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Posted (edited)

 * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 L2J DataPack
 * This file is part of L2J DataPack.
 * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ai.npc.LuckyPig;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import ai.npc.AbstractNpcAI;

import com.l2jserver.Config;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.holders.SkillHolder;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.Inventory;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.items.instance.L2ItemInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.NpcStringId;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util;

import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd;

 * Lucky Pig AI.
 * @author St3eT
public final class LuckyPig extends AbstractNpcAI
	// NPC
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS = 2502;
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS_GOLD = 2503;
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_LOW = 18664;
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM = 18665;
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_TOP = 18666;
	private static final int[] TRIGGER_MOBS_LOW =
		// Enchanted Valley
		20589, 20590, 20591, 20592, 20593, 20594, 20595, 20596, 20597, 20598, 20599,
	private static final int[] TRIGGER_MOBS_MEDIUM =
		// Forest of the Dead, Valley of Saints
		21520, 21521, 21522, 21523, 21524, 21525, 21526, 21527, 21528, 21529, 21530, 21531,
		21532, 21533, 21534, 21535, 21536, 21537, 21538, 21539, 21540, 21541, 21542, 21543,
		21544, 21545, 21546, 21547, 21548, 21549, 21550, 21551, 21552, 21553, 21554, 21555,
		21556, 21557, 21558, 21559, 21560, 21561, 21562, 21563, 21564, 21565, 21566, 21567,
		21568, 21569, 21570, 21571, 21572, 21573, 21574, 21575, 21576, 21577, 21578, 21579,
		21580, 21581, 21582, 21583, 21584, 21585, 21586, 21587, 21588, 21589, 21590, 21591,
		21592, 21593, 21594, 21595, 21596, 21597, 21598, 21599, 21600, 21601,
	private static final int[] TRIGGER_MOBS_TOP =
		// Beast Farm, Plains of the Lizardmen, Sel Mahum Training Grounds, Field of Silence, Field of Whispers, Crypts of Disgrace, Den of Evil, Primeval Isle, Dragon Valley
		18873, 18874, 18875, 18876, 18877, 18878, 18879, 18880, 18881, 18882, 18883, 18884,
		18885, 18886, 18887, 18888, 18889, 18890, 18891, 18892, 18893, 18894, 18895, 18896,
		18897, 18898, 18899, 18900, 18901, 18902, 18903, 18904, 18905, 18906, 18907, 22196,
		22197, 22198, 22199, 22200, 22201, 22202, 22203, 22204, 22205, 22206, 22207, 22208,
		22209, 22210, 22211, 22212, 22213, 22214, 22215, 22216, 22217, 22218, 22219, 22220,
		22221, 22222, 22223, 22224, 22225, 22226, 22227, 22650, 22651, 22652, 22653, 22654,
		22655, 22656, 22657, 22658, 22659, 22691, 22692, 22693, 22694, 22695, 22696, 22697,
		22698, 22699, 22700, 22701, 22702, 22703, 22704, 22705, 22706, 22707, 22742, 22743,
		22744, 22745, 22768, 22769, 22770, 22771, 22772, 22773, 22774, 22775, 22776, 22777,
		22778, 22779, 22780, 22781, 22782, 22783, 22784, 22785, 22786, 22787, 22788, 22815,
		22818, 22819, 22820, 22821, 22858,
	// Items
	private static final int[][] DROPLIST =
		{LUCKY_PIG_LOW, 8755, 1, 100},
		{LUCKY_PIG_LOW, 8755, 2, 25},
		{LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM, 5577, 1, 33},
		{LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM, 5578, 1, 33},
		{LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM, 5579, 1, 100},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9552, 1, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9553, 1, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9554, 1, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9555, 1, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9556, 1, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9557, 1, 100},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9552, 2, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9553, 2, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9554, 2, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9555, 2, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9556, 2, 20},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 9557, 2, 100},
	private static final int[][] DROPLIST_GOLD =
		{LUCKY_PIG_LOW, 14678, 1, 100},
		{LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM, 14679, 1, 100},
		{LUCKY_PIG_TOP, 14680, 1, 100},
	// Skills
	public static final SkillHolder ENLARGE = new SkillHolder(23325, 1);
	// NpcStrings
	private static final NpcStringId[] SPAM_TEXTS =
	private static final NpcStringId[] EATING_TEXTS =
	private static final NpcStringId[] TRANSFORM_TEXTS =
	// Misc              //FIX DOUBLE
	private static final int LUCKY_PIG_CHANCE = Config.L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_CHANCE;
	private static final int[] LUCKY_PIG_GOLD_BASE_CHANCE = 
		0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20
	public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		switch (event)
			case "DESPAWN_TIME":
				if (npc != null)
					cancelQuestTimer("TEXT_SPAM", npc, null);
					cancelQuestTimer("CHECK_FOOD", npc, null);
			case "TEXT_SPAM":
				final long lastEat = npc.getVariables().getLong("LUCKY_PIG_LAST_EAT", 0);
				if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (lastEat + 30000))
					broadcastNpcSay(npc, Say2.ALL, SPAM_TEXTS[getRandom(SPAM_TEXTS.length)]);
					startQuestTimer(event, (getRandom(20, 40) * 1000), npc, null);
					startQuestTimer(event, (getRandom(10, 20) * 1000), npc, null);
			case "CHECK_FOOD":
				final int foodState = npc.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 0);
				final L2ItemInstance foodItem = npc.getVariables().getObject("LUCKY_PIG_FOOD_ITEM", L2ItemInstance.class);
				switch (foodState)
					case 0: // Looking for item
						if (foodItem != null)
							_log.warning(LuckyPig.class.getSimpleName() + ": Lucky pig trying to find another food while currently isn't eaten yet!");
						final L2ItemInstance food = (L2ItemInstance) L2World.getInstance().getVisibleObjects(npc, 300)
							.filter(L2Object::isItem).filter(obj -> (obj.getId() == Inventory.ADENA_ID))
							.sorted((object1, object2) -> (int) Util.calculateDistance(object1, object2, false, false))
						if (food != null)
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 1);
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FOOD_ITEM", food);
					case 1: // Move to item loc
						if (foodItem != null)
							npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, foodItem.getLocation());
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 2);
							// Maybe someone else pickup it? :P
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 0);
					case 2:
						if (foodItem != null)
							final int eatCount = npc.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_COUNT", 0) + 1;
							final int targetAdena = npc.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_TARGET_ADENA", 0);
							final long countAdena = npc.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_ADENA", 0) + foodItem.getCount();
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_LAST_EAT", System.currentTimeMillis());
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_ADENA", countAdena);
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_COUNT", 0);
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_COUNT", eatCount);
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 0);
							if (countAdena >= targetAdena)
								broadcastNpcSay(npc, Say2.ALL, (getRandomBoolean() ? NpcStringId.LUCKY_IM_FULL_THANKS_FOR_THE_YUMMY_ADENA_OH_IM_SO_HEAVY : EATING_TEXTS[getRandom(EATING_TEXTS.length)]));
								broadcastNpcSay(npc, Say2.ALL, EATING_TEXTS[getRandom(EATING_TEXTS.length)], Util.formatAdena(targetAdena));
							npc.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(npc, npc, ENLARGE.getSkillId(), 1, 1000, 1000));
							if (eatCount >= 10)
								npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 3);
							npc.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_FEED_STATE", 0);
					case 3:
		return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player);
	private void transformLuckyPig(L2Npc luckyPig)
		cancelQuestTimer("CHECK_FOOD", luckyPig, null);
		cancelQuestTimer("TEXT_SPAM", luckyPig, null);
		final L2Npc pig = addSpawn(calculateGoldChance(luckyPig) ? LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS_GOLD : LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS, luckyPig, true, 600000, true);
		broadcastNpcSay(pig, Say2.ALL, TRANSFORM_TEXTS[getRandom(TRANSFORM_TEXTS.length)]);
		pig.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_SPAWN_ID", luckyPig.getId());
	public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon)
		if (npc.getId() == LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS)
			manageDrop(npc, killer, false);
		else if (npc.getId() == LUCKY_PIG_WINGLESS_GOLD)
			manageDrop(npc, killer, true);
			final boolean LuckyPidChance = Rnd.get(100) > (100 - LUCKY_PIG_CHANCE);
			if (Config.L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_SPAWN_ENABLED && LuckyPidChance/* || killer.isGM()*/)
				final int minAdena;
				final int luckyPigId;
				if (Util.contains(TRIGGER_MOBS_LOW, npc.getId()))
					minAdena = Config.L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_LOW_ADENA;
					luckyPigId = LUCKY_PIG_LOW;
				else if (Util.contains(TRIGGER_MOBS_MEDIUM, npc.getId()))
					minAdena = Config.L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_MEDIUM_ADENA;
					luckyPigId = LUCKY_PIG_MEDIUM;
					minAdena = Config.L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_TOP_ADENA;
					luckyPigId = LUCKY_PIG_TOP;

				final int targetAdena = (int) (getRandom(minAdena, (minAdena * 10)) * Config.RATE_DROP_AMOUNT_MULTIPLIER.get(Inventory.ADENA_ID));
				final L2Npc luckyPig = addSpawn(luckyPigId, npc, true, 0, true);
				startQuestTimer("DESPAWN_TIME", 600000, luckyPig, null);
				startQuestTimer("TEXT_SPAM", 5000, luckyPig, null);
				startQuestTimer("CHECK_FOOD", 2000, luckyPig, null, true);
				luckyPig.getVariables().set("LUCKY_PIG_TARGET_ADENA", targetAdena);
		return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon);
	private void manageDrop(L2Npc luckyPig, L2PcInstance player, boolean isGold)
		final int npcId = luckyPig.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_SPAWN_ID", 0);
		if (npcId > 0)
			final List<Integer> catData = new ArrayList<>();
			for (int[] data : (isGold ? DROPLIST_GOLD : DROPLIST))
				if ((data[0] == npcId) && (getRandom(100) < data[3]) && !catData.contains(data[2]))
					luckyPig.dropItem(player, data[1], data[2]);
	private boolean calculateGoldChance(L2Npc luckyPig)
		final int eatCount = luckyPig.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_COUNT", 0);
		final int targetAdena = luckyPig.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_TARGET_ADENA", 0);
		final long countAdena = luckyPig.getVariables().getInt("LUCKY_PIG_EAT_ADENA", -1);
		double finalChance = LUCKY_PIG_GOLD_BASE_CHANCE[eatCount];
		if (countAdena >= targetAdena)
			finalChance *= 1.46;
		return getRandom(100) < finalChance;
	private LuckyPig()
		super(LuckyPig.class.getSimpleName(), "ai/npc");
	public static void main(String[] args)
		new LuckyPig();


public static boolean L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_SPAWN_ENABLED;
public static int L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_LOW_ADENA;
public static int L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_MEDIUM_ADENA;
public static int L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_TOP_ADENA;
public static int L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_CHANCE;

L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_SPAWN_ENABLED = L2JModSettings.getBoolean("EventLuckyPigEnabled", false);
L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_LOW_ADENA = L2JModSettings.getInt("LuckyPigLowAdena", 500);
L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_MEDIUM_ADENA = L2JModSettings.getInt("LuckyPigMediumAdena", 1000);
L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_TOP_ADENA = L2JModSettings.getInt("LuckyPigTopAdena", 2000);
L2JMOD_LUCKY_PID_CHANCE = L2JModSettings.getInt("LuckyPigChance", 3);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xsd/npcs.xsd">
	<npc id="2501" level="80" type="L2Npc" name="Lucky Pig" title="The Spirit of Fortune">
		<stats str="10" int="10" dex="10" wit="10" con="10" men="10">
			<vitals hp="2444" mp="2444.0" />
			<attack physical="500" magical="500" attackSpeed="278" range="40" />
			<defence physical="500" magical="500" />
				<defence fire="20" water="20" wind="20" earth="20" holy="20" dark="20" />
				<walk ground="60" />
				<run ground="160" />
			<skill id="4416" level="3" /> <!--Beasts -->
			<skill id="23325" level="1" /> <!--Enlarge - Luckpy -->
			<skill id="23326" level="1" /> <!--Reduce - Luckpy -->
			<radius normal="25" />
			<height normal="35" />
	<npc id="2502" level="80" type="L2Monster" name="Wingless Lucky Pig">
		<stats str="10" int="10" dex="10" wit="10" con="10" men="10">
			<vitals hp="2444" mp="2444.0" />
			<attack physical="500" magical="500" attackSpeed="278" range="40" />
			<defence physical="500" magical="500" />
				<defence fire="20" water="20" wind="20" earth="20" holy="20" dark="20" />
				<walk ground="60" />
				<run ground="160" />
			<radius normal="25" />
			<height normal="35" />
	<npc id="2503" level="80" type="L2Monster" name="Wingless Lucky Pig">
		<stats str="10" int="10" dex="10" wit="10" con="10" men="10">
			<vitals hp="2444" mp="2444.0" />
			<attack physical="500" magical="500" attackSpeed="278" range="40" />
			<defence physical="500" magical="500" />
				<defence fire="20" water="20" wind="20" earth="20" holy="20" dark="20" />
				<walk ground="60" />
				<run ground="160" />
			<radius normal="25" />
			<height normal="35" />

+ ai/npc/LuckyPig/LuckyPig.java

# Enable/disable spawning
EventLuckyPigEnabled = True

LuckyPigLowAdena = 500
LuckyPigMediumAdena = 1000
LuckyPigTopAdena = 2000
# Random Defaul: 1 = Spawn 1%
LuckyPigChance = 1


Edited by tomalko
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

nice job. I have one problem, on the java file I got an error on this part.


final L2ItemInstance food = (L2ItemInstance) L2World.getInstance().getVisibleObjects(npc, 300)
	.filter(L2Object::isItem).filter(obj --> (obj.getId() == Inventory.ADENA_ID))
	.sorted((object1, object2) --> (int) Util.calculateDistance(object1, object2, false, false))


Can anyone help me fix that?


Thank you


Edited by disorder25

My java is still  1.7, I just didn't update because I was afraid that if I update I would have to update other things to make the server work, and since it is a test server I was lazy to do it. But do you think if I just update java it will fix those errors?

Thank you for your reply.


Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2018 at 4:45 PM, disorder25 said:

My java is still  1.7, I just didn't update because I was afraid that if I update I would have to update other things to make the server work, and since it is a test server I was lazy to do it. But do you think if I just update java it will fix those errors?

Thank you for your reply.



try java 1.8 i think thats a lambda (exists on 1.8 until now and 1.9)

.sorted((object1, object2) ->


.filter(Y::isItem).filter(obj ->

that part looks like PHP + lambda from java, years now never seen anything like that..

Edited by Nightw0lf
  On 4/6/2018 at 9:46 PM, Nightw0lf said:

try java 1.8 i think thats a lambda (exists on 1.8 until now and 1.9)

.sorted((object1, object2) ->


.filter(Y::isItem).filter(obj ->

that part looks like PHP + lambda from java, years now never seen anything like that..




I updated to java 1.8, it fixed the  stream() but the  filter and sorted lines still no good.

.filter(L2Object::isItem).filter(obj --> (obj.getId() == Inventory.ADENA_ID))
	L2Object cannot be resolved to a variable
	obj cannot be resolved to a variable
	obj cannot be resolved

.sorted((object1, object2) --> (int) Util.calculateDistance(object1, object2, false, false))
	object1 cannot be resolved to a variable
	object1 cannot be resolved to a variable
	object2 cannot be resolved to a variable

These are the errors I'm still getting


Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2018 at 5:32 PM, SweeTs said:

Yup. Don't worry, you won't have to change anything. You will get some warnings about 'crappy code' eventually.



Thank you for your help mate but I 'm going to use a different code that was easier for me to adapt, I'm not a expert on java but I can do  a few little things.  This code is much better but the other one  is working.

Again thanks for the help.



Ok after I updated java jre and Jsk to 1.8.0_162 I got this error on  gameserver:


Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM


How can I fix that, do I need to reinstall java and go back to java 7, because with 7 I had no problem?

Do I inistall just jdk or both?




Edited by disorder25

you use old pack i would recommend to find one on the shared section and use it, 1.6 was around 2012 (the last updates) so your packs date is about 6 years old outdated fully bugged with features missing, even if you try to fix the jvm errors that will appear you have to upgrade everything.


As said above, first of all your pack is kinda old. But still, you can update the java version pack should use. Atm it's pointed to use Java 6.

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    • add price or any mod needs to lock! follow the rules of the forum
    • What I sent is something you have in your server's core. You don't need to modify the client. 
    • okay thank but can you tell me this code should i cooy and paste it somewhere or what ? how can i get the full file and just paste it in sustem
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