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Hlapex is to old for new servers ^^

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I thikn that the server creators have made a unti-hlapex program becouse i tried hlapex in over 25 servers (noob severs)  and in all of them they say gm informed and 10 min jail but in ALL of them they same think 10 min jail they same plzce in jail the same time i go the same place it returns me the same kick i take after >_>  >:(

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I thikn that the server creators have made a unti-hlapex program becouse i tried hlapex in over 25 servers (noob severs)  and in all of them they say gm informed and 10 min jail but in ALL of them they same think 10 min jail they same plzce in jail the same time i go the same place it returns me the same kick i take after >_>  >:(


its just blocked some blacklisted packets. But until they block all "bad" packets, it will take some time.

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maxtor i dont think that they have blocked some blacklisted packets..... propably they have created a proggram that detect hlapex's movement.... i think if they block lets say the packet for BoP then u wont be able to buy it from the gm shop cuz its blocked right?

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maxtor i dont think that they have blocked some blacklisted packets..... propably they have created a proggram that detect hlapex's movement.... i think if they block lets say the packet for BoP then u wont be able to buy it from the gm shop cuz its blocked right?


Theres 2 types of shops.  Player GM shops and Gm Gm shops.

From what ive seen, a player GM shop doesnt have any blacklisted packets.  When i put up my test server, when i tried to buy anything from the GM Gm shop i got a 'You will be kicked for illegal action' even though i had 100 access.

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maxtor i dont think that they have blocked some blacklisted packets..... propably they have created a proggram that detect hlapex's movement.... i think if they block lets say the packet for BoP then u wont be able to buy it from the gm shop cuz its blocked right?

No... What hlapex did my little stupid fellow was to send a buy packet from the Gm shop the GMs Buy things... (its in their console) From there they buy items for 0 adenas... What the patch does is what exactly Maxtor said... It blacklisted the packets that are send to Npc traders.. I am sure about it because once (i was gm) and i targeted an npc trader and tried to buy from the admin shop.. Then i got the well known message... Illegal action, Gm informed bla bla bla....


Try to sniff a buy packet when u buy something... Then send it again... You will buy the item normaly but you will lose adenas as if you had bought it normaly... NO kick... No hlapexs moves detected...

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