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Shift+Click To Npcs [Acis 350]


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Hello guys, nothing special but it's not shared here this code for IL and a lot of people don't know how to do it since i added it on my project yesterday i decided to share it here with you.


Here is preview images:



Go to net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc.java


	public void onActionShift(L2PcInstance player)
		// Check if the L2PcInstance is a GM
		if (player.isGM())
			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
			html.replace("%class%", getClass().getSimpleName());
			html.replace("%id%", getTemplate().getNpcId());
			html.replace("%lvl%", getTemplate().getLevel());
			html.replace("%name%", getTemplate().getName());
			html.replace("%race%", getTemplate().getRace().toString());
			html.replace("%tmplid%", getTemplate().getIdTemplate());
			html.replace("%aggro%", (this instanceof L2Attackable) ? ((L2Attackable) this).getAggroRange() : 0);
			html.replace("%corpse%", getTemplate().getCorpseTime());
			html.replace("%enchant%", getTemplate().getEnchantEffect());
			html.replace("%hp%", (int) getCurrentHp());
			html.replace("%hpmax%", getMaxHp());
			html.replace("%mp%", (int) getCurrentMp());
			html.replace("%mpmax%", getMaxMp());
			html.replace("%patk%", getPAtk(null));
			html.replace("%matk%", getMAtk(null, null));
			html.replace("%pdef%", getPDef(null));
			html.replace("%mdef%", getMDef(null, null));
			html.replace("%accu%", getAccuracy());
			html.replace("%evas%", getEvasionRate(null));
			html.replace("%crit%", getCriticalHit(null, null));
			html.replace("%rspd%", getRunSpeed());
			html.replace("%aspd%", getPAtkSpd());
			html.replace("%cspd%", getMAtkSpd());
			html.replace("%str%", getSTR());
			html.replace("%dex%", getDEX());
			html.replace("%con%", getCON());
			html.replace("%int%", getINT());
			html.replace("%wit%", getWIT());
			html.replace("%men%", getMEN());
			html.replace("%loc%", getX() + " " + getY() + " " + getZ());
			html.replace("%dist%", (int) Math.sqrt(player.getDistanceSq(this)));
			html.replace("%ele_fire%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 2));
			html.replace("%ele_water%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 3));
			html.replace("%ele_wind%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 1));
			html.replace("%ele_earth%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 4));
			html.replace("%ele_holy%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 5));
			html.replace("%ele_dark%", getDefenseElementValue((byte) 6));
			if (getSpawn() != null)
				html.replace("%spawn%", getSpawn().getLocx() + " " + getSpawn().getLocy() + " " + getSpawn().getLocz());
				html.replace("%loc2d%", (int) Math.sqrt(getPlanDistanceSq(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn().getLocy())));
				html.replace("%loc3d%", (int) Math.sqrt(getDistanceSq(getSpawn().getLocx(), getSpawn().getLocy(), getSpawn().getLocz())));
				html.replace("%resp%", getSpawn().getRespawnDelay() / 1000);
				html.replace("%rand_resp%", getSpawn().getRandomRespawnDelay());
				html.replace("%spawn%", "<font color=FF0000>null</font>");
				html.replace("%loc2d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%loc3d%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%resp%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
				html.replace("%rand_resp%", "<font color=FF0000>--</font>");
			if (hasAI())
				html.replace("%ai_intention%", "<font color=\"LEVEL\">Intention</font><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Intention:</font></td><td>" + getAI().getIntention().name() + "</td></tr>");
				html.replace("%ai%", "<tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">AI:</font></td><td>" + getAI().getClass().getSimpleName() + "</td></tr></table><br>");
				html.replace("%ai_intention%", "");
				html.replace("%ai%", "");
			html.replace("%ai_type%", getAiType().name());
			html.replace("%ai_clan%", (getClans() != null) ? "<tr><td width=100><font color=\"LEVEL\">Clan:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + Arrays.toString(getClans()) + " " + getClanRange() + "</td></tr>" + ((getIgnoredIds() != null) ? "<tr><td width=100><font color=\"LEVEL\">Ignored ids:</font></td><td align=right width=170>" + Arrays.toString(getIgnoredIds()) + "</td></tr>" : "") : "");
			html.replace("%ai_move%", String.valueOf(canMove()));
			html.replace("%ai_seed%", String.valueOf(isSeedable()));
			html.replace("%ai_ssinfo%", _currentSsCount + "[" + getSsCount() + "] - " + getSsRate() + "%");
			html.replace("%ai_spsinfo%", _currentSpsCount + "[" + getSpsCount() + "] - " + getSpsRate() + "%");
			html.replace("%butt%", ((this instanceof L2MerchantInstance) ? "<button value=\"Shop\" action=\"bypass -h admin_show_shop " + getNpcId() + "\" width=65 height=19 back=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.smallbutton2\">" : ""));

Below add:

			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
			html.replace("%class%", getClass().getSimpleName());
			html.replace("%id%", getTemplate().getNpcId());
			html.replace("%lvl%", getTemplate().getLevel());
			html.replace("%name%", getTemplate().getName());
			html.replace("%race%", getTemplate().getRace().toString());
			html.replace("%tmplid%", getTemplate().getIdTemplate());
			html.replace("%aggro%", getTemplate().getAggroRange());
			html.replace("%corpse%", StringUtil.getTimeStamp(getTemplate().getCorpseTime()));
			html.replace("%enchant%", getTemplate().getEnchantEffect());
			html.replace("%hp%", (int) getCurrentHp());
			html.replace("%hpmax%", getMaxHp());
			html.replace("%mp%", (int) getCurrentMp());
			html.replace("%mpmax%", getMaxMp());
			html.replace("%patk%", getPAtk(null));
			html.replace("%matk%", getMAtk(null, null));
			html.replace("%pdef%", getPDef(null));
			html.replace("%mdef%", getMDef(null, null));
			html.replace("%accu%", getAccuracy());
			html.replace("%evas%", getEvasionRate(null));
			html.replace("%crit%", getCriticalHit(null, null));
			html.replace("%rspd%", getWalkSpeed());
			html.replace("%aspd%", getPAtkSpd());
			html.replace("%cspd%", getMAtkSpd());

Now the Configs

	public static boolean ENABLE_SHIFT_CLICK_TO_NPCS;

	ENABLE_SHIFT_CLICK_TO_NPCS = npcs.getProperty("EnableShiftClickToNpcs", false);
# =============================================
# Shift + Click to NPC(s)
# =============================================
# Enable showing NPC(s) info by Shift + Click
# on NPC(s)?
# Default: False
EnableShiftClickToNpcs = True

The voicedcommand

Create new class called ShiftClickToNpc inside paste

 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import net.sf.l2j.commons.lang.StringUtil;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.template.NpcTemplate;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropCategory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropData;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;

 * @author Designatix
public class ShiftClickToNpc implements IVoicedCommandHandler

private static final int PAGE_LIMIT = 20;
	private static String[] _voicedCommands =
	public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
		final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " ");
		if (command.startsWith("show_droplist"))
				int npcId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
				int page = (st.hasMoreTokens()) ? Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()) : 1;
				showNpcDropList(activeChar, npcId, page);
			catch (Exception e)
				activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: .show_droplist <npc_id> [<page>]");
		return true;
		private static void showNpcDropList(L2PcInstance activeChar, int npcId, int page)
			final NpcTemplate npcData = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);
			if (npcData == null)
				activeChar.sendMessage("Npc template is unknown for id: " + npcId + ".");
			final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2000);
			StringUtil.append(sb, "<html><title>Show droplist page ", page, "</title><body><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">", npcData.getName(), " (", npcId, ")</font></center><br>");
			if (!npcData.getDropData().isEmpty())
				sb.append("Drop type legend: <font color=\"3BB9FF\">Drop</font> | <font color=\"00ff00\">Sweep</font><br><table><tr><td width=25>cat.</td><td width=45>item</td><td width=45>drop count</td></tr>");
				int myPage = 1;
				int i = 0;
				int shown = 0;
				boolean hasMore = false;
				for (DropCategory cat : npcData.getDropData())
					if (shown == PAGE_LIMIT)
						hasMore = true;
					for (DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops())
						if (myPage != page)
							if (i == PAGE_LIMIT)
								i = 0;
						if (shown == PAGE_LIMIT)
							hasMore = true;
						StringUtil.append(sb, "<tr><td><font color=\"", ((cat.isSweep()) ? "00FF00" : "3BB9FF"), "\">", cat.getCategoryType(), "</td><td>", ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()).getName(), " (", drop.getMinDrop(), ", ", drop.getMaxDrop(), ")</td></tr>");
				sb.append("</table><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=666666><tr>");
				if (page > 1)
					StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=120><a action=\"bypass -h voiced_show_droplist ", npcId, " ", page - 1, "\">Prev Page</a></td>");
					if (!hasMore)
						StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=100>Page ", page, "</td><td width=70></td></tr>");
				if (hasMore)
					if (page <= 1)
						sb.append("<td width=120></td>");
					StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=100>Page ", page, "</td><td width=70><a action=\"bypass -h voiced_show_droplist ", npcId, " ", page + 1, "\">Next Page</a></td></tr>");
				sb.append("This NPC has no drops.");
			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
		public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
			return _voicedCommands;

Import the voicedcommand on net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.VoicedCommandHandler.java

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.ShiftClickToNpc;

    		registerHandler(new ShiftClickToNpc());

And now go to your dp > data/html/mods and create new file called npcinfo.htm and inside paste

<html><title>NPC Info</title><body>
		<table width="100%">
			<td align=center>
				<button value="Show Droplist" action="bypass -h voiced_show_droplist %id%" width=134 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.BigButton3">

		<br><img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=260 height=1><br>
		<font color="LEVEL">General Informations</font>
		<table width="100%">
			<tr><td><font color="LEVEL">Name:</font></td><td>%name%</td></tr>
			<tr><td><font color="LEVEL">Level:</font></td><td>%lvl%</td></tr>
			<tr><td><font color="LEVEL">Type:</font></td><td>%class%</td></tr>
			<tr><td><font color="LEVEL">Race:</font></td><td>%race%</td></tr>

		<font color="LEVEL">Aggro Informations</font>
		<table width="100%">
			<tr><td width=100><font color="LEVEL">Aggro:</font></td><td align=right width=170>%aggro%</td></tr>
		<font color="LEVEL">Combat Informations</font>
		<table width="100%">
			<tr><td><font color="LEVEL">HP:</font></td><td><font color=FF4040>%hp%/%hpmax%</font></td><td><font color="LEVEL">MP:</font></td><td><font color=6161FF>%mp%/%mpmax%</font></td></tr>

		<br><img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=260 height=1><br>

Have Fun!

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The point of the voiced command is...? It's not shared because you only added else, so normal player can display it. Not worth to be shared like that.

Edited by SweeTs
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The point of the voiced command is...? It's not shared because you only added else, so normal player can display it. Not worth to be shared like that.

VoicedCommand handler is shared here mate: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196617-voiced-command-handler-online-acis/

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Thats not my question.. Whats the point of the command while.its shift click -.-

Edited by SweeTs
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Thats not my question.. Whats the point of the command while.its shift click -.-

the command is in order to see the drop list, i'm newbie on these things yet didn't know any other way of doing it, the onShift action is just to show the npc info, stats, etc, the command part is in order to see the drops and it's inside the html file

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use a RequestBypassToServer action on the onShiftClick action to L2Npc and add the command code on the RequestBypassToServer?

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It's useless because Shift + Click on the L2OFF servers have another action more and more useful.

Well, i just wanted players to have the opportunity to check the npc stats and drops and i did it so it's just fine for me ;p

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μιλησε και ο φοφας.

Τραβα φτιαξε κανα Banner Hater πουλλας και ειρωνια σκουπιδι δεν εχεις ιδεα τι εχεις ανεβασει...

Edited by madarismenos
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Τραβα φτιαξε κανα Banner Hater πουλλας και ειρωνια σκουπιδι δεν εχεις ιδεα τι εχεις ανεβασει...

Δεν το επαιξα ποτε pro developer για να μου πουλας μπαρουφες εμενα. Στην σπηλια σου!

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  • 2 weeks later...

poso xazos pezei na eisai gia na kaneis auto to post? ???

[GR]Επειδή έχουν δει πολλά τα μάτια μου εδώ μέσα εσύ λοιπόν είσαι ο τυχερός που θα τα ακούσει για ΟΛΟΥΣ το παιδί έκανε ένα code καλός η κακός όπως το έκανε και το έκανε share . Τώρα εσύ ποιος είσαι ? Τι έχεις κάνει share και για ποιο λόγο είσαι τόσο μαλάκας που μιλάς έτσι ? Αν μπορείς να το κάνεις καλύτερο του λες πως γίνετε ή το κάνεις share αν τώρα όμως είσαι και εσύ όπως κάποιους άλλους εδώ μέσα τύπου "εγώ μπορώ να το κάνω καλύτερο" ή "το είχα κάνει πριν 5 χρόνια και είναι καλύτερο αλλά δεν το κάνω share" τότε πάρε τα αρχίδια μου και εσύ και οι υπόλοιποι από εδώ μέσα απλά τα πράγματα ![/GR]



[GR]Ευχαριστούμε για τον χρόνο σου και το share που έκανες με εμάς φιλαράκι ! Συνέχισε έτσι και θα αποκτήσεις γνώσεις πριν καν το καταλάβεις ![/GR]

Edited by D3X
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[GR]Επειδή έχουν δει τα μάτια μου εδώ μέσα εσύ λοιπόν είσαι ο τυχερός που θα τα ακούσει για ΟΛΟΥΣ το παιδί έκανε ένα code καλός η κακός όπως το έκανε και το έκανε share . Τώρα εσύ ποιος είσαι ? Τι έχεις κάνει share και για ποιο λόγο είσαι τόσο μαλάκας που μιλάς έτσι ? Αν μπορείς να το κάνεις καλύτερο του λες πως γίνετε ή το κάνεις share αν τώρα όμως είσαι και εσύ όπως κάποιους άλλους εδώ μέσα τύπου "εγώ μπορώ να το κάνω καλύτερο" ή "το είχα κάνει πριν 5 χρόνια και είναι καλύτερο αλλά δεν το κάνω share" τότε πάρε τα αρχίδια μου και εσύ και οι υπόλοιποι από εδώ μέσα απλά τα πράγματα ![/GR]



[GR]Ευχαριστούμε για τον χρόνο σου και το share που έκανες με εμάς φιλαράκι ! Συνέχισε έτσι και θα αποκτήσεις γνώσεις πριν καν το καταλάβεις ![/GR]

Thanks mate for your feedback and your support!

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