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About CHaNG

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  1. Somebody can explain how to start the bot running with the OOG. Do I need to make a script in order to have something as L2Walker ?
  2. Hacking tool detect by the game on a C5 L2J serv.
  3. Ok thanks for your answer, it's work ! :) But I've a problem, I don't see how to launch the bot ? :P
  4. When I'm trying to run the software I've an error from "setup", somebody have this same problem? I've the frameworks 2.0 installed.
  5. So there is some packets we can use even if we are put into Jail when we try to get a weapon or something else ?
  6. When i'm trying to buy a weapon with a injected code by hLaPEx i'm put into Jail but there is no Gm Online, so it's automatic. Does that mean that I can't inject packets ? Or I have chance in inject some packet with certains items ?
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