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2 Servers In 1 Ip



So I finished up my first server and I copy pasted "gameserver" file and renamed it gameserver2 to open a new server. Registered the second hexid to gameserver2. Now how do I actual open the second server cause I logged in and the first server is on and the server is down. And what do I have to do to the navicat to make changes to the second server without spoiling the tables of the first server.

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Em ok sorry for wrong section I would appriciate it if someone move it.


ok but will the login read the name of the second database cause I dont want to make new login configs . you know when I run the 1 server both of them will run.

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You have to make it gameserver 2 change ports from 7777

To 7778 examble make new hexid paste the folder into server file run login and 2 gameservers cs..

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Ok so far so good , I made second gameserver named it gameserver2 changed the 7777 to 7778 and logging in normally. but still I have 2 option for the same server at log in. I guess I have to make a new database as aressea said but how it will read from the new one as long the log in files are connected to l2jdb . and how can I make a new hexid for the new database as long it is registering to the old one, so I wont log in to the same server.

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I already did that with another hexid and it logs in to the same server. And as long I have the "l2jdb" name at log properties when I make new database it doesnt read from the other and I already put the hexid.


My problem is how to make the gameserver2 read and send  info from l2(newdatabase) and not from l2jdb(old one) as long I can only register a second hexid from login that has l2jdb paths.

Edited by sotid
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