I've been browsing through the possibilites and offers of some hosting companies, especially OVH.
And my question would be the following:
Let's say I have a High Five server with 400 - God forbid 800 players. (for exemple).
Would be a VPS cloud with 12 or 24 GB Ram enough and stable? Or should I invest in a 32- 64 GB dedicated machine, if so why? I mean, L2 servers have been around for more than 10 years, long before these 32 gb+ dedicated servers. Yet, I can see quite a few servers with 500 or less online playesr that use such dedicated machines.
Do not put things in my mouth I never mentioned monkey.
This topic is a shitshow.
Great moderation...
Quality stuff...
On my forum you would be banned in the first hour.
Oh wait, you are banned.
You are now the problem of people that don't even care.
Continue with your empty threats.
I am done with this bullshit.
@Mobius Your words are fantastic; I've never seen so much crap come out of just one mouth.
Every time you try to explain yourself, you show even more that you're nothing but a natural-born scammer, a deceiver of innocent people.
worst part isn’t even that...
You go and buy a project that’s supposedly sold as 'premium,' paying several dollars or euros for crappy code made by his friends. Then, after 2 or 3 days, the fixes are leaked by those same friends.
There’s a rumor that this is done on purpose so that newcomers keep buying and continue being scammed.
That might be a lie, but it could also be true.
I prefer to believe it because there’s plenty of evidence against this lousy scammer.
If you pay attention to only one decompiler-compiler AiNasc, which was shared by Emca Eressea. A compiler that other developers want thousands of dollars for. This can already be fully considered a huge contribution to the development of the development community of our beloved great game Lineage 2.
Hello guys.
I've been browsing through the possibilites and offers of some hosting companies, especially OVH.
And my question would be the following:
Let's say I have a High Five server with 400 - God forbid 800 players. (for exemple).
Would be a VPS cloud with 12 or 24 GB Ram enough and stable? Or should I invest in a 32- 64 GB dedicated machine, if so why? I mean, L2 servers have been around for more than 10 years, long before these 32 gb+ dedicated servers. Yet, I can see quite a few servers with 500 or less online playesr that use such dedicated machines.
Thanks in advance.
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