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Here the packet

48 F6 42 02 00 A4 66 00 00 71 F7 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Maybe i need another framework?


231 is no longer supported... but inject should work, unless you are trying to send an unknown packet to l2.net? What does your packet look like?


If you press continue, does everything still work? Does the packet send at all?

If i press Continue, nothing happens.


Not sure whats wrong... you could to install all the frame networks and update direct x... and reinstall l2.net. Apart from that, i'm not too sure what to do. Sorry.


I use L2.net since hellbound and now I'm playing in a L2 Gracia part 2 therefore 2.2!

Everything goes well but when I select the server's name , no character name appears to select and it stucks there...


The following text is written in the command list :

133117 [loaded saved server list

133117 [loaded saved blowfish list

133133 [starting login Process

133133 [Connected to login server

133133 [Got RSA key

133133 [Got Blowfish key

133133 [lol gameguard

133133 [login info - packing usernamepw

133133 [login info - rsa start

133133 [login info - rsa end

133133 [login info - gameguard start

133133 [login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply

133133 [login info - gameguard endchecksum start

133133 [login info - checksum end

133133 [login info - blowfish done

133133 [login info - sending login info

133133 [login info - login info sent

133136 [Encoding and sending server select

133137 [Opening connection to gameserver

133137 [Connection to game server open

133137 [Welcome to the game loop

133137 [gameserver - got packet encryption key

133137 [gameserver - got client ID encryption key



It would be great if anyone could help me solve this problem...


Is this an l2j server? Anyways, it should work on a ct2.2 regardless.... When your login process gets stuck at that point its one of two things.


1) Wrong protocol

2) bot protection


ct2.2 should be using protocol 12 or 17. Give those a try.


PRINT_TEXT "running"








Why this script don't work?


V1: [V1] is the variable the index will be stored in. If var does not exist it will be created. var is made an INT

[sTRING2] is the type of objects you want to iterate over.

[sTRING3] is the name of the list you want to iterate inside.



in get_inventory [V1] will be populated with Inventory objects for each item in the player's inventory.




But if i put INT to string2, then it don't give error, just simply not iterate.




I tried to use it on Dragon-Network Hellbound servers, I get trough Game Guard, get servers IP ports protocol and when i chosed server that i wanna play something happend with host.



"01:36:45 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Nie można odczytać danych z połączenia transportowego: Istniejące połączenie zostało gwałtownie zamknięte przez zdalnego hosta"


"01:36:45 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread :[it's kind of] Can't read information from tranport connection, Exist conneting was immiediatly closed by host"


If anyone can slove this... or had other Dragon-Network host post here or send me pm and maybe OOG DN bot will be


ps. I know that my english sux ^^


Is this an l2j server? Anyways, it should work on a ct2.2 regardless.... When your login process gets stuck at that point its one of two things.


1) Wrong protocol

2) bot protection


ct2.2 should be using protocol 12 or 17. Give those a try.



Yeah,you were right mate! I change the protocol from 82 to 12 and it work like a charm !! Ty a lot ;)


read the guides.


Yes, you can talk to npc's with OOG... just not multisell/gmshop/buy/sell

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