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How To Delete A Territory?

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get a older version of l2 and copypaste the map files where hellbound should be. but you have to delete ur hellboundspawns and teleports too otherwise all minions will spawn under water ;)

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get a older version of l2 and copypaste the map files where hellbound should be. but you have to delete ur hellboundspawns and teleports too otherwise all minions will spawn under water ;)


Wont it throw a critical error or something?

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I've a simple question for you guys.

How do I delete Hellbound Island from High Five client?



why u need delete it?:D



just disable it

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ah okay you are right. lineage 2 creates its landscape depending on a heightmap texture. now you should have a blank ground without any meshes and other textures. to remove it look into your textures folder and search the XX_XX.utx that is named like your hellbound map. replace them with older ones aswell. ^^

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