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Remove From Droplist

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Hello. With this config you can manage what item to delete from droplist.

This patch is for aCis packs, as you know aCis have no droplist in sql so it is very hard to open each npc and remove item from it's drop.


So put item ids in this config and item will remove from droplist.


aCis 357 rev.



Edited by Gam3Master
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Naaaa, no like that. Move the check before category.addDropData(data, isRaid); and use continue; (skip), it's kinda stupid to add the drop, and delete it right after that :P

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hmmm you are right, I am so dumb....

you mean like this ?



category.addDropData(data, isRaid);
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if (Config.LIST_REMOVE_FROM_DROP.contains(data.getItemId()))
category.addDropData(data, isRaid);

If your config contains X id, skip it.

Edited by SweeTs
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