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NCSoft keeps pushing its micropayment system NCCoin byintroducing new subscription plans for Korea:


Yellow: 7 days gametime - 9900 won

Green: 100 hours of play time for 30 days + 5 paid ingame contents - 29700 won

Blue: 300 hours of play time for 30 days + 3 paid ingame contents - 29700 won

Orange: 30 days gametime + 1 paid ingame content - 29700 won

Purple: 90 days gametime - 70400 won


Paid Contents are certain items and a few character services like:

Cat Hat, Skull Cap, mountable Horse, a new flying pet, 3 new supporting pets (Fighter, Healer, Supporter), ingame Spectator mode (prolly only gonne be used in asian inet-cafes), teleportation to special locations, colored character names, blessed resurrection.


Check the korean preview page if you wanna see the colored subscription packages or pictures of the paid content.


Besides these changes here are the known ingame details so fare:




Changes to the Instance Dungeons


Instant Dungeon 1 - Kamaloka

- Registration to enter the instance is once per day.

- Registration period resets daily at 6:30am server (not ingame) time.

- max players per party changed to 2-9 players.

- Instance duration changed to 60 minutes

- Compared to CT2.1 the level distribution got spread out: 24-34, 34-44, 44-54, 54-64, 64-74, 74-85


Instant Dungeon 2

- Quest type instant dungeon, only those who have finished a quest may enter by speaking to a NPC.

- Levels are: 36-42 (duration 60 mins), 61-67 (90 mins), 73-77 (90 mins)


Instant Dungeon 3

- Competitive dungeon, entry NPC is located on Fanatsy Island

- max players per instance is 25

- opens every 30mins and instance duration is 20 minutes

- 3 minutes before start, registered players are moved to the entrance area

- PVP and PVE is eneabled, goal is to gather up kill points by either

- no death penalties, also not loosing buffs

- teleport back to entrance area on death, chance to re-enter the instance

- winning players get Xp, SP and Fantasy Island Coins

- Fantasy Island Coins can be exchanged for items

- Levels are: 70-75, 76-79, 80+


Instant Dungeon 4

Changes to drop/reward table.


Changes to Quests

3 new 1-time quests added, starting levels are 36, 61 and 73.

Skill Changes

Players under the influence of any invincible skill, will not be able re-new the effect untill the current one is worn off.


Changes to the Pet System

- Some of the buffs higher level Improved Pets can give have been increased in level of effect.

- Players that are transformed can now also ride mountable pets (wyvern).

Changes to Items

- Any armor part enchanted to at least +4 will increase the players max HP.

- New Herb of Vitality drops from mobs, just like any other herb. Vitality Herbs are instantly used on pickup, adding 1 Vitality point and last for 5 minutes.

- Common materials weight has been reduced to 1/3.

- UI changes for enchanting items.

- Lots of fixes to bugs introduced in CT2.1 inlcuding S80 armor related stuff.


Vitality System

Players with a vitality level of 8 and below, vitality points will not go down during hunting.


Mini Game

Added a new mini game, wich can be played anywhere ingame by using the command /mini-games or using the icon in the action/skill tab.



Added a new NPC to Hunters Village.


Like with any korean PTS nothing is final and things might change untill CT2.2 hits the korean live servers


Vitality System

Players with a vitality level of 8 and below, vitality points will not go down during hunting.




This server around 3 months old, not much online(383 was the max in pvp and 217 in the loe rate)but laggfree quest and updates 90% working skills 100% workings register there and enjoy tje game.


Interesting server, I am also hear that in russia will Gracia server by NCsoft but free, but still dont know if it will free acessable from rest of countrys or only russia players.


(ofc you can use proxy, bla bla bla ...)


that is super cool!!!

I didnt know gracia had so many changes!

I like the haloween monsters!!!

Woohoo rock on NcSoft!!!

and nice sharing it with us MadUser ^^

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