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Does Anyone Have It?


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Among many people like me that we cannot pay for that we have the resource.. we also want to enjoy the new totally free, who get this ( interface ) please share it with us. Thanks



Nobody care if you can't affort it. There is a simple rule in life. You want get an item? You can't affort it? Either be patient work and get it eventually. You can't wait and you want it now ? No screw you

Someone worked and paid with his own money, why would he share it for a kiddo like you? And u want tell me that u cant affort few bucks for something u want? Then i guess u live in a box. 


Either u just a cheap person who want free or u dont have any money at all so why u even bother thinking of Lineage 2? 


I also want a bugatti veyron but i can' affort it. What this mean? I go around the world beggin people to share one with me?

Edited by Θα Σπασω Κουπες
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