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[Maxtor is coming back soon ^^!!!]


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In 9 days Maxtor is leaving army and will be back with us (finally :P):


[i cover his msn w00t]

Among with his back he will bring many new things ^^ so be prepared cos next week maxtor comes back and 1 weeks after is MXC Birthday =)) (3 years old site :* :P)


He sends us his love (¿?) jaja <3

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Well , At Last!


We Are Looking Forward For Maxtor To Come Here ^_^


Cya In 9 Days Max!

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every soldier has days off the army(permission)...these days are calculated regarding on how much he is about to serve on greek army(usually 12 months or 9 or 6 months) so he means he ll take permission and go back to his home...

with his phrase he means he going back to his home for relax,see his family  bla bla etc xD

btw http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=23896.msg160594#msg160594 

if he was about to be released from army he should ve been relased from duties from november 13th


ps :i think this topic is a little offside as it was between 2.maxtor logins from time to time and knows whats happening he just doesnt post

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ofc he is coming back, he has no reason to stay there 4ever and whats a forum without its owner ? :) He will be back soon im sure of it. We should stay come till he does.. the welcome party will be after he arrives cuz we dont actually know the date xD.

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