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Sarcastic? Why, can you doubt me wrong?

rofl, you are actually the "MOST TALANTED" developerino with the most crappy server around. Whats so hard  building a server and keep it up for more than 7 months rofl? 

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rofl, you are actually the "MOST TALANTED" developerino with the most crappy server around. Whats so hard  building a server and keep it up for more than 7 months rofl? 


Can you guess?

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pls lemme know


I expected you to come with arguable arguments since you've went straight offensive against me. But despite the good impression I had of you, you're just a wannabe. 


**Spoiler Alert**


You will see in first hand how my crappy server and skills compete against yours in September when your Gracia will go head to head with my Classic and oh since you put it that way that also includes DDoS wars.



PS: As you probably noticed now, I'm also way smarter than you thought, its stupid to go against people that have the will and power to crash you if you bite them. GL

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predictions for 2016:

Kemosa dies in 1-2 weeks

L2crabbed starts with 150-200 players and dies within 1-2 months

l2aepvp starts with 300-400 players but somehow xdem fucks up and the majority leaves

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lel niggers ,you say iam the best and iam this and iam that,yet ur servers sucked balls(as it proved)i neither have the skills nor the knowledge to build a server,but if you are THAT good why dont u try to make a server like pride,which lasted for years,and ur here bitching to one and another,if u are so smart as u say(this goes for xdem) make a successfull server and everyone will stfu,yet u dont.So stop bitch fighting like fags and dont try to ruin the projects of other guys.

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lel niggers ,you say iam the best and iam this and iam that,yet ur servers sucked balls(as it proved)i neither have the skills nor the knowledge to build a server,but if you are THAT good why dont u try to make a server like pride,which lasted for years,and ur here bitching to one and another,if u are so smart as u say(this goes for xdem) make a successfull server and everyone will stfu,yet u dont.So stop bitch fighting like fags and dont try to ruin the projects of other guys.


Sucker, probably you are highly retarded cause you missed the fact that L2Pride was 10 years ago when L2 was one of the best MMOs, today L2 sucks bad time and the community is broken. Dav knows really well the problems of opening a 2K16 server so he won't even try. Now gtfo in peace you and you're wannabe servers

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PS: I don't need to ruin anyone, L2Wargate thought that L2AEPvP's opening was dedicated on ruining it, so he decided to lie and wipe and rename both the server and its admin and he succeeded on ruining a big part of the active L2AEPvP community. I decided not to wipe or reopen C6 or a H5 version of it in response in order to ruin him just to prove that L2AEPvP isn't the reason other servers fail, and I was right. Watch prelude sucking balls while having NO FUCKING competition right now.

Edited by xxdem
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dude while u were playin pride i was playing for like 7 years official untill it became goddess of destruction and kept going for a bit more,after i sold my acc i started playing this pack for fun,actually its idiotic and really noobish buts its fun,dont take it so seriously,you actually create a shitty lineage server,ffs dont pretend that you are someone.learn ur place dawg,ur a trash among the pile.for gods sake :D

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dude while u were playin pride i was playing for like 7 years official untill it became goddess of destruction and kept going for a bit more,after i sold my acc i started playing this pack for fun,actually its idiotic and really noobish buts its fun,dont take it so seriously,you actually create a shitty lineage server,ffs dont pretend that you are someone.learn ur place dawg,ur a trash among the pile.for gods sake :D

I have to agree with this ...

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  • 4 weeks later...

So what, you think you can be better than aepvp? Do you know that Im the best l2j dev here and old l2pride player? You're neither you don't stand a single chance

 yeah thats true you are skilled develeper but if you want a succes you need all the package for example if you are the best Wheels Creator in the world and you try to create a car it will be a Garbage car With awesome Wheels!!!


in other hand you talk to much and you dont really know the admin role!

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xdem u want to tell me that l2 is dead? Well so what we *the community of lineage* do now? Instead of playing just staying in the forum whole day and night spamming..?

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