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Best source files for l2j interlude?


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Thank you everyone for the tips.

I know when I have open source that not says I own the code.

But it is just for my own job / my own server.

Not to share or resell.




I'll go for aCis.

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On 08/12/2017 at 8:49 PM, .Elfocrash said:

Here you go, a little open source 101 for you.


Not sure when you became a paragon of free world, but I remember a time where you would cry if someone would share something you coded. Which means you also broke the licence multiple times, but it looks, during this time, that was the least of your trouble (and you weren't punished for it).


Concerning aCis, at the very worst it would become fully private, so it's not me who would be impacted - but everyone else. Because none would fix what I currently fix.


Finally aCis got a free revision, which is updated with time - and people already reshare my stuff. If they have the right to do it, probably. If they should do it ? No, for multiple reasons :

- You lose control over sources, ppl can share anything backdoored.

- People become lazy and don't contribute to main project.

- Forces are splitted over multiples shitty projects.


Once again, it won't impact me - I can work alone and don't need anyone. It deserves all other people who search a decent IL pack.


Feel free to reshare latest aCis if you want, but if there is massive decrease of user contribution that would be the problem of whoever seek decent IL pack - not only mine. Splitting forces never worked - see L2J itself to get the point.


Oh, and as you stated - MxC forums rules are outlaw (forcing people to buy whatever listed on marketplace by the topic author and deleting topics concerning shared stuff of paid L2J work). And russians system also (DRM / blocking source code access). It's not only about aCis.


Finally L2J project itself is outlaw, since they don't accept people as any open source project would do. There was even a private L2J version by the L2J team, accessible solely by L2J team. So, speak about it before pointing me out, ty.


I requested a long time ago to be L2J IL branch leader (merging aCis with L2JIL), Zoey76 declined.

Edited by Tryskell
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L2J is outlaw using stolen data from client and L2OFF sources lying there, end of the story. Without DP, L2J wouldn't exist, but it exists. L2OFF content is also stolen stuff by itself, no need I argue about it, do I ?


Everyone breaks rules. You wouldn't be here if you were really following rules. MxC L2J section wouldn't exist without breaking rules. You wouldn't be able to play to any L2J private servers if none break rules at a moment.


So stop the lawyer lessons and the "be humble" stuff. "Great developers after me" ? Arg. Dinosaurs never evolved in the good way, they only became more little until it becomes actual chicken. And I don't consider myself as a big developer, I only do my path on my side.  It's not a ego war.


What is supposed to be "to burst your little L2J bubble" ? Does it mean splitting your forces over multiples, never-ending projects ? Right, do your best to do what you want - I prefer to dedicate my time to a single project.

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11 minutes ago, .Elfocrash said:

That is false. This data could be collected by decryption traffic


You know as me they use lately decompiled AI from L2OFF. Where do you think they find all HTMs ? Testing ingame ? That was right for the first occurences of L2J, C3-C4 (which are full of handwritten typos btw).


Do you really think they used decrypted traffic to find all opcodes and format ? Ofc not, they decompiled client/server.


Please, speak about something you know about, or at least "be real". You can't win every battle.

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Whatever, you got a bigger ego than mine. I let you with your childish disputes.


I only hope L2DotNet got no datapack shared, otherwise you are outlaw towards NCSoft (since you are Lawful Good, you should know what it means).


And for the "there is no proof it is NCSoft content", please.... Grow up. Everything has been datamined using NCSoft properties.

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1 hour ago, .Elfocrash said:

Well we'll see how rapid NcSoft is with their actions i guess. Meanwhile i might publish latest acis under it's appropriate license, just because im Lawful Good as you said. :D 


Anyways, seeya around mate.


You should better use your time to finish one of your numerous unfinished projects instead of bothering with other people business.


Fuckin' attention whore.


I still <3 XOXO u m8.

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6 hours ago, .Elfocrash said:

Also no, l2j project DEVELOPMENT is NOT outlaw. Using the files to create private servers is.


I believe you are wrong in that point. Making private WoW server is illegal because of


"facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Game or the Service, including without limitation (a) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Service; and (b) any connection using programs or tools not expressly approved by Blizzard;"

which violates EULA and US law. Making the same for NcSoft is not illegal though, because law in north korea is different.

Sharing modified client(patch) is illegal though.

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1 hour ago, .Elfocrash said:


Btw what north korea are you talking about? What is this? Kim Jong-Un's favorite game? It's south korea.


In both WOW and L2, developing the software that runs private servers is NOT illegal but also in BOTH cases running those private servers (for commercial use or not) is illegal. It's in the TOA.


Ye, south korea :P


Only that something is against TOA, doesn't mean is illegal. NcSoft cannot put you in jail for using bots, same as he cannot punish you for making private servers. 

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