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Where to start? Auto web navigation and buttons click

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Hello, firstly i would like to let you know what i want to do,

I want to make a auto "script?" to navigate a website and do specific actions  (press some buttons) every X hours.

Can someone help me about where to start? i don't need any code but how to do it like what tools and language i must use.. Never made a script for web navigation before that's why i need to help me with the tools and saw me the proper way.


Best regards and thanks in advance

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script as far i know has functions like pressing a button (using it on body onload="yourscript") and then inside a script use a timer to repeat or use cronjob to open that web part if you want it automatic


PS there is a refresh meta tag in header to reload the page so it will start again pressing methods from body

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What i am looking for is a "tool*" that i can wring code inside like navigate maxcheaters.com then click store, then click advertisements etc. etc.

My problem is where to start (what "tool" and language to use).


Edit. I found a guide by using Watir & Ruby, i am gonna test it out but if someone have a better solutions please reply

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oh my bad well i think a Visual Studio is what you need it has mouse functions language C# propably with html forms (ofc you will need a serial to use it but uncle google is there) :) also there are some auto clickers with recording mouse moves and clicks with xx repeats unless you want to create yours

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Hello, thanks everyone for your time i used Watir & Ruby, i made a script, i wrote the commands - code and it surf the web and doing whatever i want pretty simply and easy i highly recommend it!


Edit. Its easy to use and you dont need any "special" program,

I made an example to navigate and login maxcheaters just to see how simply it is



require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.goto 'maxcheaters.com'
browser.element(:id => "elSignInLink").click
browser.text_field(:name => "auth").set "Test"
browser.text_field(:name => "password").set "Test"
browser.button(:id => "elSignIn_submit").click


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