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interlude [L2J] Project LIPO


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9 hours ago, ThitisTV said:

this project will not open for sure fail before start

Thank you for your feedback! Project LIPO is here to offer the best possible experience that Lineage 2 has to offer and it is here to stay until its Epilogue.


I added at the site the exp rates and max enchant, because i haven't reveal some basic stuff...

So the exp rate is full custom and because of that i can't give you an exact number, but generally it's "high rate", quests and other activities give exp also, so don't expect boring exping or farming.. xD those things don't belong here. The gameplay is made with almost 0 boring stuff.


And the enchants. Weapon max enchant: +9 , Armor/Jewels max enchant: +7. It is worth to be mentioned because i haven't explained crafting, that the +9 S-Grade weapons & armors can be crafted to +0 legendary gear (golden and azurite).


Coming soon with videos, full details on classes and the trailer of the Prologue in a couple of weeks.



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A rather peaceful and relaxing video, showcasing the starting zone of the Yangs with a female Elf starting her journey!

More info at the video description...



If you're unfamiliar with what Project LIPO is all about, check our site: http://projectlipo.com/



10 minutes ago, UgliBiBagli said:

the real question is... do the ores have names? :v


horry shiet, that was like a year ago 

Time flies, but i'm proud and ready to finally show you my creation :3

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Our website is slowly getting better. I'm currently making the Library page that will be filled with in-game information. So far it contains only the Mining System as a preview of how things will be released.

Site: http://projectlipo.com/
Library (under construction): http://projectlipo.com/library/


I'm open for suggestions on how things will look better. A ton of things are yet to be explained, so it is crucial to find the ideal design pattern first and then move the content in!

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Started filling out the library: http://projectlipo.com/library/


I'm trying to find the right design pattern in order to improve everything later that's why I've mostly posted small stuff and systems just for testing.


There are 5 major systems and 20+ smaller ones that i need to introduce like this, so i guess it will take me till the end of this month in order to finish them.


After finishing the basic presentation i'll put the budget for a perfect video, that will set the opening date and will sum everything up in order to start the hype! Solid facebook advertisement will start in a couple of days so be sure to check our facebook page. A HUGE advertisement in forums and sites will start when the video will be released, so i guess i will have the time to make everything perfect by then.



That's it for now, i hope you like what you're seeing, and if you don't, you will ;)


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3 hours ago, .Elfocrash said:

It's so sad to see this...

Seeing someone putting the effort to create something nice and unique and to know that it will inevitably fail because of the community.
It's easy to see that none of the most popular servers have any crazy features or game changing ideas. They are by the numbers because that's what people want.

There have been projects like this before and all failed miserably. Such a shame and a waste of time. At least you are probably learning stuff as you go which is the only thing that you will get back.


Make no mistake. I want this project to succeed and i will play the launch out of curiosity. It's just that other people won't.

Look at lord_rex's or midnex's projects. Nobody played, nobody cared.

I'm not interested in replying to someone that uses the word fail a lot, but It's already a success for me, so let me widen your pov.


What you're seeing now and what you'll see in the following 6 months, it's the Prologue. The background of the Project, the 5%. The project has 9 Chapters, 3 in each Narrative and an Epilogue. With my current estimations each chapter will last 4 months (gameplay wise). So the people as you refer them, they have 3 years time to understand that it is not something you're seeing everyday. Plus, i'm not aiming to gather the Lineage 2 community and say WOW i had 1k people at opening and now i have 50 people, don't make me roflmao elfo. I'm planning to expand the Lineage 2 community.


I don't want to talk about the actual gameplay, but ordinary problems don't apply here. New players won't have to catch up, they will get a new server in the current Chapter. Old players will have a solid gameplay and they have the chance to write their names into the history via a Sub-Chapter. Each gameplay is a piece of art. There will be life everywhere. There is just so many things you can do, that you won't be able to experience it all, even if you play from the beginning. But let's say you don't care about any of these, you just want to PVP. Every class has been engineered in order to have "skill & strategy aspect". There will be pvp everyday with a purpose and huge sieges every sunday. And that's just the Prologue, which i consider it a more of a static thing that will warm up the players for following Chapters.


Alright, that's it! I've erased many of my points because i already got tired of typing, time for actions.


PS: If you any constructional feedback about anything related to the website or presentation feel free to post it. It's sad to see experience posting something negative into something positive.

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i agree with elfo. it's not about you or your idea. it's about community which is a lot smaller than it used to be some years ago. people dont like joining a server and do different staff than they are used to. They want to play lineage as it is, whether it is a low- mid or pvp concept.

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5 hours ago, .Elfocrash said:

You can go on and on explaining your plan but it doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with you doing something wrong (even though your plans for pay to play are borderline mad).

You think that's what people want but they don't. You did no marker research and it's pretty obvious. You are making a product without having a market demand to fill.

It's the most constructive feedback I've ever given to a server and you still can't accept it. Take a step back and see the situation. You're blindfolded by your own aspirations. 

Demand, no demand? Players, no players? You are too concerned about wha..... jk. This project will happen no matter what.


That's what i'm trying to tell you. People will decide if they want to be a part of it or. The business model will or won't change based on the players, i'm not here to make money, i'm here to do my thing and the rest will come. About the people, that you still spam they won't join, so far i'm seeing the opposite at the facebook page.


2 hours ago, JohnBoy13 said:

i agree with elfo. it's not about you or your idea. it's about community which is a lot smaller than it used to be some years ago. people dont like joining a server and do different staff than they are used to. They want to play lineage as it is, whether it is a low- mid or pvp concept.

Then i'm not aiming for such people. I'm not here to offer nostalgic memories about the game, i'm here to give you new ones, if not better, just as good as the old ones.



Thank you both for your feedback!

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16 minutes ago, .Elfocrash said:

I wanted to stop but you made me reply with this.


It is pretty obvious that you used facebook ads to promote the page and a specific post. This doens't translate to true engagements and convertion.

As you can see nobody of all those people gave a shit on the post you made on March 16. The reason why the post on march 10 is liked is because it is promoted and same goes for the page itself.


This doesn't translate to people that will play the server or people that care about it. 2 likes and one is you. Cmon, we are not stupid.

Come on, you think i'm talking about likes? I'm talking about msgs and comments.


Currently i have 1 post with payed advertisement and this post here (no other site/forum whatsoever). It's not even aiming to gather the Lineage 2 players, it's purely out for experimenting reasons! I haven't done this a million times to have everything ready, nor i have a community yet... But stop bullshiting about people won't join because i'm currently on the explanation phase, not even advertising. So that's your personal opinion and it is based on your experiences.


You made your point, people won't join. Now here's your cookie and wait for the advertisement to take place.

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