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Error Creating Account !



Hello, I am configuring a server l2off on my machine, but I have a problem when creating the character, I enter login / password and the wrong password message appears and that's it, what can it be?


Pack Vanganth.


Print: http://imgur.com/s0tLZKm

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13 answers to this question

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So the problem is with auth server? Which auth do you use? What kind of password hashes do you use (NCsoft, SimpleMD5 or MD5 with salt)? How did you create the account in database?

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So the problem is with auth server? Which auth do you use? What kind of password hashes do you use (NCsoft, SimpleMD5 or MD5 with salt)? How did you create the account in database?


I am very lazy in the subject l2off, but I installed the programs correctly and set the password for sa user.

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I am very lazy in the subject l2off, but I installed the programs correctly and set the password for sa user.

beeing lazy wont help at all


and that hauthd seems to be out of date




verify your lin2db  and re-check account with l2ac



Edited by etherian
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hauth.ini? how did you create the account in database?



beeing lazy wont help at all


and that hauthd seems to be out of date




verify your lin2db  and re-check account with l2ac




I just want to know why I can not log in, because of the wrong password error, can you tell me what I should do?

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I still think you're using one hash when creating account and different hash when you try to login.


Once again, how did you create that user account? Can you show me the SQL commands you used and how are variables MD5Simple and MD5Password set in hauthd.ini?

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I still think you're using one hash when creating account and different hash when you try to login.


Once again, how did you create that user account? Can you show me the SQL commands you used and how are variables MD5Simple and MD5Password set in hauthd.ini?

User = sa
Password = Pegueivc1602
Database = lin2db
SlowQuery = 100

server = server

ServerPort = 2104
ServerExPort = 2106
BlowfishKey = 6B60CB5B82CE90B1CC2B6C556C6C6C6C
;For C4: BlowfishKey = 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B2400
Title =

IP =
Protocol = $103
FixedPorts = 1

Auth = 1
Guard = 1
All = 0
DB = 0

Multiplier = 1,0
UserCount = 5
Interval = 30

Password = admin
IP = *

EULA = 1
Test = 0
TestServers =
C4 = 0
MaxConnectionsPerIP = 3
AntiDOS = 1
AntiBrute = 0
AntiBruteIP = 0
MD5Simple = 0
SHA1 = 0
Proxy =
AutoReloadFiles = 0
AutoReloadServers = 0
GameProxyMasterStatus = 1

Mask = 0
MD5Password = 0
ExecLogin = 0
Guard = 0

Interval = 90
Penalty = 180
MaxAttempts = 5

Interval = 90
Penalty = 300
MaxAttempts = 10

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So you're using old NCsoft hash. You should use at least MD5Simple, just change 




and then you can create user account this way:

INSERT INTO user_auth (account, password, quiz1, quiz2, answer1, answer2, new_pwd_flag, lastat)
    VALUES ('mylogin', HashBytes('MD5', 'mypassword'), '1', '1', CAST('' AS VARBINARY), CAST('' AS VARBINARY), 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO user_account (account, pay_stat, login_flag, warn_flag, block_flag, block_flag2, subscription_flag)
    VALUES ('mylogin', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
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So you're using old NCsoft hash. You should use at least MD5Simple, just change 




and then you can create user account this way:

INSERT INTO user_auth (account, password, quiz1, quiz2, answer1, answer2, new_pwd_flag, lastat)
    VALUES ('mylogin', HashBytes('MD5', 'mypassword'), '1', '1', CAST('' AS VARBINARY), CAST('' AS VARBINARY), 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO user_account (account, pay_stat, login_flag, warn_flag, block_flag, block_flag2, subscription_flag)
    VALUES ('mylogin', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);


INSERT INTO user_auth (teste, teste123, quiz1, quiz2, answer1, answer2, new_pwd_flag, lastat)

    VALUES ('mylogin', HashBytes('MD5', 'mypassword'), '1', '1', CAST('' AS VARBINARY), CAST('' AS VARBINARY), 0, NULL);

INSERT INTO user_account (teste, pay_stat, login_flag, warn_flag, block_flag, block_flag2, subscription_flag)

    VALUES ('mylogin', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);



in  "mylogin" and "mypassword" do I owe my login/password too?


edit; My tables have different rows.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user_auth](
	[account] [varchar](14) NOT NULL,
	[password] [binary](16) NOT NULL,
	[quiz1] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
	[quiz2] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
	[answer1] [binary](32) NOT NULL,
	[answer2] [binary](32) NOT NULL,
	[ipcreatefrom] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[createdate] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[account] ASC
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[user_account]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user_account](
	[uid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[account] [varchar](14) NOT NULL,
	[pay_stat] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account__pay_stat]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[login_flag] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account__login_flag]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[warn_flag] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account__warn_flag]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[block_flag] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account__block_flag]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[block_flag2] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account__block_flag2]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[block_end_date] [datetime] NULL,
	[last_login] [datetime] NULL,
	[last_logout] [datetime] NULL,
	[subscription_flag] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_user_account_subscription_flag]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[last_world] [tinyint] NULL,
	[last_game] [int] NULL,
	[last_ip] [varchar](15) NULL,
	[hkey] [varchar](16) NULL,
	[cheat] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[mask] [varchar](15) NULL,
	[lastbanaction] [char](20) NULL,
	[lastadmin] [char](20) NULL,
	[lastdate] [char](40) NULL,
	[reason] [char](20) NULL,
	[verifystring] [char](24) NULL,
	[account] ASC
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ssn]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
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INSERT INTO user_auth (account, password, quiz1, quiz2, answer1, answer2)

VALUES ('teste', HashBytes('MD5', 'teste123'), '1', '1', CAST('' AS VARBINARY), CAST('' AS VARBINARY));

INSERT INTO user_account (account, pay_stat, login_flag, warn_flag, block_flag, block_flag2, subscription_flag)

VALUES ('teste', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

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