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Myext64 - My New Opensource Gracia Final/epilogue Extender

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Just a question, this extender is the same used into your live server?  https://l2shrine.com/

And tks for your amazing work


Yes :)

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eressea i have problem showing  somes multisell (201 trade_for_newbie) , (212 pet_trade) and (221 pet_upgrade_trade).

l2server windows show "User [xxxxx] tried to list multisell xxx (not allowed)"

can you verify it?

thanks you

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eressea i have problem showing  somes multisell (201 trade_for_newbie) , (212 pet_trade) and (221 pet_upgrade_trade).

l2server windows show "User [xxxxx] tried to list multisell xxx (not allowed)"

can you verify it?

thanks you


Hi, I should make this optional...




It maintains list of multisells that are allowed and updates it when you talk with some NPC - it searches HTML for multisells in format action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-303&reply=..." so if your multisell is in different format, you can use this hack to allow it, let's say multisell ID is 1234, but AI handler reacts to ask==123 && reply == 456:


... action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=123&reply=456" altaction="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-303&reply=1234" ...

Edited by eressea
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Thank you for the info, i have fixed some htmls for examples.

Npcs with multiple multisell (Shadow Weapons) and npcs with single multisell (Pet Managers).



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  • 2 months later...

Hello !
I can suggest you something ? 
In the windows title of L2Server you add - Release - Patched by MyExt64 (
Would be hard to add the last submit ID there ? 
Like replacing RELEASED by "Build N. 123456789" ?
This would be neat to track last time we have updated our sources :)
Also I must really thank you !
That a wonderful things for Win 10 users! 
I can confirm that System "87" work fine on it. (system 87 fix issue about % on windows 10 :))

By the way quick question, can we do Auto announcement on your extender ?
Like when you connect, and / or at defined interval like 
"Event : Hunt the monsters to optain nectars and collect various userfull rewards."

Again thank you if I find any issue I will try to report it in good form :)


Actually found an issue with system 87
Some drop randomly vanish from the view, if you put mouse over it it does work you see name etc.

And this happen to random items not fault of an ukx etc

Picture :
as you can see my mouse was over Adena (Up left next to shining stars) (Adena 2,742) and that not issue of ukx as you can some adenas at right :)

Edited by Jojo_
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I don't have any centralized build numbers, only git commits - but I can't use them, because they would be 1 commit off. Maybe build date would be fine...


Auto announcement - useful feature, I'll think about it


Drop issue - that will be client related because there's no difference between these packets all over protocol 83, 87, 148 and 152... I use protocol 152 and don't have any issue with items on the ground.

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About drop Issue true it was an issue in my end sorry I did fresh install and it does work as intended.
Also maybe we can already but can we pull the currently numbers of players and max from the game server ?
If not do you think you could add such feature for a proper online status from a website outside the machine host ? ^^

By the way sorry if I annoy you with suggestions it just that really a great extender you are doing and I try to add my grain of salt eheh ~

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About drop Issue true it was an issue in my end sorry I did fresh install and it does work as intended.

Also maybe we can already but can we pull the currently numbers of players and max from the game server ?

If not do you think you could add such feature for a proper online status from a website outside the machine host ? ^^


By the way sorry if I annoy you with suggestions it just that really a great extender you are doing and I try to add my grain of salt eheh ~


You don't need server-side support for this, you can get online numbers from lin2db.dbo.user_count table

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fixed few security flaws https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/dc3c2a0bc250ed50d416df1d57a59447fda31ba1


If you're using MyExt64, update as soon as possible!

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My data Base


Fixed few security flaws https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/dc3c2a0bc250ed50d416df1d57a59447fda31ba1


If you're using MyExt64, update as soon as possible!

Are there any fixed databases?, Because mine are bad, they are like coming without sublimity package GF
I'm boring, is not it?

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Here on my pc is giving this error in cachedmyext64.exe




You need serial key for cached - search for CacheDSNGen.exe

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