you can think of! If it helps us grow, go for it! :bulb:

Your unique effort, your reward

We want to recognize and reward your hard work. Starting now, we’ll be offering Aqua Crystals and only Aqua Crystals as a token of our appreciation. Aqua Crystals are our ingame currency that can be used to buy from our Store.

How rewards work

Rewards are given out completely at our discretion, based on quality and impact to the server’s health. We will not reward low quality or low effort material.

  • Amount: The amount of Aqua Crystals rewarded will be solely at our discretion, based on the significance and impact of your unique effort.
  • Frequency: In case of continuous effort (such as streaming), rewards will be given out only to those who have made notable contributions.
  • Transparency: We will communicate openly about every single reward we give, ensuring fairness, transparency, and hopefully bringing even more contributions by people who see the opportunity!

How to get rewarded:

If you’ve recently made a unique effort to promote our server, please reach out to us with details of your contribution. We’ll carefully review each case and decide on the appropriate reward.

Please note that we will not be giving out rewards for “just playing”. We are all just playing here. We give rewards only when we believe the effects of your marketing results in more people joining the server.


Thank you for your support!

Your dedication and commitment will be very important for the server’s growth. We’re grateful for your passion and unique efforts in helping us be successful.

Together, we’ll continue to build an amazing Lineage 2 community and server network! Let’s keep the momentum going and welcome more players into our world! :partying_face:

Thank you! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends

We’re happy to introduce a brand new feature for you and your friends to improve your Lineage 2 experience and, of course, earn some fantastic rewards in the process.

We are introducing our Referral System! :partying_face:

How does it work?

The concept is simple: you invite your friends to join our server, and both you and your friends get rewarded for it!

For you, the Referrer

  • 0-25 Successful Referrals

    • 10 10 Aqua Crystals per Referral
    • 100 100 extra Aqua Crystals upon reaching 25 Successful Referrals
  • 25-50 Successful Referrals

    • 15 15 Aqua Crystals per Referral
    • 100 150 extra Aqua Crystals upon reaching 50 Successful Referrals
  • 50-75 Successful Referrals

    • 20 20 Aqua Crystals per Referral
    • 100 200 extra Aqua Crystals upon reaching 75 Successful Referrals
  • 75-100 Successful Referrals

    • 25 25 Aqua Crystals per Referral
    • 100 250 extra Aqua Crystals upon reaching 100 Successful Referrals
  • 100+ Successful Referrals

    • 25 25 Aqua Crystals per Referral

For your friends

When your friends enter the game for the first time when using your referral code, they’ll receive lots of Adena to give their first character a fast start. Life is easier with friends!

Note: We will change the rewards for Mid and Low servers in the future, so that it makes sense in their own unique economies and character progress feeling

Confirmed Referrals

For a referral to count as successful for you, the player you invited must meet these criteria:

  • Play for at least 2 hour of non-AFK time
  • Achieve 20 PvP kills or 60 assists

How to access the Referral System:

  1. Open the ALT+B menu
  2. Click Account
  3. Click Referral System



Here, you can:

  • Edit your Referral Code and Referral Link
  • Claim your rewards
  • Keep track of your progress and watch your referral network grow!

Remember, the more friends you invite, the more rewards you’ll receive. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Thank you for being a part of our amazing Lineage 2 community.

Let’s all have fun on this server! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends :small_orange_diamond:

Today, we are announcing a significant shift in our server philosophy - one built on trust, integrity, and dedication to your gaming experience. :heart:

The private server scam cycle

We understand the frustration that many of you have experienced in the world of private servers. Projects come and go - but the people behind these projects are the same - under different names. They are launching the same servers repeatedly, extracting donations each time, and then just abandoning the server within a matter of weeks (or days) after they get the money. This pattern has left many feeling scammed, specially after investing time and money.

What we do

Here we firmly believe that you, our players, deserve better. Our commitment is simple (and serious): we want you to always want to play here, and we’re determined to ensure you have no reason to look anywhere else.

We refuse to participate in the dishonest practice of relaunching servers with the behavior many server admins have of complete disregard to player’s time and wallets.

We promise to provide a stable and durable gaming environment where your hard-earned progress will be honored and your loyalty rewarded. Your time, trust, and contributions matter to us, and we intend to earn and keep them, every day.

The solution

We design all our servers with a very long term duration in mind, and our top priority is for the server to live for as long as possible. If the day ever comes where we believe there’s great benefit to relaunching the server again in order to get many players back, what we’ll do is the following:

  1. Be completely open about it. :smile:
  2. NEVER wipe or close the old server. The first server of each type is our core server, always online.
  3. Launch the new server, and gather tons of new players.
  4. Early in the new server’s life (it depends on each server), we will merge the new server into the core server.

Why the early merge?

Because there’s no point in merging 2 dead servers. It’s still going to result in a dead server.

This should transfer all the amazing new activity of the new server into the core server. :rocket:

Can you think of a better way to get all our old players back than to make their old favorite server super alive again?

Of course, if you do, please let us know !

Join us and leave behind the uncertainty and disappointment of past projects. Together, we’re setting a new standard - a standard built on respect for our players.

Thank you for being part of this amazing community. Your trust in us is our most valued treasure. :coin:

Thank you for reading! :heart:

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8 hours ago, Cratos said:

I will join for sure 🙂 sounds good you comming back !

Hey Elated, long time no see!
You're always welcome!


Greetings, dear friends :small_blue_diamond:

A long time ago in L2Devil when Hubris (Anolvaio) had just joined the team and started doing skins in the client, I gave him an unrelated quest from which he started with 0 knowledge:

  • Expand the original Lineage 2 interface: add whatever you want that will be useful, but allow people to have a default Lineage 2 interface experience if they want to, basically don’t force new stuff or different styles on them, and add on what already exists in the original L2 interface.

Since then, he has mastered his craft and grown a passion for UI/UX design and functionality, and we are glad to present you with his work:

L2Aqua Interface

Auto Shots


  • Forget about having to manually activate the correct Soulshots, Spiritshots, or Blessed Spiritshots for every one of your weapons; and also forget about re-activating your Summons Shots every time you re-summon it!
  • Our Auto Shots interface feature takes care of all the micro-managing of Soul Shots for you, so you just focus on more important things :heart:

Auto Potions


  • Enjoy having optimal Mana Potion, Greater Healing Potion, and CP Potion management without any effort, and not wasting any space in the shortcut bar for it!
  • We don’t want you to bot, and one of the primary reasons why players were scripting in PvP was to automate their potion spamming (specially CP Potion), and now you can avoid all that hassle and enjoy the same benefits!
  • Most importantly, this creates an even and competitive field for PvP ability between players :smirk:

Auto Skill-Enchant


  • Do you know how much time you lose when mindlessly clicking the Skill Enchant button to get your character maxed? Way too much time!
  • You can now click once the button to Auto Skill Enchant, and our Interface will take care of everything for you, at lightning fast speed!
  • Enjoy getting maxed characters painlessly :slight_smile:

Auto Augment



  • Stop losing your time trying to find that one specific Augment for your class!
  • Instead, stock up on Life Stones and let our Interface take care of it :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Right Click Menu


  • When you Right Click on these elements now you get an additional shortcut menu for the most common related actions, saving you from tons of un-fun gameplay processes!

Additional Options Menu


  • See that little hammer in the bottom left corner of the Shortcut bar?
  • That’s what you want to click to toggle access of many of our configurable Interface options!




  • This is how our new Inventory looks. Personally, I love it, it makes life in L2 so much easier
  • We have added a Search Bar so you can find your items really fast! :face_holding_back_tears:
  • The enchant level of items is displayed on the item icon, as well as the quantity for stackable items
  • Inventory Macros - macros for items only, used directly and instantly by the client, switching whole armor sets INSTANTLY for maximum PvP skill display



  • Save yourself from many clicks! You can now buy any amount of items in shops, even for items that are not stackable, such as Armors and Weapons!
  • The items exchanged in the shop process can now clearly be seen, as the window is much bigger!



  • Bigger and nicer, also Right Clicking moves the whole stack, again saving you tons of time!





  • It now displays the amount of items traded, and the enchant of the item, avoiding scams!


  • Details of the item being displayed have been added to the Shift-Click action of items in Chat.
    • Enchant, PvP, SA, MasterWork, Augment, etc

Improved Tooltips


  • We’ve added lots of good visual information to Weapon and Armor tooltips!
  • You see the list of icons equipped and missing in the Armor Set, as well as its bonuses
  • Enchant details of the items for extra base P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, M.Def
  • It now displays unique colors for Augment, and Augment+MasterWork items
  • You get a fully compressed description of all passive skills of the item (SA, PvP, MasterWork combinations)

Macro Tooltips


  • You can now see the contents of a Macro in the Shortcut Bar and Macro Window by simply hovering your mouse over the Macro!

Party Window


  • We have replaced the old class icons with new HD ones!

Cancelled Buffs


  • Ever wonder which buffs you just lost to Cancel? Now you know!



  • Debuffs are now displayed on the target’s window!
  • This increases the visibility of the debuffs you land, so you are not stuck re-casting by mistake debuffs that have already landed.


  • The debuffs you receive have also been added here, similarly to the Cancel window, so you know what’s going on with your Stats at any moment in PvP!

Enemy Casting


  • You can now see what skills the Target is casting under the Target window!

Enemy Timers


  • You can now track all the huge and powerful buffs of enemies in this window, allowing you to have a clear view of the PvP status and to take the right important strategical decisions :sunglasses:

We hope you will enjoy our interface when playing our server!

If you have any feedback please let us know, we’d love to improve it even more!

Thank you for being part of our community! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends :small_orange_diamond:

We want you to know that when you login into our Lineage 2 servers, you’re entering a world that’s been extremely battle-tested. Over time, we’ve fixed countless exploits, bugs, and errors. Our commitment to a fair and enjoyable gaming environment meant that no exploit went unresolved for long. We are proud of our server files, which we’ve refined over many years, and we really hope you feel the difference when playing here and everything is just working correctly, as one would expect.


We know we are privileged with our situation, as this is not the reality many other servers experience; many of them are exploding randomly due to bugs and exploits all the time. Our server files were buggy like that once, but over time we fixed everything we’ve come across. When you combine buggy server files with corruption drama you get the perfect recipe for disaster and short-lived servers.

The Story

We take exploits and security very seriously, and our servers have remained invulnerable to hacking attempts for more than a decade. There was, however, one isolated incident involving a former team member who betrayed our trust. I don’t classify it as a hack since this individual was once a friend and coworker, even having the highest salary of the whole team. He simply had access because of our collaborative work environment, and due to his personal situation he forced himself to take advantage of it. Betrayal feels really bitter, but we forgive him and set him free. We hope he’s doing well.

The Team

As a result of this, our server and team, which was very big in the past, basically disintegrated until just two of us were left: me(Copyleft) and Hubris (send him lots of love, he deserves it! :heart: )

We are committed to maintaining a highly effective team, and this is why we will be very selective on who we add to the team. We are on the same page on all aspects of the design, development, and marketing aspects of the server, another privilege we didn’t have when we were big - everyone had their own ideas on what would work best, everyone wanted different things from the server, and no one really took care of it except us 2.

There were many times where we had to push people to do their job, instead of these team members proactively looking for ways on how to improve the server by themselves; the way we are working. Many conversations were all about money. We don’t think about money at all, we trust in the process of life where we believe that by offering a valuable gaming experience we will be rewarded with the money we deserve.

We are glad to be on our own, new, small, fast, highly-effective, multidisciplinary All-Star team. We are finally free to do what we’ve always wanted, a fun PvP experience in Lineage 2, without limiting ourselves on what gets changed because of the opinions of conflicting team members.

We’re not just any team; we’re a team that’s faced adversity, learned from it, and come out even stronger. We’ve gained a ton of experience over the years and plan to use all of it for our benefit. We finally believe we are doing things as they should be done, and we really value your trust and are determined to uphold it. :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Thank you for being a part of our amazing Lineage 2 community. :heart:



Greetings, dear friends.

Prepare to revolutionize your PvP experience with our amazing new addition: AI Players!

AI Players

What Are AI Players?

AI Players are a game-changing feature designed to keep the PvP Zone active and alive. These dynamic and intelligent AIs will interact with you, providing exciting PvP combat when the player activity is low.

Why Are AI Players a Game-Changer?

Always Have Targets in PvP Zone: With AI Players around, you’ll never face the frustration of an empty PvP Zone. They’re always up for a fight, ensuring that PvP action can always be achieved.

Intelligent PvP Interaction: AI Players aren’t your average NPCs. They adapt to the situation, your class, their class, and various factors to give you a challenging and engaging PvP experience. Expect them to fight smart, forming parties if needed to take you down.

Varied Difficulty Levels: AI Players offer three distinct difficulty modes - Easy, Medium, and Hard. Whether you’re an experienced PvP veteran or just starting out, there’s a challenge for your skill level. Find all of them in the PvP Zone!

Clearly Marked and Unique: You’ll never mistake an AI Player for a real one. They are clearly marked with their names, ensuring transparency in your PvP encounters. We don’t want to deceive you with Fake Players, something other servers are doing out there.

Designed by a Pro: Our AI Players aren’t just tough because of their stats; they have the exact same stats as any other players with that equipment. They are hard to kill because they’re designed by a Lineage 2 Pro Player (@Hubris). You can bet they’ll give you a run for your Adena! :smile:

When Do AI Players Appear?

AI Players are here to fill the void when player activity in the PvP Zone is low. As more real players join the zone, AI Players will start leaving, ensuring that the real Players have their moment of glory.

Join the PvP Revolution!

Get ready for endless PvP excitement with AI Players. Challenge yourself, improve your skills, and engage in interesting battles that keep you in suspense and fully engaged.

Have questions or feedback about AI Players? Share your thoughts on our forums! We value your input and will continue to refine this feature based on your suggestions.

It’s time to experience Lineage 2 PvP like never before. Teleport into the PvP Zone, and let’s always have fun! :star:

We believe it’s a really good feature everyone will love.

Thank you for reading! :heart:

Edited by AquaCommunity
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Greetings, dear friends

More PvP action is better, right? That’s why we have weekly Castle Sieges, taking place every Sunday at 16:00 and 20:00!

Castle Sieges - Get Ready for Weekly Mass PvP!

Deleted NPC Guards

We’ve removed all NPC Guards because they caused FPS lag and were also really annoying to deal with. Now, it’s all about PvP action.

Reinforced Castle Defenses

Defending your castle should be a viable option, and we’ve made it so. We’ve significantly increased the HP of walls and doors, making them a formidable obstacle for attackers. No more easy sniping; you’ll have to put in the effort to breach those defenses.

Reinforced Respawn Crystals

Respawn Crystals are now harder to kill. As you all know, when destroyed, they increase the respawn time for defenders. So, attackers, if you want to gain an advantage, make sure to take these crystals down. Defenders, protect them at all costs!

Dangerous Traps

Many of you may not know this, but Castles have traps, which are special zones on the ground. You may not know this because they have always been really bad, so bad they were unnoticeable. The traps within the castles have been upgraded. They deal increased damage and have a very powerful slow, so you really don’t want to stay on top of them. However, we’ve made sure that passing through them is not a problem. Just remember, if PvP starts while you’re on these traps, the damage of traps can quickly become a real threat!

Adding more Castles with Online

To keep the action fresh and intense, we’re starting with two of the nine Castles in the game available for Siege: Aden and Rune. But here’s the exciting part - as our online player count increases, we’ll be expanding the list of siegeable Castles on a weekly basis. This ensures that every Castle will always be full of PvP action!

Redesigned Residence Skills

We’ve reworked the Residence skills, the passive bonuses that castles provide when you own them. Now all castles offer useful and viable skills.

Residence Skills

Are you ready to conquer the castles, defend against invaders, and experience Lineage 2 sieges like never before? Join us every Sunday and let the Mass PvP battles begin!

Thank you for reading! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends.

We’ve made some changes to our Epic Raids that we believe will be amazing for the PvP experience of the server. :star2:

Epic Raids Upgraded

All Epic Raids and their minions have been upgraded for endgame PvE/PvP. They are now level 85, with reworked stats and skills that truly make battles against them meaningful and engaging.

No Quests Required

To join the fight for Epic Raids, you no longer need to worry about completing any quests. Everyone is welcome to battle for Epic Raids - just teleport to the closest zone and find your way to the Epic Raid!

PvP Zone

The entire area from the nearest teleports to the Epic Raid zone has been transformed into a PvP Zone. Start the PvP right away, and get additional PvP Rewards when killing enemies. In this zone, there are no penalties for killing innocent players - no one is innocent when trying to kill an Epic Raid :smirk:

Epic Access NPC

To enter the Epic Raid zone, your Party, Clan, or Alliance must conquer the Epic Access NPC. This is achieved simply by standing near it for a specific duration without enemies contesting it. If there are enemy players nearby, your progress will stop, and teleporting into the Epic Raid zone won’t be an option. This mechanic can be used to stop others from entering the Epic Raid zone, by staying with the Epic Access NPC and denying other players entry… but you can only do that while you are alive. :skull:

Removed monsters

We’ve removed all the monsters in all zones, leaving only the essential direct minions of Epic Raids. These minions are noticeably strong in battles and form part of the Epic Raid experience.

Aqua Crystals and Epic Fragments

Low-level drops from Epic Raids have been removed. Instead, they now drop valuable Aqua Crystals and Epic Fragments. Additionally, everyone who participates in PvP battles also receives Epic Fragments. These Epic Fragments can be used to buy Exalted Jewels, an upgraded version of Epic Jewels.

Epic Jewels

Adena Spawn Mechanism

Epic Raids’ spawn mechanics are no longer static or time-based. They depend on the overall server activity measured by new Adena generated, which combines both PvP and PvE. A highly active server generates more new Adena, leading to frequent Epic Raid spawns. While multiple Epics can spawn daily, only one spawns at a time, ensuring there’s always focused PvP action.

Adena Progress and Public Impact

The Adena progress for spawning the next Epic Raid is transparent and public. You can actively contribute to it by donating Adena to reach the limit for an Epic Raid to spawn. It’s an innovative system that aims to keep the server dynamic and engaging. With more players active, more adena is generated, and more Epic Raids will be spawning! You’ll also never run out of things to do with Adena :partying_face:

Two Categories of Epic Raids

We’ve categorized Epic Raids into two groups:

Big Epics

  • Valakas
  • Antharas
  • Baium
  • Frintezza
  • Freya
  • Tiat
  • Queen Ant
  • Beleth

Small Epics

  • Anakim
  • Lilith
  • Zaken
  • Orfen

Small Epics are more likely to be selected for spawning next, requiring less Adena to trigger. However, their rewards are proportionally smaller. Big Epics, on the other hand, are the ultimate challenge and demand significant Adena investments, which not every clan will have. When Big Epic Raids are spawning, it’s better to wait and allow the Adena generated over time to advance the progress. We hope the Big Epic Raids will provide amazing Mass PvP battles with tons of rewards!

We can’t wait to see you in action!

Thank you for reading! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends.

We want as many people as possible on our server - more people is more fun! However, we only want players who really like our server, we don’t want to deal with players who are going to have a bad time here. We don’t want you if this server is not for you.

Is this server right for you?

We believe in transparency, and we want all our players to have the best possible experience. However, it’s important to acknowledge that our server might not be the perfect fit for everyone. This is what it’s all about:

1. PvP Focus

This applies to all 3 servers (Low, Mid, High). Our main server is known for its intense PvP and challenging gameplay, and we intend to apply it for all servers in the network, in their own unique style. If you prefer a more PvE focused gaming experience where there is no PvP tension at all, please reconsider, as we have a clear PvP focus.

2. Minimal Tolerance for Rule Violations

We maintain a strict policy against cheating, exploiting, using bots, or any form of unfair play. If you don’t intend to play legit, you may find yourself banned unexpectedly while enjoying the server, ending your fun times.

3. Community Interaction

We encourage positive and respectful interactions within our community. If you have a toxic character, you won’t be around for long.

4. Long-Term Commitment

Our server focuses on long-term gameplay and content. We are running a marathon, not a sprint. If you prefer explosive server lifecycles with frequent wipes, this server might not provide you with what you want.

5. Anti-Corruption Policy

We are proud to maintain a strict stance against corruption. Clan leaders asking for money to play won’t get any, and big donators looking for illegal items because they have big wallets won’t either. Our commitment to fairness and integrity is more important for us than the money we get.

6. Gameplay Modifications

We have made significant changes to the original gameplay of Lineage 2 via reworks mostly. So, if you want the standard experience, looking for all the retail details in the skills, this server isn’t it. Ours is an original experience, full of uniquely fun stuff, which we hope everyone will enjoy, but we will not force them to.

We believe in diversity within the Lineage 2 community, and we respect that each player has unique preferences. While our server might not be the right choice for everyone, it has found a dedicated community of players who enjoy its distinctive features and challenges.

Before joining, we recommend carefully considering your gaming preferences and whether they match what our server offers. We want your Lineage 2 experience to be enjoyable, whether it’s with us or on a server that better suits your gaming style.

So, join only because you want to play in a server like ours, and have fun with like-minded players :smile:

Thank you for reading :heart:


Greetings, dear friends

Today I’m going to talk about Interlude and High Five, and what it means for our server :new_moon_with_face:

Embracing the Interlude Legacy

In the history of Lineage 2 private servers, a new chapter is being written: one that honors the past while looking towards the future. It’s a story of revisiting the Interlude era’s best gameplay, combining it with all the good things High Five brought, and innovating even more.

The Interlude Legacy

Interlude: Once upon a time, Interlude was offering the best of Lineage 2’s amazing PvP combat. Lower Max HP meant higher damage percentages, and the battlefield was an arena of unpredictability, you always felt you had at least a chance to win. Battles were intense, and even outnumbered, PvP could be won because of damage and speed. The Speed stat was very important as kiting was a valid strategy.

Advancing to High Five

High Five: Enter the High Five update, marked by skills like Rush and Rush Impact. These skills changed the PvP metagame massively, making kiting obsolete and redefining the role of the Speed stat. The game evolved, but it left some of the best Interlude gameplay behind.

The Perfect Fusion

Now, on our server, we’re crafting a unique mix - a fusion of the best of both worlds. We love High Five’s innovations, and we’re returning to Interlude’s base. For example, skills like Frenzy and Bison are way stronger and more fun than you’ll ever remember. We like crazy things, including crazy damage.

But we’re not stopping at simply restoring the past glory of old amazing skills and gameplay. High Five’s most important metagaming skills, such as Spirit of Shilen and Flame Icon, are still very important. However, they’re no longer required for PvP. We’re making them viable without being obligatory, ensuring freedom for class diversity inside a party. This was our main goal with all the class reworks, and is why we call ourselves High Five Part 6. We want everyone to have fun playing their own favorite classes, and not feeling bad doing so because you feel there’s other required classes to be played for the party! :partying_face:

The Future

We’re introducing our unique set of skills and updates to the game. These additions are carefully crafted to maximize fun and improve gameplay. We get inspiration from Interlude, High Five, and Classic! We are as well adding our own creativity into the mix. In our world, Lineage 2 isn’t simply a game; it’s a living, evolving entity.

Alternative Classic!

We are calling it High Five Part Six, but what we’re actually doing is very simple: we are honoring the nostalgia of Interlude with the breaking changes of High Five, resulting in an experience that combines the best of both worlds; we are joining 2 different player bases! We want Interlude and High Five players to feel at home when playing here! Of course, Classic players, used to the reworks and remasters, should already feel very welcome, I believe they are already welcoming these kind of changes. For them, this is like an alternative Classic rework :smirk:

The legacy of Lineage 2 continues, and it’s brighter than ever before. :star2:

Thank you for reading! :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends

Today, I’d like to tell you a little story. It’s a story of how we constantly innovate, while other admins are just copying what we do without any inspiration. It’s a desperate cry from others to stay relevant when we put our :duck: on the table (you read that, I didn’t say it).

You will see this happening again with our new server. You will start seeing lots of servers start working on implementing their own version AI players when our server starts getting attention. It’s not that we are ahead of our times, it’s that other servers don’t give a shit, they just want your wallet. Why are you still playing on scam servers? I’ve said it 10k times already. We do the work we believe is best instead of scrambling up random average features to bait people into joining a boring but profitable server. We want an extremely transparent, fair, and fun server because it’s also going to be extremely profitable and satisfying. Reject scam servers, join legit servers.

Here’s a list of legit servers:

  • L2Aqua

If you want your server added to the list, let me know. :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
If you want me to create a new voting site where we only accept legit servers, let me know. :heart_decoration:

Here’s a list of everything servers have copied from us over the years

  1. Our old friend nuked our database and made his own server, web, and client from our own effort. We’ve reworked our client, web, and server since - while it seems that this other project is stuck in the past.
  2. Servers are using our old clients with all our skins, armors, animations, etc.
    • They won’t fix the very obvious client bugs we’ve long fixed
  3. Servers ripped up Hubris interface which he made from 0 and copied and shared components even when he has released a public code for the interface
    • Some servers even had the audacity to ask us for help on how to adapt it for their own server :clown_face:
  4. Lots of Skins stuff, like Twitch Cloak (I made it myself back when there were only a few L2 streamers around), Pandemonium armor, Paragon armor, Phase armor, Vesper Noble Weapons, Lava Weapons, Devil Weapons , basically everything…
    • Can you imagine how lame you have to be to be using Devil weapons on a server that’s not L2Devil and not even renaming them?
  5. Basically our whole work which we did from 0 over all these years is shared around the internet. Have fun if you find it, go on and use it! Just… don’t ask us for support? If you gave credit I’d actually respect you more.

Now, these are kind of easy to see. You make a cool weapon, I copypaste the weapon into my own client, and I now have the weapon too, yay! Thank you for your hard work! :partying_face:

What’s not so easy to see is how we set the standards in the scene and later people adapt to us. We created the standard: Buffs amount, Buffs in the NPC Buffer, Item prices, Items in the GM Shop, Steal not overbuffing, Cancel returning buffs, automatic potions, you think about it, there’s a chance we did it first and people adapted.

Get ready because it’s coming. Once the server starts skyrocketing in population, scam admins are going to scramble for their own barely functional version of AI Players! I’m calling it now because it’s fun to brag about later

Even the description isn’t safe

One of the things that I never understood is why are other servers copying our server description? Like, is it our server too? It first started happening with L2Aeron a long time ago, when I standardized how server descriptions should be formatted, and people copied the format. But this is on another level.








Can you be less imaginative and creative than that? We’ve already even changed our web, your web is outdated! Let’s see how much time before they adapt to our web’s changes. I don’t mind, do whatever, I just think it’s sad that you have no original thoughts to offer to your community.

How many days before admins start posting daily with cool images?

We’re flattered by the imitation, but remember that copying us can never replicate the heart and soul of our server. Our community is unique, and it’s built on the trust we share. Good luck creating trust copying others.

So, when you see imitations, take pride in the fact that they’re inspired by the best. We’ll keep innovating and leading the way, setting standards for others to follow. Soon there will be more legit servers than scam servers. Watch us closely transform the Lineage 2 Scene with our success. We want everyone to copy our values. We want a better Lineage 2 Private Servers scene.

Thank you for being a part of our extraordinary community. :heart:

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Greetings, dear friends! :star2:

We want to take a moment to express our gratitude to each and every one of you who has been part of our community. Your passion, dedication, and enthusiasm for our server make it all worthwhile.

We know that sometimes arguments and discussions can get a little heated. We know you demand the best, and you only evoke those emotions because you expect the best. It’s the passion for wanting the best server that’s making this happen. Just know we’ll try our best!

We understand that perfection is a journey, not a destination, and we’ve had our ups and downs. But your continuous feedback and support is very helpful to us, it’s what keeps up going.

We want you to know that we’re committed to doing our absolute best, every day. We will listen to your feedback, your suggestions, and your concerns. We value them because they help us improve. We’ll do our best in addressing them. Please keep it coming, we’ll continue working on the server, making it better every day. :heart:

As we move forward, we promise to keep trying, to keep listening, and to keep working to make this server and its community the best it can be. We’re excited about the upcoming Beta server in just a few days, we can’t wait to share it with you! :partying_face:

So, thank you for being part of this community, and thank you for believing in us. If you have any feedback for us, please let us know. We’re in this together, and together, we’ll achieve greatness.

Please keep sharing your feedback with us. Your input is invaluable and guides us towards creating a Lineage 2 experience that we can all be proud of.

Thank you again! :heart:

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