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Hello, I am using the files of l2mythras (the same ones that are posted in these forums).

I am trying to set up the Olympiads to be weekly and not monthly.

This its the config file

# 				Olympiad Settings			  #
EnableOlympiad = True
EnableOlympiadSpectating = True

# Olympiad Manager Shout Just one message 
# Official = False
OlyManagerShoutJustOneMessage = True

#             ANTI FEED OPTION                 #
# Don't Allow Clan Members to fight VS same Clan
# Official = False

# Maximum number in Stadion Preparation (standard: 160)
OlympiadStadiasCount = 160

# Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 8pm (20)
AltOlyStartTime = 18
# Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.
AltOlyMin = 00

# Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 8 hours.
# (If set different, should be increment by 10mins)
AltOlyCPeriod = 28800000

# Olympiad Weekly Period, Default: 604800000
AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000

# Olympiad Validation Period, Default 12 Hours.
# Default: 43200000
AltOlyVPeriod = 43200000

# If you change the config make a request to the database: DELETE FROM `server_variables` WHERE `name` = 'Olympiad_End';
# Example (every two weeks):
# AltOlyDateEnd = 1,15
AltOlyDateEnd = 15

ClassGameMin = 2
NonClassGameMin = 2
TeamGameMin = 15

# Number used for displaying amount of registered participants, messages "Fewer than ..." or "More than ...".
# 0 for displaying digits instead of text phrase (old style).
# Default: 100
AltOlyRegistrationDisplayNumber = 10

# Olympiad battle winner reward.
# Default: 13722
AltOlyBattleRewItem = 13722

# Default: 50
AltOlyClassedRewItemCount = 50

# Default: 40
AltOlyNonClassedRewItemCount = 40

# Default: 50
AltOlyTeamRewItemCount = 50

# ItemId for this reward.
# Default: 13722
AltOlyCompRewItem = 13722

# Rate to exchange points to reward item.
# Default: 1000
AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000

# Noblesse points awarded to Heros.
# Default: 200
AltOlyHeroPoints = 200

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 1 members.
# Default: 100
AltOlyRank1Points = 100

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 2 members.
# Default: 75
AltOlyRank2Points = 75

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 3 members.
# Default: 55
AltOlyRank3Points = 55

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 4 members.
# Default: 40
AltOlyRank4Points = 40

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 5 members.
# Default: 30
AltOlyRank5Points = 30

# Maximum fighting gallop can be made
GameMaxLimit = 70
# Limit the fighting in class
GameClassesCountLimit = 30
# Limit fighting outside class
GameNoClassesCountLimit = 60
# Limit fighting team
GameTeamCountLimit = 10

# The number of fights per month required for tokens
OlympiadBattlesForReward = 15

# The number of points issued on receipt nubla and earlier this month
OlympiadPointsDefault = 50
# The number of points given out in a week
OlympiadPointsWeekly = 25

# Show /olympiadstat in the old version (only you)
OlympiadOldStyleStat = False

# Block Gulf twinks at the Olympics (check for IP)
OlympiadPlayerIp = True

# Время ожидания до порта на арену, использовать только значения стандартного ряда (120,60,30,15,5,4,3,2,1)
# Default: 120
AltOlyWaitTime = 60
# Время ожидания порта в город после боя, использовать только значения стандартного ряда (20,10,5,4,3,2,1)
# Default: 20
AltOlyPortBackTime = 20

# Config for maximum grinding equip to fight in the Olympics
# False to disable
OlyEnchantLimit = false
OlyEnchantLimitWeapon = 6
OlyEnchantLimitArmor = 6
OlyEnchantLimitJewel = 6

# Clear peretochennye things?
# Works only when the OlyEnchantLimit!
OlympiadUnEquipBadEnchantItem = True

# Time to teleport to the stadium
OlympiadBeginTime = 60


Im thinking that the value to change its this one


# If you change the config make a request to the database: DELETE FROM `server_variables` WHERE `name` = 'Olympiad_End';
# Example (every two weeks):
# AltOlyDateEnd = 1,15
AltOlyDateEnd = 15



Try putting 1.15 as it says up there and did the update of the server_variables table.
I played some matches with the characters with all the requirements (9 fights and at least 1 won), then forward the windows date (so that the 2 weeks pass) but it never lets you ask for hero status.

If anyone could give me a hand.
Thank you so much




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As I said, first of all decrease the AltOlyWPeriod to like 3 days instead of a week. Then, about the configurable period, all you need is to take a look on l2jserver or l2junity files and c/p the code, calendar related.

Take a look here, on setNewOlympiadEnd, see how it's done and voila.


1 = Period will be in months.

2 = Period will be in weeks.

3 = Period will be in days.


Multiplier config is obvious, I guess. So, no need to explain. 



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