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Problems With New Texturefiles


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Hello :)


i'm running into a problem by following those tutorials here in this section when i try to create a new texturefile.


1. i created a new utx package file

2. picked the texture class definition

3. created the groups

4. imported a dxt3 dds

5. selected dxt3 and marked "masked texture"

6. saved the .utx file

7. encoded the new utx file with l2encdec 121

8. renamed the file and put it into my systexturesfolder

9. redirected a specific mesh/animation in npcgrp.dat to my new texture 

10. started the game and spawned my creature

11. critical error: ".....blabla........ texturefile text.utx expected 1 got 5"


im using a high five client. i thought i did everything right, but i was wrong. 


what did i miss? :/

Edited by Finn
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Hello :)


i'm running into a problem by following those tutorials here in this section when i try to create a new texturefile.


7. encoded the new utx file with l2encdec 121

8. renamed the file and put it into my systexturesfolder

Edited by deMEV
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Hello :)


i'm running into a problem by following those tutorials here in this section when i try to create a new texturefile.


7. encoded the new utx file with l2encdec 121

8. renamed the file and put it into my systexturesfolder


thats normal, as long as he only removed the enc-

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If You were modding npc, then I guess the problem might be in Your texture count number inside npcgrp.dat - there are always number of rows for textures :)
If You removed one or more, You should reduce the texture count as well.

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