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Voiced Command Htmls



Hey there, I added a voiced command .info and created the main html inside gameserver/data/html. The main html contains some buttons that should open new html windows. Whats the proper way to call the other htmls? For example, NPCs use: action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1"

How can I call the other chats for a voiced command? I created the folder inside gameserver/data/html and numbered each file.


Thank you!


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Put the bypass in your info java file..

Like if(command.startswith("openme"))




And make a method

ShowChatwindow(L2PcInstance player)

And here put your html catche..

Objectid etc

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Do you have any other voiced command with bypass? If not, then you will need to add a bit of code in RequestBypassToServer. Code will need to catch those kind of bypasses, find voiced command by name and then call it.

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If you are using high five you can do commands for each HTML (or use the same command tokenized to get the value) and use the bypass, i dont remember but its smething like "action="voice -h info". This way, when player use this action, its the same as using .info voice command. So voice -h info 1 = the main html. voice-h info2= the chat #2 etc etc. 


Sorry for not remembering the action exactly but you can search it (i dont have files in this PC)

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I use interlude, and I tought I could call them using something like you said Solomun. But it seems I need to call it from the core =/

No, you can't do it in Interlude. At least without support from other things too.

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For example on acis there are no voiced commands at all, so you would need to:

1. Create VoicedCommandHandler storing all handlers

2. VoicedCommandHandler would need to have some method getHandler(String) which would find Command by keyword(like info or dressme)

3. Say2 would need to have if(_text.startsWith(".")) { VoicedCommand handler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(_text.substring(1)); handler.useCommand(_text.substring(1), "", activeChar);

Those 3 points above you probably already have in your pack, but you need to:

4. Add to RequestBypassToServer:

else if(_command.startsWith("voiced "))
String commandWithArguments = _command.subString("voiced ".length);
int argumentsStartIndex = commandWithArguments.indexOf(" ");
String command = argumentsStartIndex > 0 ? commandWithArguments.substring(0, argumentsStartIndex) : argumentsStartIndex;
String arguments = argumentsStartIndex > 0 ? commandWithArguments.substring(argumentsStartIndex).trim() : "";
VoicedCommand handler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(command);
if(handler != null)
handler.useCommand(command, arguments, activeChar);

useCommand method in VoicedCommand interface should have following parameters: String command, String arguments, Player/L2PcInstance activeChar


If you make this code then bypass should look like this: bypass -h voiced info yourArgument yourArgument yourArgument

Edited by vampir
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For example on acis there are no voiced commands at all, so you would need to:

1. Create VoicedCommandHandler storing all handlers

2. VoicedCommandHandler would need to have some method getHandler(String) which would find Command by keyword(like info or dressme)

3. Say2 would need to have if(_text.startsWith(".")) { VoicedCommand handler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(_text.substring(1)); handler.useCommand(_text.substring(1), "", activeChar);

Those 3 points above you probably already have in your pack, but you need to:

4. Add to RequestBypassToServer:

else if(_command.startsWith("voiced "))
String commandWithArguments = _command.subString("voiced ".length);
int argumentsStartIndex = commandWithArguments.indexOf(" ");
String command = argumentsStartIndex > 0 ? commandWithArguments.substring(0, argumentsStartIndex) : argumentsStartIndex;
String arguments = argumentsStartIndex > 0 ? commandWithArguments.substring(argumentsStartIndex).trim() : "";
VoicedCommand handler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getHandler(command);
if(handler != null)
handler.useCommand(command, arguments, activeChar);

useCommand method in VoicedCommand interface should have following parameters: String command, String arguments, Player/L2PcInstance activeChar


If you make this code then bypass should look like this: bypass -h voiced info yourArgument yourArgument yourArgument

Thank you for the info, i will try to do as u say. Ill report if I get any problems

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