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Is Possible To Align Text To Start From Left Inside A Button?

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Is possible to align text to start from left inside a button?

every button from lineage2 have the text in the middle

i want make it start from left side

anyone know? i have tryed everything i know and doesn't work

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aling where?


<button value="Dress me as assasin" action="bypass -h voice .dressme_black_assasin  width=273 height=22 back="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01_over" fore="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01">  
i want the text  "Dress me as assasin" 
to start from left and continue
the text stay all the time in the middle of the button
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Moving it to right side won't work. Since the text will be moved as well. The text is always centered. The only 'walk around' I know is, to cut the button width. For example, if original is 256, cut it to 150 or so, depending on your text length. But yeah.. Button is simply cut and it looks bad :D

Edited by SweeTs
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u can use tables. use the button images as table background and use a normal <a action for your links. you can change the font color to avoid the blue link color. then use "align" to align ur link that is lying infront of your button image. and voila.... a button with a text aligned to the left or to the right. you can also work with   to create empty spaces infront or your first letter of the first word :)


the only thing.....you wont have the button down effect on klicking... but still a good looking html ^^

Edited by snifi
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snifi if you think it will work

<button value="Dress me as assasin" action="bypass -h voice .dressme_black_assasin  width=273 height=22 back="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01_over" fore="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01">


fix me this button please :D

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<button value="Dress me as assasin   " action="bypass -h voice .dressme_black_assasin  width=273 height=22 back="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01_over" fore="button.HtmlWnd_BTN01">

maybe something like that? or in-game html has overflow hidden?

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not working, all need to do is to find a way that the text will not stay in center of button

i found a way but i have to add spaces to every button, and i have like 500 buttons to edit :))

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