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Configurable Custom PvP Zone System

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With few words, it is a system that allows you to have a bunch of "settings" for any zone you want. I name it "PvP" zone system, since i think it would fit better to a pvp server, that uses some kind of pvp zone. In order to add and configure the settings of a zone you have to do only 2 things:


A. Create the zone (according to some coordinates) with a specific ID, using the classic-familiar way  for zone creation in data/xml/CustomPvPZone.xml. (If you want to know more, visit this topic, created by SweeTs)

B. Configure the zone settings by using the same ID in custom_pvp_zone_settings.xml.

C. You can have as many zones as you want, each one with different settings.


This system is mostly independent and it requires few changes in already existing files - source code in order to be installed.



"I am sure that even people who don't know how to code can install it without problems. Besides, i will be there to help."


Plus, the code contains a proper java doc, in case someone cannot understand a simple and clean code.


In order to make it more clear, i will share with you an example of the configuration file.





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- For zone coords open ./xml/CustomPvPZone.xml file. -->
  <!-- Sample of zone settings (inluding all available settings) -->
  <!-- <zone id="1111" // The id of the zone. Must matches the id inside CustomPvPZone.xml. Default: 0
            auto_flag="true" //If enabled, all players are automatically flagged. Default: false
            on_enter_message="true" //Message when a player enters the zone. There are currently x players inside this zone. Default: false
            announce_kill_type="GLOBAL"> // %killer% has killed %killed%. Available types: GLOBAL, ZONE, NONE. Default: NONE
            	ZONE: Announce only in this zone.
				GLOBAL: Announce in all zones.
                    allow_summon = "false" //If false, all summon teleports in zone will be blocked. Default: true
                    allow_trade = "false" //If false, all trades (between players) will be restricted. Default: true
                    allow_restart = "false" //If false, players cannot restart. Default: true
                    items = "agrade,1" //List of all restricted items in this zone. Use agrade,bgrade to block A,B grade items and etc.
                    Use integer value to specify an item ID. Split items with comma(,). Default: "" (no items restricted)
                    class_ids = "88,89" //List of all restricted classes (IDs) in this zone. Split with comma (,).
                    Default: "" (no restricted classes)
                reward="57,100;9142,51" //Rewards on each kill. Syntax: itemId,count;itemId,count. Default: ""
                reward_cooldown="15" //Time (Seconds) before getting reward from the same player kill. (Anti-feed protection) Default: 0
                hwid_restriction="false"  //Restrict reward for players with same HWID. Default:false
                ip_restriction="false" //Restrict reward for players with same IP. Default:false
                party_restriction="true" //Restrict reward for players with same party. Default:false
                clan_restriction="true" //Restrict reward for players with same clan. Default:false
                ally_restriction="true" //Restrict reward for players with same ally. Default:false
    <!-- Usage example of all settings -->
    <!-- Giran Arena -->
    <zone id="1111" auto_flag="true" on_enter_message="true" announce_kill_type="GLOBAL">
        <restrictions allow_summon="false" allow_trade="false" allow_restart="false" items="agrade,1" class_ids="88,89"/>
        <kill_settings reward="57,100;9142,51" reward_cooldown="15" hwid_restriction="false" ip_restriction="false" party_restriction="true" clan_restriction="true" ally_restriction="true"/>
    <!-- Usage example of some features (Missing attributes have default values) -->
    <!-- Gludin Arena -->
    <zone id="1112" auto_flag="false" on_enter_message="true"/>




Some Notes:

- The code has been coded for l2jserver High Five, and aCis. In case you are using another pack, we will adapt it together (It will take 10 minutes or less to adapt, since it is independent code).

- If you want to add any other restrictions or features/settings to zones, you can request them to me, or even do them easily by you.

- Code comes with a .patch file containing only the lines of the code you should add/remove/edit.



This is it! Even if you are not interested, please take a second and leave a feedback to this idea. I would be glad to see what you think (any improvements or changes)


Price: 15€

Skype: knip.ex


If you liked or be interested of what you read, take a look at these:

Configurable Solo Zone System

Weekly Trader (With Random Items)

Edited by Solomun
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Good luck with your sales buddy! 


(You can implement random names on enter case / restore on exit as a new feature)

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Just now, melron said:

Good luck with your sales buddy! 


(You can implement random names on enter case / restore on exit as a new feature)

Thanks mate.

Easy to be added aswell. If any client will request it, i will add it. :P

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