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interlude [Interlude L2OFF] Lineage ][ Vendetta!


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I'm inviting you guys to check out the good and old Vendetta, now finally Interlude to keep up with the competition.


The website is www.l2-vendetta.com or www.lineage2vendetta.com


We're an L2OFF 35x Interlude server with a few custom areas/monsters and weapons/armors. Donation cap right now is +8 for armors and +12 for weapons so its pretty balanced. If you'd like to register an account and download our patch, take a look at the website.


Check out some of our features:


  • 100% working Interlude skills. (I mean 100%. All of them work, no exceptions)
  • Interlude debuff slots fully working.
  • Auto-learn skills.
  • Max. level is 80 100%.
  • DVC & Imperial Tombs custom farming spots.
  • Fully working Interlude Clan System. (everything works (100%), including clan skills, clans can level up to 6/7/8/9, academy is working and so on)
  • Zariche and Cursed Weapon System. (Working Zariche, Akamanah)
  • Working Frintezza raid boss.
  • Working Gordon raid boss.
  • Working Interlude Backstab, Gladiator Skills, Cancel and more.
  • Duel System fully working. (1v1 and Party Duel)
  • Quickslots (3 bars) fully working.
  • Interlude minimap working perfectly.
  • 24 buffslots available. (divine Inspiration fully working (level 1, 2, 3, 4))
  • Party member locator on chat menu fully working.
  • Flawless Geodata, it works perfectly.
  • Augmentation fully working.
  • Hot Springs and Forest of the Dead clan halls.
  • Interlude Battle Symbol skills fully working.
  • Epic Weapons.
  • Vendetta Armor.
  • Epic Cloaks.
  • Epic Jewels.
  • No Clan Penalties.
  • Custom 1x1 peace zones in spawns to avoid spawnkilling.
  • Custom silence on the 1x1 peace zone to avoid spawnhealing.
  • Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops.
  • Subclasses.
  • Noblesse.
  • Olympiad fully working.
  • Hero System and hero skills.
  • Seven signs working 100%.
  • Retail-like clan halls.
  • Sieges 100%.
  • Custom Weapon / Armor / Misc Shops.
  • First and Second class change marks sold in shops.
  • General buffs, songs and dances last 2 hours.
  • Prophecies / CoV / Gift of Queen / War Chant / Earth Chant last 5 minutes.
  • Third class change NPC's.
  • NPC buffers in Giran.
  • General Buffs in NPC buffers.
  • Custom items craftable at the Epic Lord in Giran.
  • Giran shopping zone.


Best regards,

Mike Philippe.

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DAMN! At Last Mate!


The Server Will Be Really AWESOME Now. If i Have Time I'll Join..


Keep Up THe Good WOrk Mate.


best wishes for your server :)

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Too many customs..and there's rumors that painshooter/deviance/william (gm's) are in a clan playing..

And btw those gm's suck, they dont help in nothing, painshooter in a siege ported bishop of my clan to the enemy side..ported other players while killing antharas..:/...if the server had better gm's (edooh..plasmin are good one) and less customs could be great..but is not!

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Who ever says that in my opinion is just a person who doesn't like to get pwned by donators.Even if there are some rumors how can you say that this is true?I mean in every server where i join not for fun,to play seriously me and my clan is called gm helped,donators,etc.


But how the heck can you prove it?I am neither gm helped neither donator but ppl still call me,or some other ppl say it because they wanna destroy some servers (like vendetta).


I believe that PyroMaker would never let his gm team get corrupted,cause i think that his project is a serious one and not just a server that will close in 20-30 days.


Just my opinion.

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Sorry pyro , you dont play by the rules, and you log here whenever you want


Locked - Dosnt follow the rules


NO ONE , unlock this , he didnt follow the rules , i give him 1 day


P.S: If anyone needs help regarding the server... talk to me in IRC:





or PM me ingame: ~PyroMaker.



Mike Philippe.


Edit by Noble:Replies to Flames removed

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Relax a bit and stop the flaming.


Grisom i can't understand what rules the topic isn't following :S


Trust me the server isn't a piece of shit,that's where i'm currently playing!

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