Street-Gamer Posted November 25, 2021 Posted November 25, 2021 DROP this code in your MSSQL ; /**************************************************************************This script will delete data from every table in the database except those specified in the @NoDeleteLst. @NoDeleteLst = Comma seperated list of all tables you DO NOT want this script to delete. Example: SET @NoDeleteLst = "Application,App_Parameter,Parameter" The above will keep the script from deleting from the Application,App_Parameter and Parameter tables. NOTE: SCROLL TO MIDDLE OF SCRIPT TO SET @NoDeleteLst. ***************************************************************************/ --Make sure fnSplit2 exists. If not...create it if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N"[dbo].[fnSplit2]") and xtype in (N"FN", N"IF", N"TF")) drop function [dbo].[fnSplit2] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION fnSplit2(@sText varchar(8000), @sDelim varchar(20) = " ") RETURNS @retArray TABLE (idx smallint Primary Key, value varchar(8000)) /******************************************************************************** ************************************* This function parses a delimited string and returns it as an ID"d table. Parameter Definition: --------------------------------- @sText = Delimited string to be parsed. @sDelim = Delimitation character used to seperate list ov values. RETURNS: --------------------------- Returns the table defined below: Column Description ---------- ------------------ idx ID column for array value Value split from list. ******************************************************************************** *************************************/ AS BEGIN DECLARE @idx smallint, @value varchar(8000), @bcontinue bit, @iStrike smallint, @iDelimlength tinyint IF @sDelim = "Space" BEGIN SET @sDelim = " " END SET @idx = 1 SET @sText = LTrim(RTrim(@sText)) SET @iDelimlength = DATALENGTH(@sDelim) SET @bcontinue = 1 IF NOT ((@iDelimlength = 0) or (@sDelim = "Empty")) BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue = 1 BEGIN --If you can find the delimiter in the text, retrieve the first element and --insert it with its index into the return table. IF CHARINDEX(@sDelim, @sText)>0 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1, CHARINDEX(@sDelim,@sText)-1) BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END --Trim the element and its delimiter from the front of the string. --Increment the index and loop. SET @iStrike = DATALENGTH(@value) + @iDelimlength SET @idx = @idx + 1 SET @sText = LTrim(Right(@sText,DATALENGTH(@sText) - @iStrike)) END ELSE BEGIN --If you can’t find the delimiter in the text, @sText is the last value in --@retArray. SET @value = @sText BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END --Exit the WHILE loop. SET @bcontinue = 0 END END END ELSE BEGIN WHILE @bcontinue=1 BEGIN --If the delimiter is an empty string, check for remaining text --instead of a delimiter. Insert the first character into the --retArray table. Trim the character from the front of the string. --Increment the index and loop. IF DATALENGTH(@sText)>1 BEGIN SET @value = SUBSTRING(@sText,1,1) BEGIN INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @value) END SET @idx = @idx+1 SET @sText = SUBSTRING(@sText,2,DATALENGTH(@sText)-1) END ELSE BEGIN --One character remains. --Insert the character, and exit the WHILE loop. INSERT @retArray (idx, value) VALUES (@idx, @sText) SET @bcontinue = 0 END END END RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --SET NO-DELETE LIST HERE (tbls you dont want to delete from) - Comma seperated list. "tbl1,tbl2,tbl3" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @tbls TABLE(IDX int IDENTITY(1,1), Tbl varchar(255)) DECLARE @Tbl varchar(255) INSERT INTO @tbls(Tbl) SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = "BASE TABLE" AND LEFT(TABLE_NAME,2) <> "dt" --Disable Constraints PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Disabling constraints/triggers for - " + @tbl EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL") EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] DISABLE TRIGGER ALL") END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB --Delete Data PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Deleting from - " + @tbl EXEC("DELETE FROM [" + @tbl + "]") --If table has IDENTITY column reset the seed IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID("dbo." + @tbl) ,COLUMN_NAME,"IsIdentity") = 1 AND TABLE_NAME = @tbl ) BEGIN EXEC("DBCC CHECKIDENT (""" + @tbl + """, RESEED, 0)") END END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB --Re-Enable Constraints PRINT "-----------------------------------------------" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) DECLARE curDeleteDB CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT Tbl FROM @tbls OPEN curDeleteDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN PRINT "Enabling constraints/triggers for - " + @tbl EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL") EXEC("ALTER TABLE [" + @tbl + "] ENABLE TRIGGER ALL") END FETCH NEXT FROM curDeleteDB INTO @tbl END CLOSE curDeleteDB DEALLOCATE curDeleteDB SET NOCOUNT OFF 1 Quote
NamelessHQ Posted February 11, 2023 Posted February 11, 2023 this is not the right way to wipe the server data base in l2off i will give you guys an command for sql to execute it and the data base will be clean as fresh install: lin2world EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?' lin2db EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?' simple and elegant ! Quote
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