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Universal Drop System

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Hey MxC I'd like to share a simple, but util java modification. It's written for aCis, but you can simple adapt to any chronicle and project by changing the XML parser.


This mod will allow you to set specific drops to specific monsters with determined level range, or determined class (RB, GB, Normal Mobs...) with chances.

Why i made this mode? Normally L2J set monster drops like > Monster "X" have Items "Y" as drops. Then, to facilitate servers configuration i did the opposite.

Like: Item "X" will be dropped by a specific range of mobs.


There are 2 types of Universal Drops:

1. UniversalDropData.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<UniversalDrop itemId="8762" minAmount="1" maxAmount="1" chance="1" premiumApplied="False" monstersIDs="200;201;202"/>

This mean: Top-Grade Life Stone (8762) will be dropped by monsters with ids (200, 201 and 202) regardless of their levels and class with 1% of chance.


2. CategorizedUniversalDropData.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<CategorizedUniversalDrop itemId="8742" minAmount="1" maxAmount="1" minLevel="40" maxLevel="99" chance="5" premiumApplied="False" dropType="MONSTER"/>
	<CategorizedUniversalDrop itemId="8752" minAmount="1" maxAmount="1" minLevel="40" maxLevel="99" chance="10" premiumApplied="False" dropType="RAIDBOSS"/>
	<CategorizedUniversalDrop itemId="8762" minAmount="1" maxAmount="1" minLevel="40" maxLevel="99" chance="15" premiumApplied="False" dropType="GRANDBOSS"/>
  <CategorizedUniversalDrop itemId="3470" minAmount="1" maxAmount="10" minLevel="40" maxLevel="99" chance="40" premiumApplied="False" dropType="ALL"/>

This mean almost same of uncatecorized universal drops, except by the fact you decide class and level of monsters will drops the specified item.

I think this mod will cover all sorts of monsters in lineage 2 if you know how to use.





First create a class UniversalDrop.java


package dev.universalDrop;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author Zaun
public class UniversalDrop
	private List<Integer> monsters = new ArrayList<>();
	private int itemId;
	private int chance;
	private int[] amount = new int[2];
	private int[] level = new int[2];
	private boolean premiumApplied;
	private UniversalDropType dropType = UniversalDropType.ALL;
	 * @return the monsters
	public List<Integer> getMonsters()
		return monsters;
	 * @param monsters the monsters to set
	public void setMonsters(List<Integer> monsters)
		this.monsters = monsters;
	 * @return the id
	public int getItemId()
		return itemId;
	 * @param id the id to set
	public void setItemId(int id)
		this.itemId = id;
	 * @return the amount
	public int[] getAmount()
		return amount;
	 * @param amount the amount to set
	public void setAmount(int[] amount)
		this.amount = amount;
	 * @return the chance
	public int getChance()
		return chance;
	 * @param chance the chance to set
	public void setChance(int chance)
		this.chance = chance;
	 * @return the premiumApplied
	public boolean isPremiumApplied()
		return premiumApplied;
	 * @param premiumApplied the premiumApplied to set
	public void setPremiumApplied(boolean premiumApplied)
		this.premiumApplied = premiumApplied;
	 * @return the dropType
	public UniversalDropType getDropType()
		return dropType;
	 * @param dropType the dropType to set
	public void setDropType(UniversalDropType dropType)
		this.dropType = dropType;
	 * @return the level
	public int[] getLevel()
		return level;
	 * @param level the level to set
	public void setLevel(int[] level)
		this.level = level;



Then create UniversalDropData.java


package dev.universalDrop.data.xml;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.sf.l2j.commons.data.xml.XMLDocument;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.ItemTable;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import dev.universalDrop.UniversalDrop;
import dev.universalDrop.UniversalDropType;

 * @author Zaun
public class UniversalDropData extends XMLDocument
	private Map<Integer, UniversalDrop> universalDrops = new HashMap<>();
	private Map<Integer, UniversalDrop> categorizedUniversalDrops = new HashMap<>();
	public UniversalDropData()
	public static UniversalDropData getInstance()
		return SingleTonHolder._instance;
	private static class SingleTonHolder
		protected static final UniversalDropData _instance = new UniversalDropData();
	public void reload()
	protected void load()
		LOG.info("UniversalDropData: Loaded " + universalDrops.size() + " Universal drops.");
		LOG.info("UniversalDropData: Loaded " + categorizedUniversalDrops.size() + " Universal drops.");
	protected void parseDocument(Document doc, File f)
			// First element is never read.
			final Node n = doc.getFirstChild();
			for (Node o = n.getFirstChild(); o != null; o = o.getNextSibling())
				if (!"UniversalDrop".equalsIgnoreCase(o.getNodeName()))
				NamedNodeMap attrs = o.getAttributes();
				UniversalDrop universalDrop = null;
				int itemId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("itemId").getNodeValue());
				int minAmount = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("minAmount").getNodeValue());
				int maxAmount = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("maxAmount").getNodeValue());
				int chance = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue());
				String monstersIDs = attrs.getNamedItem("monstersIDs").getNodeValue();
				boolean premiumApplied = Boolean.parseBoolean(attrs.getNamedItem("premiumApplied").getNodeValue());
				if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(itemId) != null)
					universalDrop = new UniversalDrop();
					int[] amount = new int[2];
					amount[0] = minAmount;
					amount[1] = maxAmount;
					int[] level = new int[2];
					level[0] = -1;
					level[1] = 0;
					List<Integer> monsters = new ArrayList<>();
					for (String monsterId : monstersIDs.split(";"))
					universalDrops.put(itemId, universalDrop);
					LOG.warning("Item Id: " + itemId + " is an invalid item for Universal drop ID: " + itemId + "(uncategorized).");
			for (Node o = n.getFirstChild(); o != null; o = o.getNextSibling())
				if (!"CategorizedUniversalDrop".equalsIgnoreCase(o.getNodeName()))
				NamedNodeMap attrs = o.getAttributes();
				UniversalDrop universalDrop = null;
				int itemId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("itemId").getNodeValue());
				int minAmount = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("minAmount").getNodeValue());
				int maxAmount = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("maxAmount").getNodeValue());
				int minLevel = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("minLevel").getNodeValue());
				int maxLevel = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("maxLevel").getNodeValue());
				int chance = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue());
				UniversalDropType dropType = UniversalDropType.valueOf(attrs.getNamedItem("dropType").getNodeValue());
				boolean premiumApplied = Boolean.parseBoolean(attrs.getNamedItem("premiumApplied").getNodeValue());
				if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(itemId) != null)
					universalDrop = new UniversalDrop();
					int[] amount = new int[2];
					amount[0] = minAmount;
					amount[1] = maxAmount;
					int[] level = new int[2];
					level[0] = minLevel;
					level[1] = maxLevel;
					List<Integer> monsters = new ArrayList<>();
					categorizedUniversalDrops.put(itemId, universalDrop);
					LOG.warning("Item Id: " + itemId + " is an invalid item for Universal drop ID: " + itemId + "(categorized).");
		catch (Exception e)
			LOG.warning("Universal Drop Data: Error while creating table: " + e);
	public List<Integer> getUncategorizedUniversalDropItemsIds()
		List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<>();
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, UniversalDrop> entry : universalDrops.entrySet())
		return items;
	public List<Integer> monstersWithDropId(int itemId)
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, UniversalDrop> entry : universalDrops.entrySet())
			if (entry.getValue().getItemId() == itemId)
				return entry.getValue().getMonsters();
		return new ArrayList<>();
	public UniversalDrop getUncategorizedUniversalDropById(int itemId)
		return universalDrops.get(itemId);
	public UniversalDrop getCategorizedUniversalDropById(int itemId)
		return categorizedUniversalDrops.get(itemId);
	public Collection<UniversalDrop> getAllCategorizedUniversalDrops()
		return categorizedUniversalDrops.values();



Then create this enum


package dev.universalDrop;

 * @author Zaun
public enum UniversalDropType



Then you need to modify your core. If you using aCis find class "Attackable.java" in "...model.actor" package.


add this method:

public void universalDropItem(UniversalDrop universalDrop, Player player)
		int chance = universalDrop.getChance();
		int amount = 0;
		IntIntHolder item = null;
		int premiumBonus = 0;
		Premium premium = player.getPremium();
		if (Rnd.get(100) <= chance)
			amount = Rnd.get(universalDrop.getAmount()[0], universalDrop.getAmount()[1]);
			item = new IntIntHolder(universalDrop.getItemId(), amount);
			if (universalDrop.isPremiumApplied() && player.getPremium().getLevel() > 0)
				premiumBonus = (int) (amount * premium.getItemDropRate()) - amount;
				amount *= premium.getItemDropRate();
			// Check if the autoLoot mode is active
			if ((isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT_RAID) || (!isRaid() && Config.AUTO_LOOT))
				player.doAutoLoot(this, item); // Give this or these Item(s) to the Player that has killed the L2Attackable
				dropItem(player, item); // drop the item on the ground

Finde method:

public void doItemDrop(NpcTemplate npcTemplate, Creature mainDamageDealer)

add this code:

// Custom universal drop (uncategorized)
		for (int dropId : UniversalDropData.getInstance().getUncategorizedUniversalDropItemsIds())
			if (UniversalDropData.getInstance().monstersWithDropId(dropId).contains(getNpcId()))
				UniversalDrop universalDrop = UniversalDropData.getInstance().getUncategorizedUniversalDropById(dropId);
				universalDropItem(universalDrop, player);
		// Custom universal drop (categorized)
		for (UniversalDrop universalDrop : UniversalDropData.getInstance().getAllCategorizedUniversalDrops())
			UniversalDropType dropType = universalDrop.getDropType();
			// if monster level doesn't correspond to drop level limit, stop execution
			if (!(getLevel() >= universalDrop.getLevel()[0] && getLevel() <= universalDrop.getLevel()[1]))
			if (dropType.equals(UniversalDropType.ALL))
				universalDropItem(universalDrop, player);
			else if (dropType.equals(UniversalDropType.RAIDBOSS))
				if (!(this instanceof RaidBoss))
				universalDropItem(universalDrop, player);
			else if (dropType.equals(UniversalDropType.GRANDBOSS))
				if (!(this instanceof GrandBoss))
				universalDropItem(universalDrop, player);
			else if (dropType.equals(UniversalDropType.MONSTER))
				if (!(this instanceof Monster))
				universalDropItem(universalDrop, player);


Then add this line into your GameServer.java


This will call the parser of drops.


Now you need to go into your data pack and create a folder inside ./data/ and then create these XML files:




You can use the post start xml code to create XML files.


If you need any help to adapt this code in your source just send me a PM. Enjoy



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Thank you for sharing good job!!!

Edit: the only "flaw" I can note is that your chance is integer but drops use normally 0.001224% for example so it should be a float value for more accurate drops? maybe there is a way for improvement what do you think?

Edited by Nightw0lf
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  • You can use stream for getUncategorizedUniversalDropItemsIds / monstersWithDropId for oneliners.
  • monstersWithDropId should be properly named, and shouldn't create an empty List (but return Collections.emptyList() instead).

  • IXmlReader use would cut your parser class by alot.

  • equals can be replaced by == for enum comparison. Added to that, you can use NpcTemplate#isType for easy instance comparison (if you don't mind the enum.toString()).

  • getUncategorizedUniversalDropById use should be null checked.

  • You can/should use {} wildcard for LOGGER(s) parameters, cf. :

    LOGGER.info("Loaded {} crests.", _crests.size());


Edited by Tryskell
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