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Posted (edited)

People leave server and destroy items ,items refund!

People cry all the time about classes, we dont make balance we w8 for them to tell us what to change.

People found bugs,report them and no1 fix them.

People is looking for english on server.

People suggest you to add fake chars,and you do, that is growing?

People wants boosted drops.OKAY. 450->451.Done (Boosted drop on mobs go farm them)

Antibot system,k w/e walkthrough the first day.

DDOS protection. Really?

Char get banned because they couldn't find the 'bug' that he was using.

Custom donations (5 euro 341 pvp 341 fame , ksereis esu) Donations closed for 2-3 months but you can give 140 euro to get a unique +14.

Once a guy said that he get a weapon +12 from shop but when he restart it was +8,GM saw that on DB and gave back the +12 weapon. kappa

Krobelus Hack(Titanium Bow) more patk than ever.

TripleBox Kamaloka for fun.Even if i called a GM just to be sure who experienced is the GM Team.

Is he a bot? Nah he is a multitasker.


I dont hate you or your server.But a GM that is 15 years old is SO FOOLISH FOR REAL. Sarlidis Power

Edited by Rewoked

Before I go,just to clear few things up.You must be the guy who knows everything about a server,bugs,refunds,fake chars,secret donations,if their ddos protection is good etc.

No problem with that,there was always such players.Let's continue with the comments which struck me,first of all,the refunds are not made without significant reason.Specifically,the refund you are talking about was made because the players broke their things from our own mistake.About the player who got banned because we couldnt find the bug he were using,there is a rule that saus that if you abuse a bug,you will be banned but you guys never read the rules,you think the rules do not exist but you are wrong.Finally,one of the most funny thing I had to comment is the point where you say that people are telling me to use fake bots and I do that.What the f*ck my man,okay you know everything about the server but you also know the conversation between me and players and you also know that im using fake bots.You must be in my room watching my screen.



P.S if you have something not pointless to discuss,ill find free time for it but please,something that normal players can see and not only your eyes.


O server 8a einai down se ligotero apo mhna.. o admin einai 15xrono paidaki kapoios grafei Mia gnwmh kai den dexetai. O server exei polla la8h kai 8elei pollh douleia gia na strwsei. Zhthma na exei 80 online ola ta alla einai fake.. mhn eiste malakes kai dinete lefta we tetoioys servers.

Posted (edited)

O server 8a einai down se ligotero apo mhna.. o admin einai 15xrono paidaki kapoios grafei Mia gnwmh kai den dexetai. O server exei polla la8h kai 8elei pollh douleia gia na strwsei. Zhthma na exei 80 online ola ta alla einai fake.. mhn eiste malakes kai dinete lefta we tetoioys servers.


[GR]Ean pisteueis oti tha einai down se ligotera apo 1 mhna perimene na to doume :"),stis 30/2 tha eimaste edw na milame :)


80 online kai sta event exei reg 200 atoma ? mhpws kai exei bots vazoume h mhpws anoigoume 50 account sto PC file mou? nomizw kaneis kapoia lathoi kai les pragmata tyxaia xwris na vasizese kapou.Apla ean mporeite krazete pou krazete epidei sas lene oxi oi GM kai thimonete,toulaxiston rixte kai kamia photo h kati gia na vgite kai ligo swstoi.Ean exeis kati na sizitisoume to opoio vasizete kapou,synexeise thn kouventa mas :) [/GR]

Edited by Lineage 2 Krobelus
Posted (edited)

[GR]Wraio to event..Alla alitheia re bro to kaneis twra??Pou gamithikame apo tin arxh na vgaloume kai auta ta items pou exoume kai twra dineis items pou kanoun 7 glit + etsi gia to xavale?Gia na fereis poies clan?LUCY KAI CPD??Xalarwste ligo giati oi idioi oi Admins gamate to server..Auto tha to ekanes stin arxh oxi twra..Stin arxh edines 300 Clan reputation gia kathe Online member.Oi prwtes clan peiran auto to reward..Einai malakia na dineis twra ta triplasia kai tetraplasia se points kai ITEMS EIDIKA..Tote an to kaneis auto na dwseis kai stis prwte clan to idio etsi den einai?


Kai pros theou den sou kanw epithesh.Pistevw o kathe player tou server mporei na exei ti dikh tou apopsh...

Edited by ZeusTeam
Posted (edited)


To bonus auto egine wste na mazeutoune oso ginete perisoteres clan wste na exoume ena kalytero gameplay.

Apo tin stigmh pou exei idi kosmo me arketo gear,kamia clan den tha mpei mono me Clan rep reward(idika me 300/online member)

Ta rewards den einai mono gia Lucy kai Cpd,exeis dei kai sto forum mas oti oi Emperors peiran idi reward apo auto to event kai tha paroun kialles clan ean mpoun.Oso gia ta 300 clan rep,den ta peiran mono oi prwtes clan,oles oi clan me 10 online+ to pernoun/peiran.Pisteuw oti den tha prepei oi paixtes na kwllate se auta ta clan bonuses kathws perisoteros kosmos shmenei perisotero fight :)


Se 1-2 meres tha exoume etoimo ena antistoixo bonus event to opoio tha dinei decent Gear/lvl/fame/pvp( se atoma pou paizoun twra alla kai se atoma pou tha mpoun.[/GR]

Edited by Lineage 2 Krobelus
Posted (edited)

[GR]Φιλε μου min mou les gia ta Emperors..Giati peiran to Clan Fatality Level 6 clan me clan skills kai den 3erw egw ti kai apla den tous dwsate ta Reputation aposw 3erw kai peiran mono ta items..Den einai omws kai ligo  to Gear pou ntinete sta clan..Telos pantwn den tha asxolithw parapanw giati tha petaxtoun ola ta gatakia kai oi gluftes na ipostiri3oun giati nomizete oti kanw epithesh...Apla egw kanw report kati to opoio tha to poun kai to lene kai alla players tou server...Eidika gia emena den mporei kapoios apo to GM team na pei oti thelw p.x na katastrepsw to server me auta pou lew..An pate kai sto forum tha deite oti eimai to Most active Member kai genika dipla sto GM team gia help..Apla kanw ena report to opoio eprepe na ginei giati den mou arese katholou etsi opws to skeftikate auto to event...

Edited by ZeusTeam
Posted (edited)

[GR]Exete apofasish pote tha ginei to Choose gia to Cloack event??Ante Ante vare8eikame na perimenoume :P kai kati akoma..Pistevw gia ta 280 + atoma pou dilwsan einai liges oi 3 cloack pou tha dwsete diladi se 3 atoma...O server anevenei kai einai poli kalo auto kai pistevw mporeite na tis kanete 5 h 6 p.x

Edited by ZeusTeam

[GR]Ta emperors peiran thn clan fatality kai tin kanane rename me donate.Oso gia ta rep,perimenoun na mazepsoun oso perisotero active ginete wste na paroun parapano points.To gear gia clan eprepe na htan auto,den ginete na tous dinw mono kati psixoula ean skeuteis oti to 60+% tou server exei krobelus armor/weapon.Ean theleis pes mas esy pws fantazese to clan bonus.


Oso gia thn epithesh,min kollas man,den eipa egw kati tetio,esy to les se kathe sou comment.

Egw to pernw apla san sxolio.


To cloak tha to dwsoume aurio (1 fevrouariou),tha kanoume polla tetia events wste na exete parapanw pithanotites na parete reward![/GR]


[GR]Den einai asxhmo to reward alla na sou pw kati..Otan mpeika egw me tin clan Mou GodsOfOlympuS PeIra mono 300 clan reputation gia to kathe clan member pou eixa online kai oloi sto clan klegane giati mono tosa kai oi perisoteroi ekanan  leave..Egw eixa sto clan 25 atoma pou an mou edines tote to bonus pou dineis twra tha ta kratousa giati eixan 3enerwsei kai tha eixa me tin logikh parapanw member pio meta..Alla tecpa..Apla enta3ei einai to reward alla eprepe stin arxh..Kai oxi twra..Adiko gia tis prwtes clan pou epaizan kai paizoun..

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