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Hello fellow Lineage II player, I am sure by now you are tired of searching for servers, joining them and then feeling incomplete or some how as if you wasted your time. This is generally the case of many servers due to the age of Lineage II, and with age the novelty of playing wears off. However, Lineage II was never truly given a chance to develop into a lasting game. There are many servers that re-work/modify concepts of the game in order to provide new experiences however after time depending on how significant the modification those servers also lose their novelty. While there are many servers to play, the server that I personally enjoyed the most was L2Pride. However, while many aspects were done "right" in my opinion, there were many parts of the game that still needed to be developed/expanded. Additionally, given that much newer chronicles have come out since Gracia Final, this particular gaming style was long overdue for an update. And hence why I made Kemosa.


I'm sure by now you have a ton of questions, and possibly some of you are already thinking "Oh no, not another 'Pride-like'". Let me try to provide a brief overview and also help to remove those fears you have about "pride-like" servers. Before reading further please remember that this is only one developers (mine) interpretation of what Lineage II should be like, you may have your own opinions and feel free to post them, but refrain from posting non-constructive criticism.


Let me start by saying, Kemosa is a Lineage II private server that uses the Infinite Odyssey client, this does not mean that Kemosa is based on Infinite Odyssey game mechanics, nor does it mean that all Infinite Odyssey items/skills/etc are going to be used during the gameplay.


Quests - Quests are fun when they are extras and non-essential to the gameplay, and that's the goal on Kemosa, almost all quests have been removed except a few such as the hatchling/strider quest. Possibly in the future more quests and even custom quests will be implemented.


Skills - Character skills will resemble very closely the skills available on the High Five client, and more specifically classes have been edited so that their skills match very similarly to those you would find on L2Pride. However there have been some modifications. Skill effects are not retail based, and have also been edited. For example the removal of the charge/soul system that affects Duelist/SH/TRS/DB. There have been other changes as well however for a more in depth overview you will need to check out the features page.


Items - Items resemble most items that can be found on L2Hayze, however there are new items in every category from armors/weapons/jewels/accessories etc. As well as new stats on most items.


Olympiad - Olympiad is no longer a player vs player environment, in order to increase the participation in Olympiad, eliminate feeding in Olympiad and bring back the variability factor that is usually present on high population servers. Olympiad is now player vs computer. This is one of Kemosa's most innovate features, Olympiad matches are conducted in the exact same way we have all come to expect, however the opponent is not a human. More information on this can be found also on the features page.


Sieges -  Sieges remain similar to retail, with the only major change affecting siege/fort guards and mercenaries. Instead of having pretty much useless siege guards, they have been replaced with computer characters that will help defend your castle in a logical and player oriented way. This also means that if you attack a castle/fort owned by the computer, that you will have a much more difficult time trying to win.


Farming - Farming has been a controversial part of Lineage II for many reasons, some people like hard farming, others like easy farming, everyone likes to dualbox/bot/automate farming. Because of this making good farming zones is often hard, the true players who don't bot and aren't part of major clans have trouble farming unless there are solo zones. But with solo zones the botters exploit that exponentially. Kemosa's unique solution solves these problems by doing 2 things, making the mobs smarter, and giving the option to players to buy "computer players" who will assist them in farming.


Events - In order to increase the fun, players are given the choice of many events through the Nexus Event Engine. Originally developed by hNoke, however without him developing anymore for quite some time, I took it upon myself to clean up the Engine making it run smoother, add new events such as Castle/Fort siege, and update the mini Event Engine. Players can now play over 15 events with all new maps. Additionally, custom events such as "War Out Break" and the "Raffle System" provide new opportunities for clans and solo players. The war out break system randomly creates a massive server war between all clans every couple of days, the wars are isolated between clan levels so you don't have to worry about strong clans destroying newbie clans. The raffle system allows players to participate in a raffle draw for a variety of prizes that would typically be in the donation NPC, there is always 1 winner, and the event upgrades it's prizes based on how many players are participating. The more players, the better/higher the reward.


Raids - Another unique aspect of Kemosa is the raid system. Typically raids spawn in certain locations on the map, in the early days of Lineage perhaps few people actually knew where the raids were and so "search raids" and "raid hunting" was a fun and enjoyable aspect of the game. Now everyone either knows where the raids spawn, or simple places dual boxes near the raid spawn to check it periodically. Well not anymore. On Kemosa, the raids spawn in completely random locations all over the map. Each location is suitable for a raid so you won't have to worry about Baium spawning inside a small cave or etc. But raids will spawn in different locations, additionally if the raid has not been killed within a certain amount of time, the raid will move to another location.


Instances - There are some very nicely done instances that will challenge you as a single players, married couple, party, or clan. Each instance has it's own set of challenges and provides another extra activity to do outside of farming and raiding.


Enchanting - A new aspect of enchanting is that on Kemosa, the longer you are active and online (means doing something not afk in a town) the higher your enchant rate will be. This system adds a particular bonus per hour of being actively online. So you are never wasting your time playing on Kemosa.


Now please understand that this list of features is quite small and not very in depth. My goal was not to detail all features but to give an overview of what Kemosa is, and what you can expect. The best way to truly experience these features is to login. Kemosa is still currently under development however nearing the end of that phase, I expect by this weekend to have updated the feature page "Discover Kemosa" on the Kemosa website and also to open the server for anyone who wants to login and experience Kemosa. But given that Kemosa will be finished soon, I believe it's time to spread the word on what is coming soon.


I hope you all will enjoy it. Feel free to leave any specific questions below and I'll try and answer them as soon as possible.



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Kemosa will be debuting on October 15th. It is not complete, however it is very much ready to show off a few of it's current talents. In a way you could call it "Beta" however there will not be any need for individuals to report any issues at this time since I am well aware of what works and what doesn't. However anyone can feel free to post on the forums ideas/suggestions/reports but please remember this is an early stage debut and things are gauranteed to change possibly making previous forum posts obsolete. Kemosa can currently be downloaded with the AIO updater (game will not launch until the 15th of October) which you can find on the main website at Kemosa.net, or by simply clicking the large infinite odyssey banner at the top of this forum topic. I hope to see you there. Enjoy!

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Server is online. Accounts are auto-create. I am aware of the things that work and don't work. This is just to show some of the features. Enjoy. I will be online in a few hours to talk and chat and answer any questions.

-Run the updater and press full check to connect.

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Server is online. Accounts are auto-create. I am aware of the things that work and don't work. This is just to show some of the features. Enjoy. I will be online in a few hours to talk and chat and answer any questions.

-Run the updater and press full check to connect.

1st post: tldr

r u running IO? whats the exp rate? is this a pvp server? when is the GO? features from ur web redirects to forum...

Edited by kavvadi
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Kemosa is running Infinite Odyssey, the features on the main web page is being worked on and will be up as soon as possible. The official launch is towards the end of this month. The server is online now for people to explore and get accustomed. It will be updated every night with anything that has changed. 


-This is a PvP server.

-Exp/Sp rates are high.

-Drop rates are high.



It's quite easy to level to about 96-98 or so, then after that till 107 gets harder and harder.

Farming is also easy, but getting higher end items will be a pain not due to the farming requirement but the difficulty of the monsters.

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I tryed to make account in the server`s forum but I didnt received any confirmation emails for any of the accounts I tryed to create..

Would it be possible to create some random account in the forum`s databade and send it to me as a private message?

I am hoping that this server will succeed among the others who just copied all the pride`s features and remained with the same dumb mods that make the game feel like at some point u have nothing interesting to do! :)

I either dont know where I can download that client from so any help would be more than appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

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I tryed to make account in the server`s forum but I didnt received any confirmation emails for any of the accounts I tryed to create..

Would it be possible to create some random account in the forum`s databade and send it to me as a private message?

I am hoping that this server will succeed among the others who just copied all the pride`s features and remained with the same dumb mods that make the game feel like at some point u have nothing interesting to do! :)

I either dont know where I can download that client from so any help would be more than appreciated!

Thanks in advance!



You can send me a pm with your username that you used to register on forums and I'll see what I can do, also you can manually ask for the confirmation to be resent sometimes it takes some minutes, be sure to check your spam folder etc.




come join l2hayze l2kemosa



Your deductive reasoning skills are superb, given that I am the owner of the post regarding L2Hayze, it couldn't have taken you very long to realize that Kemosa and Hayze were developed by the same person and hence there will be similarities. If nothing else I appreciate the topic bump.

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